Ukraine's national debt exceeded 90% of GDP, - Forbes
As of the end of 2024, Ukraine's national debt reached about 7 trillion UAH. Thus, the ratio of national debt to GDP reached 92%.
This is the total national debt, which, in addition to Ukraine's direct debt, also includes debts guaranteed by the state.
For comparison, in 2023, the national debt amounted to 5.5 trillion UAH, or 84% of GDP.
The increase in national debt during 2023 was due to significant external and internal borrowings needed to finance the wartime budget.
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Держборг України перевищив 90% ВВП, – Forbes
Станом на кінець 2024 року державний борг України сягнув близько 7 трлн грн. Таким чином, відношення державного боргу до ВВП сягнуло 92%.
Це сукупний державний борг, що окрім прямої заборгованості України також включає борги, гарантовані державою.
Для порівняння, у 2023 році державний борг становив 5,5 трлн грн, або 84% ВВП.
Збільшення державного боргу впродовж 2023 року відбувалося через значні зовнішні та внутрішні запозичення, потрібні для фінансування бюджету воєнного часу.
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A dívida nacional da Ucrânia ultrapassou 90% do PIB, - Forbes
No final de 2024, a dívida pública da Ucrânia atingiu cerca de UAH 7 trilhões. Assim, a relação dívida pública/PIB atingiu 92%.
Esta é a dívida pública total, que, além da dívida direta da Ucrânia, também inclui dívidas garantidas pelo Estado.
Para efeito de comparação, em 2023, a dívida pública era de UAH 5,5 trilhões, ou 84% do PIB.
O aumento da dívida pública em 2023 deveu-se aos significativos empréstimos externos e internos necessários para financiar o orçamento de guerra.
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La deuda nacional de Ucrania supera el 90% del PIB, según Forbes
A finales de 2024, la deuda pública de Ucrania ascendía a unos 7 billones de UAH. Así, la ratio de deuda pública sobre PIB alcanzó el 92%.
Se trata de la deuda pública total, que, además de la deuda directa de Ucrania, incluye también las deudas garantizadas por el Estado.
A modo de comparación, en 2023 la deuda pública ascendió a 5,5 billones de UAH, o el 84% del PIB.
El aumento de la deuda pública durante 2023 se debió al importante endeudamiento externo e interno necesario para financiar el presupuesto de guerra.
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Госдолг Украины превысил 90% ВВП, – Forbes
По состоянию на конец 2024 года государственный долг Украины составил около 7 трлн грн. Таким образом, отношение государственного долга к ВВП достигло 92%.
Это совокупный государственный долг, кроме прямой задолженности Украины также включает долги, гарантированные государством.
Для сравнения, в 2023 году государственный долг составил 5,5 трлн. грн., или 84% ВВП.
Увеличение государственного долга в течение 2023 года происходило из-за значительных внешних и внутренних заимствований, необходимых для финансирования бюджета военного времени.
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यूक्रेन का राष्ट्रीय ऋण सकल घरेलू उत्पाद, फोर्ब्स के 90% से अधिक हो गया
2024 के अंत तक, यूक्रेन का राष्ट्रीय ऋण लगभग 7 ट्रिलियन UAH तक पहुंच गया। इस प्रकार, सार्वजनिक ऋण और सकल घरेलू उत्पाद का अनुपात 92% तक पहुँच गया।
यह कुल राज्य ऋण है, जिसमें यूक्रेन के प्रत्यक्ष ऋण के अलावा, राज्य द्वारा गारंटीकृत ऋण भी शामिल हैं।
तुलना के लिए, 2023 में, राज्य का कर्ज़ 5.5 ट्रिलियन UAH या सकल घरेलू उत्पाद का 84% था।
2023 के दौरान सार्वजनिक ऋण में वृद्धि युद्धकालीन बजट के वित्तपोषण के लिए आवश्यक महत्वपूर्ण विदेशी और घरेलू उधार के कारण हुई थी।
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La dette nationale de l'Ukraine a dépassé 90 % du PIB, selon Forbes
Fin 2024, la dette publique de l’Ukraine atteignait environ 7 000 milliards d’UAH. Ainsi, le ratio de la dette publique par rapport au PIB a atteint 92%.
Il s’agit de la dette publique totale qui, outre la dette directe de l’Ukraine, comprend également les dettes garanties par l’État.
À titre de comparaison, en 2023, la dette publique s’élevait à 5 500 milliards d’UAH, soit 84 % du PIB.
L’augmentation de la dette publique en 2023 est due aux importants emprunts externes et internes nécessaires pour financer le budget de guerre.
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الدين القومي لأوكرانيا يتجاوز 90% من الناتج المحلي الإجمالي - فوربس
بحلول نهاية عام 2024، وصل الدين العام لأوكرانيا إلى حوالي 7 تريليون هريفنيا. وبذلك وصلت نسبة الدين العام إلى الناتج المحلي الإجمالي إلى 92%.
وهذا هو إجمالي الدين العام، والذي يشمل، بالإضافة إلى الديون المباشرة لأوكرانيا، الديون التي تضمنها الدولة.
وللمقارنة، بلغ الدين العام في عام 2023 نحو 5.5 تريليون هريفنيا، أي ما يعادل 84% من الناتج المحلي الإجمالي.
وجاء ارتفاع الدين العام خلال عام 2023 بسبب الاقتراض الخارجي والداخلي الكبير المطلوب لتمويل ميزانية زمن الحرب.
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Laut Forbes übersteigt die Staatsverschuldung der Ukraine 90 % des BIP
Ende 2024 erreichte die Staatsverschuldung der Ukraine etwa 7 Billionen UAH. Damit erreichte das Verhältnis der Staatsverschuldung zum BIP 92 %.
Hierbei handelt es sich um die gesamte Staatsverschuldung, zu der neben den direkten Schulden der Ukraine auch staatlich garantierte Schulden gehören.
Zum Vergleich: Im Jahr 2023 beliefen sich die Staatsschulden auf 5,5 Billionen UAH oder 84 % des BIP.
Der Anstieg der Staatsverschuldung im Jahr 2023 war auf die erhebliche ausländische und inländische Kreditaufnahme zurückzuführen, die zur Finanzierung des Kriegshaushalts erforderlich war.
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Il debito nazionale dell'Ucraina ha superato il 90% del PIL, - Forbes
Alla fine del 2024, il debito pubblico dell'Ucraina ha raggiunto circa 7 trilioni di UAH. Il rapporto tra debito pubblico e PIL ha raggiunto così il 92%.
Si tratta del debito pubblico totale, che, oltre al debito diretto dell'Ucraina, comprende anche i debiti garantiti dallo Stato.
A titolo di confronto, nel 2023 il debito pubblico ammontava a 5,5 trilioni di UAH, pari all'84% del PIL.
L'aumento del debito pubblico nel corso del 2023 è dovuto agli ingenti prestiti esterni e interni necessari per finanziare il bilancio di guerra.
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De staatsschuld van Oekraïne is meer dan 90% van het BBP, - Forbes
Eind 2024 bedroeg de staatsschuld van Oekraïne ongeveer 7 biljoen Oekraïense hryvnia. De verhouding van de staatsschuld tot het BBP bedroeg daardoor 92%.
Dit is de totale staatsschuld, die naast de directe schuld van Oekraïne ook de schulden omvat die door de staat zijn gegarandeerd.
Ter vergelijking: in 2023 bedroeg de staatsschuld 5,5 biljoen Oekraïense hryvnia, ofwel 84% van het BBP.
De stijging van de staatsschuld in 2023 was het gevolg van de aanzienlijke externe en interne leningen die nodig waren om de oorlogsbegroting te financieren.
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Το εθνικό χρέος της Ουκρανίας ξεπέρασε το 90% του ΑΕΠ, σύμφωνα με το Forbes
Στα τέλη του 2024, το εθνικό χρέος της Ουκρανίας έφτασε τα 7 τρισεκατομμύρια UAH. Έτσι, ο λόγος του δημόσιου χρέους προς το ΑΕΠ έφτασε στο 92%.
Πρόκειται για το συνολικό δημόσιο χρέος, το οποίο, εκτός από το άμεσο χρέος της Ουκρανίας, περιλαμβάνει και χρέη με εγγύηση του κράτους.
Για σύγκριση, το 2023, το κρατικό χρέος ανερχόταν σε 5,5 τρισεκατομμύρια UAH, ή 84% του ΑΕΠ.
Η αύξηση του δημόσιου χρέους το 2023 οφειλόταν στον σημαντικό εξωτερικό και εγχώριο δανεισμό που χρειαζόταν για τη χρηματοδότηση του προϋπολογισμού εν καιρώ πολέμου.
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1/25/2025, 9:27:15 AM
Over the past 24 hours, 211 clashes were recorded on the front
▪️In the Kharkiv direction, the enemy tried to break through the defensive lines of our defenders 2 times near Vovchansk.
▪️In the Kupyansk direction, yesterday, 14 attacks by the invaders took place near Pishchany, Dvorichny, Hlushkivka, Novaya Kruglyakivka, Zeleny Gay and Zagryzove.
▪️In the Lymansk direction, the enemy attacked 16 times near the settlements of Novoyehorivka, Novolubivka, Kopanky, Zelena Dolyna and Torske.
▪️In the Kramatorsk direction, the invaders attacked 43 times in the areas of Chasovy Yar, Orikhovo-Vasylivka, Stupochok, Vasyukivka, Novomarkovo and Bila Hora.
▪️In the Toretsk direction, the enemy carried out 20 attacks in the areas of Toretsk, Krymske, Diliivka, Leonidivka and Shcherbynivka.
▪️In the Pokrovsky direction, our defenders stopped 88 assault actions of the aggressor towards the settlements of Vodyane Druge, Baranivka, Myrolyubivka, Myrnograd, Shevchenko, Yelizavetivka, Promin, Lysivka, Zelene, Pokrovsk, Novoukrainka, Udachne, Kotlyne, Novoelizavetivka, Uspenivka, Sribne, Andriivka, Dachne, Ulakly and Yantarne.
▪️In the Novopavlivka direction, the enemy carried out 3 attacks in the direction of Konstantinopol during the past day.
▪️In the Orikhivka direction, the occupation troops stormed the positions of the Defense Forces in the areas of Malaya Tokmachka and Novodanylivka 4 times.
▪️In the Prydniprovskie direction, the Defense Forces successfully repelled 3 offensive actions of the enemy.
▪️In the Kursk region, Ukrainian defenders repelled 14 assault actions of the invaders.
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1/25/2025, 9:33:13 AM
US Senate confirms Pete Hegseth as Secretary of Defense
Military veteran and former Fox News anchor Hegseth has vowed to bring his "warrior" spirit to the Pentagon.
Speaking about the war in Ukraine, Hegseth assured that the US wants maximum benefit for the Ukrainians, "but the conflict must be ended."
Reference: Hegseth was an infantryman in combat operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. He worked as a Fox News anchor for 8 years. He was also an unofficial advisor to Trump. This is the third Trump nominee to be confirmed for the position. In the first weeks of the full-scale invasion, he called Putin a war criminal and called for increased aid to Ukraine.
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1/25/2025, 9:49:04 AM
Ukraine under shelling - situation in the regions over the past 24 hours
📍Kyiv region
In the city of Vyshneve, the balconies of a residential building from the 5th to the 9th floors were destroyed. No casualties were reported. Also, as a result of the attack, a production building in the Fastiv district caught fire.
📍Cherkash region
At night, the enemy attacked the region with drones. Critical infrastructure was under the sights. Some subscribers were de-energized, in particular, in the regional center. The blast wave, in particular, damaged the residential infrastructure in the regional center: a high-rise building and several private houses. According to preliminary data, half a hundred windows were knocked out.
📍Khmelnytsky region
As a result of the night attack, the premises of a workshop of one of the enterprises were damaged and the windows of a residential building were broken out. No casualties.
📍Mykolaiv region
Yesterday, January 24, at 15:15 and 16:09, the enemy struck the Kutsurubska community with FPV drones. There were no casualties.
At night, January 25, at 01:59, the waters of the Ochakivska community were under mortar fire. There were no casualties.
📍Dnipropetrovsk region
In the evening and at night, the Russian army struck the Nikopol region. The enemy shelled Nikopol, Myrivska and Chervonogryhorivska communities with heavy artillery. It fired almost a dozen and a half shells. Infrastructure and power lines were damaged. In Nikopol, two people were injured, several high-rise buildings, a private house, and a car were damaged.
📍Kherson region
During the day, the Russian military struck critical infrastructure; residential areas of the region's settlements, in particular, they damaged 9 private houses. The occupiers also damaged a cell tower, a garage, and private cars. 5 people were injured due to Russian aggression.
During the day, the occupiers launched 191 strikes on 13 settlements in the region. 110 reports of damage to residential buildings, infrastructure, and cars were received. No civilians were injured.
📍Kharkiv region
In the village of Sheludkivka, 4 private houses were damaged due to falling debris from a downed Shahed UAV. In the village of Ternova, a greenhouse was damaged due to falling debris from a Shahed UAV.
📍Sum region
At night, the enemy launched KAB-type aerial bombs into the territory of the Khotyn community. 4 explosions were recorded.
📍Donetsk region
On January 24, the Russians wounded 1 resident of the Donetsk region - in Pokrovsk.
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1/25/2025, 11:14:14 AM
In the Kyiv region, it became known about the injury of a 5-year-old child due to a Russian attack
She was hospitalized without life-threatening injuries, the National Police reported.
1/25/2025, 12:19:01 PM
occupiers hit Kharkiv with drones
The head of the MVA writes that in some areas of the city there may be problems with electricity and water supply. The correspondent of Suspilny reports that the UAV hit the administrative building.
A strike, previously carried out by a Molniya drone, was also recorded in the Shevchenkivskyi district. It is known about injured people and damaged cars. There is a fire at the place of arrival, - the mayor of the city, Ihor Terekhov.