As of 21:20, 63 victims are known in Zaporizhia
Some of them were provided with assistance on the spot, some citizens independently turned to medical institutions for help. The number of dead is 13 people.
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Станом на 21:20 відомо про 63 потерпілих у Запоріжжі
Частині з них надано допомогу на місці, деякі громадяни самостійно звернулись до медзакладів за допомогою. Кількість загиблих - 13 чоловік.
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Às 21h20, havia 63 vítimas em Zaporizhzhia
Alguns deles receberam ajuda no local, alguns cidadãos recorreram a instituições médicas para obter ajuda por conta própria. O número de mortos - 13 pessoas.
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A las 21:20 hay 63 víctimas en Zaporizhzhia
Algunos de ellos recibieron ayuda en el lugar, algunos ciudadanos acudieron por su cuenta a instituciones médicas en busca de ayuda. El número de muertos - 13 personas.
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По состоянию на 21:20, известно о 63 пострадавших в Запорожье.
Части из них оказана помощь на месте, некоторые граждане самостоятельно обратились в медучреждения за помощью. Количество погибших – 13 человек.
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21:20 तक ज़ापोरिज़िया में 63 पीड़ितों की जानकारी है
उनमें से कुछ को मौके पर ही सहायता प्रदान की गई, जबकि कुछ नागरिकों ने स्वतंत्र रूप से चिकित्सा सुविधाओं से मदद मांगी। मृतकों की संख्या 13 है।
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À 21h20, il y a eu 63 victimes à Zaporizhzhia
Certains d'entre eux ont reçu une aide sur place, certains citoyens se sont tournés eux-mêmes vers les institutions médicales. Le nombre de morts - 13 personnes.
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اعتبارًا من الساعة 21:20، هناك 63 ضحية في زابوريزهيا
تم تقديم المساعدة لبعضهم على الفور، ولجأ بعض المواطنين إلى المؤسسات الطبية للحصول على المساعدة بأنفسهم. عدد القتلى - 13 شخصا.
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Mit Stand von 21:20 Uhr gab es in Saporischschja 63 Opfer
Einigen von ihnen wurde vor Ort geholfen, einige Bürger wandten sich auf eigene Faust an medizinische Einrichtungen, um Hilfe zu erhalten. Die Zahl der Toten beträgt 13 Personen.
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Alle 21:20 si contano 63 vittime a Zaporizhzhia
Ad alcuni di loro è stato dato aiuto sul posto, altri cittadini si sono rivolti autonomamente alle istituzioni mediche per chiedere aiuto. Il numero dei morti: 13 persone.
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Om 21:20 zijn er 63 slachtoffers bekend in Zaporizhia
Sommigen kregen ter plekke hulp, terwijl anderen zelfstandig medische hulp zochten. Het aantal doden bedraagt 13 personen.
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Μέχρι τις 21:20, υπάρχουν 63 θύματα στη Ζαπορίζια
Σε κάποιους από αυτούς δόθηκε βοήθεια επί τόπου, κάποιοι πολίτες απευθύνθηκαν μόνοι τους σε ιατρικά ιδρύματα για βοήθεια. Ο αριθμός των νεκρών - 13 άτομα.
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1/30/2025, 10:41:11 AM
The Association of Ukrainian Cities will appeal to Zelensky over fines for mayors for failure to fulfill the mobilization plan
They stated that holding heads or other officials of territorial communities accountable for the duties of state authorities “does not correspond to the Constitution of Ukraine or logic.”
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1/30/2025, 11:18:17 AM
Russian army shelled Kramatorsk
At least 5 people were injured, including two children: an 8-year-old boy and a 7-year-old girl, - said the head of the Donetsk OVA Filashkin. Civilian infrastructure was damaged.
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1/30/2025, 11:45:13 AM
Massive Russian shelling of Kherson and its suburbs is possible in the next few hours!
Please take care of your own safety and the safety of your loved ones!
Refrain from going outside, stay away from coastal areas and do not approach windows, - Kherson Regional State Administration.
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1/30/2025, 1:26:15 PM
"A fictional state" - these are the words that pro-Russian presidential candidate of Romania Calin Georgescu called Ukraine
In an interview with Romania TV, he stated that he would advocate the return of territories to Romania that are part of Ukraine if he becomes president.
"So, we have Northern Bukovina, we have Budzhak, we have Northern Marmaros from the former Transcarpathia, what is left of the Hungarians, Lviv, which will remain with the Poles, and Little Russia."
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has already reacted to this statement:
"We consider categorically unacceptable and condemn revisionist statements or actions that encroach on the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, contradict international norms, the UN Charter, as well as basic democratic values," the Foreign Ministry said.
The department noted that against the background of such statements, Georgescu's attempts to position himself as an "independent" politician look absurd. After all, the theses he voiced are completely identical to the theses of Russian propaganda, which indicates complete dependence on Moscow.
Calin Georgescu took first place in the first round of the Romanian presidential election, but the result was canceled by the Constitutional Court, revealing the fact of Moscow's interference in the elections. Parliament adopted a resolution on the re-holding of the first round on May 4.
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1/30/2025, 1:40:09 PM
High-speed target in Sumy region in the southwest direction, - PS
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