

Real time military news

Published date: 12/31/2024, 8:07:10 AM
12/31/2024, 8:07:10 AM
In Kyiv, debris was recorded falling in the Darnytskyi district as a result of the morning missile strike on Kyiv 3 private buildings and 2 cars were damaged. No injuries were reported, said the head of the KMVAS, Serhiy Popko. ✅ We are on WhatsApp | Viber | Telegramц
У Києві внаслідок ранкового ракетного удару по Києву зафіксовано падіння уламків у Дарницькому р-ні Були пошкоджені 3 приватні будівлі та 2 автомобіля. Постраждалих не виявлено, повідомив голова КМВАСергій Попко. ✅ Ми у WhatsApp | Viber | Telegramц
在基辅,由于早上对基辅的火箭袭击,达尔尼察地区记录到掉落的碎片 3 栋私人建筑和 2 辆汽车受损。 KMVASergiy Popko 负责人表示,尚未发现人员伤亡。 ✅ 我们使用 WhatsApp |维伯 |电报
Em Kiev, como resultado do ataque matinal com foguetes a Kiev, foram registradas destroços caindo no distrito de Darnytsia 3 edifícios privados e 2 carros foram danificados. Nenhuma vítima foi encontrada, disse o chefe do KMVASergiy Popko. ✅ Estamos no WhatsApp | Viber | Telegrama
En Kiev, se registró la caída de escombros en el distrito de Darnytsia como resultado del ataque matutino con misiles contra Kiev 3 edificios privados y 2 automóviles resultaron dañados. No se registraron víctimas, dijo Sergey Popko, jefe del KMAAS. ✅Estamos en WhatsApp | Viber | Telegrama
В Киеве в результате утреннего ракетного удара по Киеву зафиксировано падение обломков в Дарницком р-не Были повреждены 3 частных здания и 2 автомобиля. Пострадавшие не обнаружены, сообщил председатель КМВА Сергей Попко. ✅ Мы в WhatsApp | Вибер | Telegramц
कीव में, कीव पर सुबह रॉकेट हमले के परिणामस्वरूप, डार्नित्सिया जिले में मलबा गिरता हुआ दर्ज किया गया 3 निजी इमारतें और 2 कारें क्षतिग्रस्त हो गईं। KMVASergiy Popko के प्रमुख ने कहा, कोई हताहत नहीं हुआ है। ✅ हम व्हाट्सएप पर हैं | वाइबर | टेलीग्राम
À Kiev, à la suite de l'attaque à la roquette du matin sur Kiev, des chutes de débris ont été enregistrées dans le district de Darnytsia 3 bâtiments privés et 2 voitures ont été endommagés. Aucune victime n'a été constatée, a déclaré le chef du KMVASergiy Popko. ✅ Nous sommes sur WhatsApp | Viber | Télégramme
وفي كييف، نتيجة للهجوم الصاروخي الصباحي على كييف، تم تسجيل تساقط الحطام في منطقة دارنيتسيا تضررت 3 مباني خاصة وسيارتين. وقال رئيس KMVASergiy Popko إنه لم يتم العثور على ضحايا. ✅متواجدون على الواتساب | فايبر | برقية
In Kiew wurden infolge des morgendlichen Raketenangriffs auf Kiew fallende Trümmer im Bezirk Darnytsia registriert 3 Privatgebäude und 2 Autos wurden beschädigt. Es seien keine Verletzten gefunden worden, sagte der Leiter der KMVASergiy Popko. ✅ Wir sind auf WhatsApp | Viber | Telegramm
A Kiev, sono stati registrati detriti che cadevano nel distretto di Darnytsia a seguito dell'attacco missilistico mattutino su Kiev Sono stati danneggiati 3 edifici privati ​​e 2 auto. Non si sono registrate vittime, ha affermato Sergey Popko, capo del KMAAS. ✅ Siamo su WhatsApp | Italiano: Telegramma
キエフでは、朝のキエフへのロケット攻撃の結果、ダルニツャ地区で落下する破片が記録された 民間建物3棟と車2台が被害を受けた。 KMVASergiy Popkoの責任者は、死傷者は見つかっていない、と述べた。 ✅ 私たちはWhatsAppを利用しています |バイバー |電報
In Kiev werd puin geregistreerd in het district Darnytsia als gevolg van de ochtendlijke raketaanval op Kiev 3 privégebouwen en 2 auto's raakten beschadigd. Er zijn geen slachtoffers gemeld, aldus Sergey Popko, hoofd van de KMAAS. ✅ Wij zijn op WhatsApp | Viber-account | Telegram
Στο Κίεβο, ως αποτέλεσμα της πρωινής επίθεσης με ρουκέτες στο Κίεβο, καταγράφηκαν συντρίμμια στην περιοχή Darnytsia Ζημιές υπέστησαν 3 ιδιωτικά κτίρια και 2 αυτοκίνητα. Δεν έχουν βρεθεί θύματα, δήλωσε ο επικεφαλής της KMVASergiy Popko. ✅ Είμαστε στο WhatsApp | Viber | Τηλεγράφημα

2/7/2025, 9:04:06 AM
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Khmelnitsky exposed a Russian agent who was preparing a terrorist attack near the units of defense forces The person involved, 32-year-old drug-addicted from the regional center was to lay a homemade explosive with a remote activation mechanism through a phone near the Armed Forces base in the city. The enemy's priority was the reserve command points and places of permanent deployment of units of the Armed Forces and the National Guard of Ukraine. The coordinates for the bookmarking of the SVP man coordinated with the curator with the Russian Federation. The attacker was detained when he conducted an intelligence near a military object where the invaders planned a terrorist attack. Anonymous chat was discovered on his phone, where he communicated with the Russian special service. He is threatened with a lifelong confiscation of property - the SBU.
2/7/2025, 9:31:50 AM
Ukraine under fire is the situation in the regions per day 📍 Kharkiv region About 10:40 the invaders hit Kupyansk: a 48-year-old woman was injured. The enemy also hit the ambulance that was heading for the call. The car is damaged. In the village. Prystin due to the enemy RSZV-weed, 7 houses were damaged. Even in the day, the Russians raised houses and food establishments. 📍Sum At night and in the morning, the Russians carried out 22 shelling (26 explosions). The enemy was kicked, FPV-Drones, mortars and dropped UAV explosives. 4 private homes were beaten, an apartment building was destroyed. The Russians killed 2 people. 📍Herson region Due to Russian aggression, 1 person was killed, another 5 - they were injured. The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation damaged 2 high -rises and 6 private homes. 📍 Dnipropetrovsk region In the evening, the enemy beat in Nikopol region from heavy artillery and drone-Kamikadze. Infrastructure is damaged. 📍 Kyiv region As a result of an enemy attack, a garage caught fire in the Brovarsky district. The fire is liquidated. The household is also damaged. Khmelnytskyi The drone attack of the Russian army damaged overlaps, windows in 2 private homes and a metal fence. Zaporizhzhia During the day, the invaders made 339 beats on 14 settlements. There were 14 reports of damage to apartments, private homes and cars. Donetsk During the day, the enemy damaged the administrative building, 15 houses and industrial zone. 📍 Mykolaivshchyna Yesterday the enemy attacked the drone of the Kutsurub community, triggering the hospital in the village. Salt.
2/7/2025, 10:50:35 AM
37 Verkhovna Rada deputies went on a business trip to the United States for restarting relations - the speaker of the Verkhovna Rada They went to a prayer breakfast: "Ukraine is now a difficult task - it is to restart relations with a strategic partner, the United States. And we do it at all levels," - so Ruslan Stefanchuk commented on yesterday's statement of the President of Ukraine about "permanent" business trip: "About half of the Parliament of Ukraine is at this breakfast, not in Kherson, not in Kharkiv region, not in Zaporozhye, not in Sumy. I am very pleased with the work of Parliament, but unfortunately the parliament is not working every day," Zelensky said. Stefanchuk added that the deputies went there at their own expense to "bring new connections and a new vision to Ukraine."
2/7/2025, 11:21:05 AM
The Ukrainian Army knocked down the Russian Kab Above Zaporozhye However, this is not the first time of the beating of an aviation bomb, said the Head of Communications Department of the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces Yuriy Ignat in a public comment. He did not tell how it was knocked down.
2/7/2025, 12:01:57 PM
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Bill 07.02-14.02.2025 7.02 • Standap (Alla Volkova and Felix Radish) 19:30, Lviv, ave. Red Kalina, 81 8.02 • Adam concert 19:00, ICCM "October Palace", Kyiv 9.02 • Underground stand (Baidak, Staniuk, Stepanisko, Kachura) 19:00, Underground Standup Club, Kyiv, vul. Zolotovoretskaya, 15 10.02 • Zhadan and dogs. Charter of Tour 18:00, Loft Stage, Kharkiv, vul. Sumy, 25 11.02 ? 19:00, KPI Palace, Kyiv, Ave. Victory 37 12.02 • Vagina's Monologists' performance 19.00, Lviv, vul. Hnatyuk, 11 13.02 • MONATIK 19:00, Muscomedy Theater, Odesa, vul. Panteleimon, 3 14.02 • Standap and jazz on lovers day 19:30, house on Trinity, Dnipro • The performance "What are men silent, or the savage Forever" 19:30, Personality Theater, Kyiv