

Real time military news

Published date: 12/25/2024, 1:26:23 PM
12/25/2024, 1:26:23 PM
An unexploded Russian Kh-59 missile was discovered in Kharkiv The projectile fell on the territory of a private yard. Currently, explosives technicians are working on its disposal, - OVA.
У Харкові виявили нерозірвану російську ракету Х-59 Снаряд впав на територію приватного подвір'я. Наразі вибухотехніки працюють над її знешкодженням, - ОВА.
哈尔科夫发现一枚未爆炸的俄罗斯 Kh-59 导弹 弹丸落在一个私人庭院的领土上。目前,炸药技术人员正在对其进行处置——OVA。
Um míssil russo Kh-59 não detonado foi descoberto em Kharkiv O projétil caiu no território de um pátio particular. Atualmente, técnicos em explosivos estão trabalhando no seu descarte, - OVA.
Un misil ruso Kh-59 sin detonar fue descubierto en Járkov El proyectil cayó en el territorio de un patio privado. Actualmente, los técnicos en explosivos están trabajando en su eliminación, - OVA.
В Харькове обнаружили неразорванную российскую ракету Х-59 Снаряд упал на территорию частного подворья.
खार्किव में एक बिना विस्फोट वाली रूसी Kh-59 मिसाइल की खोज की गई प्रक्षेप्य एक निजी प्रांगण के क्षेत्र में गिरा। वर्तमान में, विस्फोटक तकनीशियन इसके निपटान पर काम कर रहे हैं, - ओवीए।
Un missile russe Kh-59 non explosé a été découvert à Kharkiv Le projectile est tombé sur le territoire d'une cour privée. Actuellement, les techniciens en explosifs travaillent à son élimination, - OVA.
العثور على صاروخ روسي غير منفجر من طراز Kh-59 في خاركوف سقطت القذيفة على أراضي ساحة خاصة. ويعمل خبراء المتفجرات حالياً على إزالة التلوث منه، - OVA.
In Charkiw wurde eine nicht explodierte russische Kh-59-Rakete entdeckt Das Projektil fiel auf das Gelände eines Privathofs. Derzeit arbeiten Sprengstofftechniker an seiner Beseitigung, - OVA.
Un missile russo Kh-59 inesploso è stato scoperto a Kharkiv Il proiettile è caduto sul territorio di un cortile privato. Attualmente i tecnici degli esplosivi stanno lavorando al suo smaltimento, - OVA.
ロシアの不発弾Kh-59ミサイルがハリコフで発見された 発射体は私有地に落ちた。現在、爆発物技術者がその処理に取り組んでいます - OVA。
In Charkov werd een niet-geëxplodeerde Russische Kh-59-raket ontdekt Het projectiel viel op het grondgebied van een particuliere tuin. Momenteel werken explosieventechnici aan de verwijdering ervan. - OVA.
Ένας ρωσικός πύραυλος Kh-59 που δεν είχε εκραγεί ανακαλύφθηκε στο Χάρκοβο Το βλήμα έπεσε σε έδαφος ιδιωτικής αυλής. Επί του παρόντος, τεχνικοί εκρηκτικών εργάζονται για την απόρριψή του, - OVA.

1/5/2025, 1:47:42 PM
It became known about 5 more victims of the racist attacks in Kherson today These are 3 men and 2 women. The victims mostly have shrapnel wounds to body parts, contusions and mine-explosive injuries. Damage to an apartment building and civilian cars was recorded. Medics are providing them with all necessary assistance, - OVA.
1/5/2025, 3:05:41 PM
Russian troops continue to terrorize civilians in Kherson region The occupiers once again dropped an explosive device from a drone on a resident of Antonivka. The 58-year-old man was diagnosed with a mine-explosive injury and shrapnel wounds to his legs. The victim was hospitalized for medical assistance. ✅ We are on WhatsApp | Viber | Telegram
1/5/2025, 2:23:38 PM
Threat of use of ballistic weapons in areas where air alert has been declared - Ukrainian Armed Forces ✅ We are on WhatsApp | Viber | Telegram
1/5/2025, 3:15:19 PM
Image 2025-01-05T15:15:19
1/5/2025, 3:18:34 PM
Russians attacked Kharkiv with drones Around 14:45, a Molniya UAV was spotted flying over an open area at the intersection of Saltivskyi and Kyivskyi districts. A private house was damaged as a result of the flyover. Around 16:00, another Molniya UAV was spotted flying over Kholodnohirskyi district. The hit was found on the roof of an administrative building of one of the enterprises. No information was received about the injured. ✅ We are on WhatsApp | Viber | Telegram