Published date: 3/11/2025, 3:32:13 PM
📝 Follow -up Safa Lazarini: stopping UNRWA's support will deepen the suffering and rights of the Palestinians
📝 Siga -Up Safa Lazarini: Parando o apoio da UNRWA aprofundará o sofrimento e os direitos dos palestinos
📝 Seguimiento -Up Safa LAZARINI: Detener el apoyo de UNRWA profundizará el sufrimiento y los derechos de los palestinos
📝 फॉलो -अप सफा Lazarini: UNRWA के समर्थन को रोकना फिलिस्तीनियों की पीड़ा और अधिकारों को गहरा करेगा
📝 Suivre -Up Safa Lazarini: L'arrêt du soutien de l'UNRWA approfondra les souffrances et les droits des Palestiniens
📝 Follow -up Safa folgen Lazarini: Die Unterstützung von UNRWA wird das Leiden und die Rechte der Palästinenser vertiefen
📝 Segui -up safa Lazarini: fermare il sostegno di UNRWA approfondirà la sofferenza e i diritti dei palestinesi
📝 Volg -Up Safa Lazarini: Het stoppen van de steun van UNRWA zal het lijden en de rechten van de Palestijnen verdiepen
📝 Ακολουθήστε το Safa Lazarini: Η διακοπή της υποστήριξης της UNRWA θα εμβαθύνει τα δεινά και τα δικαιώματα των Παλαιστινίων
🔵 Safa follow-up | Clashes erupt with the occupation forces during the storming of the village of Yatma, south of Nablus
🔴 Safa correspondent: Israeli artillery shelling resumes on the eastern areas of Jabalia al-Balad, north of the Gaza Strip
🔵 Safa follow-up | Occupation forces storm the center of Hebron
🔵 Safa follow-up | Occupation forces storm Beit Umrin village, west of Nablus
🔴 Safa follow-up | Occupation forces storm the village of Sarra, southwest of Nablus