Urgent | The Ministry of Health in Gaza: The hospitals arrived 4 martyrs, 32 their remains have been recovered and 14 wounded during the past 24 hours
⭕️عاجل| وزارة الصحة بغزة: وصل المستشفيات 4 شهداء و32 تم انتشال رفاتهم و14 جريحا خلال الـ 24 ساعة الماضية
Urgente | O Ministério da Saúde em Gaza: Os hospitais chegaram 4 mártires, 32 seus restos mortais foram recuperados e 14 feridos durante as últimas 24 horas
Urgente | El Ministerio de Salud en Gaza: los hospitales llegaron 4 mártires, 32 sus restos han sido recuperados y 14 heridos durante las últimas 24 horas
Срочный | Министерство здравоохранения в Газе: больницы прибыли 4 мученика, 32 их останки были обнаружены и 14 ранены в течение последних 24 часов
तत्काल | गाजा में स्वास्थ्य मंत्रालय: अस्पतालों में 4 शहीद हो गए, 32 उनके अवशेष बरामद किए गए और पिछले 24 घंटों के दौरान 14 घायल हो गए
Urgent | Le ministère de la Santé à Gaza: les hôpitaux sont arrivés 4 martyrs, 32 leurs restes ont été récupérés et 14 blessés au cours des dernières 24 heures
⭕️عاجل| وزارة الصحة بغزة: وصل المستشفيات 4 شهداء و32 تم انتشال رفاتهم و14 جريحا خلال الـ 24 ساعة الماضية
Dringend | Das Gesundheitsministerium in Gaza: Die Krankenhäuser kamen 4 Märtyrer an, 32 ihre Überreste wurden in den letzten 24 Stunden geborgen und 14 verletzt
Urgente | Il Ministero della Salute a Gaza: gli ospedali sono arrivati 4 martiri, 32 loro resti sono stati recuperati e 14 feriti nelle ultime 24 ore
Dringend | Het ministerie van Volksgezondheid in Gaza: de ziekenhuizen zijn 4 martelaren aangekomen, 32 Hun overblijfselen zijn teruggevonden en 14 gewond in de afgelopen 24 uur
Επείγον | Το Υπουργείο Υγείας στη Γάζα: Τα νοσοκομεία έφτασαν 4 μάρτυρες, 32 τα απομεινάρια τους έχουν ανακτηθεί και 14 τραυματίστηκαν τις τελευταίες 24 ώρες
2/10/2025, 12:24:06 PM
Palestinian sources: A citizen was killed by his injury two weeks ago by the Israeli enemy attacks in the Al -Salam neighborhood of Rafah, in the southern Gaza Strip
2/10/2025, 12:24:17 PM
Palestinian sources: The Israeli enemy bulldozers are sweeping the infrastructure and the cars of citizens in the Al -Salehin neighborhood of Nour Shams Camp, Tulkarm
2/10/2025, 12:37:15 PM
America has killed millions in the past twenty years.
#Mr. Qaid
#America_Mael_The terrorism
2/10/2025, 1:21:03 PM
Palestinian sources: 216 settlers stormed the Al -Aqsa Mosque today
2/10/2025, 1:06:08 PM
The head of the negotiating delegation, Muhammad Abd al -Salam: We bless the Islamic Republic in Iran, leadership, government and people, the 46th anniversary of the victory of the Islamic Revolution