Local sources: The occupation forces storm the town of Kafr Qaddum, east of Qalqilya
مصادر محلية: قوات الاحتلال تقتحم بلدة كفر قدوم شرق قلقيلية
当地消息来源:占领部队袭击了Qalqyla以东的Kafr Qaddum镇
Fontes locais: as forças de ocupação Storm the Town of Kafr Qaddum, a leste de Qalqilya
Fuentes locales: las fuerzas de ocupación asaltan la ciudad de Kafr Qaddum, al este de Qalqilya
Местные источники: оккупационные силы штурмовали город Кафр Каддум, к востоку от Кальциля
स्थानीय स्रोत: कब्जे की ताकतें कफ़र के पूर्व में कफ़र कडम के शहर में तूफान आती हैं
Sources locales: les forces d'occupation prennent d'assaut la ville de Kafr Qaddum, à l'est de Qalqilya
مصادر محلية: قوات الاحتلال تقتحم بلدة كفر قدوم شرق قلقيلية
Lokale Quellen: Die Besatzung zwingt die Stadt Kafr Qaddum östlich von Qalqilya
Fonti locali: le forze dell'occupazione sono d'assalto alla città di Kafr Qaddum, a est di Qalqilya
Lokale bronnen: de bezettingskrachten bestormen de stad Kafr Qaddum, ten oosten van Qalqilya
Τοπικές πηγές: Οι δυνάμεις κατοχής καταργούν την πόλη Kafr Qaddum, ανατολικά της Qalqilya
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A fire broke out in a house inside Jenin camp, as the PA security operation continues.
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Urgent | Mujahideen Brigades: We shelled with mortar shells the enemy's command and control headquarters in Jabalia Services Club, north of the Gaza Strip.
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Urgent | The occupation carries out new bombings and demolition operations in the town of Sheheen, southern Lebanon.
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Urgent | Quds translation: Another vehicle was found with a settler inside who was critically injured, bringing the number of those injured in the operation to 7, including 3 who were critically injured.