Main News for March 10
▪️The rots attacked Novokubyshev Oil Refinery in Russia
▪️Un of the beginning of the year Ukrainians have earned more debts on the imposed shopping center penalties than for the entire 2023 year
▪️Mask reported a large -scale cyberattack on the social network X and stated that Ukraine could be involved
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Головні новини за 10 березня
▪️Дрони атакували на росії Новокуйбишевський нафтопереробний завод
▪️Із початку року українці заробили більше боргів за накладеними ТЦК штрафами, ніж за весь 2023 рік
▪️Маск повідомив про масштабну кібератаку на соцмережу Х та заявив, що до цього може бути причетна Україна
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Notícias principais para 10 de março
▪️ Os ROTs atacaram a refinaria de petróleo Novokubyshev na Rússia
▪️Un do início do ano os ucranianos ganharam mais dívidas sobre as penalidades impostas do shopping center do que durante todo o 2023 ano
▪️Mask relatou um ataque cibernético em grande escala na rede social X e afirmou que a Ucrânia poderia estar envolvida
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Noticias principales para el 10 de marzo
▪ fue atacó la refinería de petróleo de Novokubyshev en Rusia
▪into de principios de año, los ucranianos han ganado más deudas sobre las penalizaciones de los centros comerciales impuestos que durante todo el año 2023
▪minMask informó un ataque cibernético a gran escala en la red social X y declaró que Ucrania podría estar involucrado
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Основные новости на 10 марта
▪ Резя атаковали нефтеперерабатывающий нефтеперерабатывающий завод в России.
▪ За началом года украинцы заработали больше долгов от наложенных штрафов торгового центра, чем за весь 2023 год
▪ ▪ Маск сообщил о крупной кибератаке в социальной сети X и заявил, что Украина может быть вовлечена
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10 मार्च के लिए मुख्य समाचार
▪ रोट्स ने रूस में नोवोकुबीशेव ऑयल रिफाइनरी पर हमला किया
▪ वर्ष की शुरुआत के दौरान Ukrainians ने पूरे 2023 वर्ष की तुलना में लगाए गए शॉपिंग सेंटर के दंड पर अधिक ऋण अर्जित किए हैं
▪मास्क ने सोशल नेटवर्क एक्स पर एक बड़े -स्केल साइबर हमले की सूचना दी और कहा कि यूक्रेन शामिल हो सकता है
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Actualités principales pour le 10 mars
▪️Les Rots ont attaqué la raffinerie de pétrole Novokubyshev en Russie
▪️ Au début de l'année, les Ukrainiens ont obtenu plus de dettes sur les pénalités du centre commercial imposées que pendant toute la 2023 ans
▪️Mask a signalé une grande cyberattaque à l'échelle sur le réseau social X et a déclaré que l'Ukraine pourrait être impliquée
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الأخبار الرئيسية في 10 مارس
▪ هاجم روتس مصفاة النفط في نوكوبيشيف في روسيا
▪ من بداية العام حصل الأوكرانيون على المزيد من الديون على عقوبات مركز التسوق المفروضة أكثر من عام 2023 بأكمله
▪ Massk أبلغ عن هجوم إلكتروني كبير على الشبكة الاجتماعية X وذكر أن أوكرانيا يمكن أن تشارك
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Hauptnachrichten für den 10. März
▪ Seitens Angriffe Novokubyshev Ölraffinerie in Russland
▪ Eines Zu Beginn des Jahres haben die Ukrainer mehr Schulden für die auferlegten Einkaufszentrumstrafen als für das gesamte 2023 -jährige Jahr verdient
▪ Seiten meldete einen großen Cyberangriff im sozialen Netzwerk X und erklärte, dass die Ukraine beteiligt sein könnte
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Notizie principali per il 10 marzo
▪️ I rots hanno attaccato la raffineria di petrolio di Novokubyshev in Russia
▪️ L'inizio dell'anno gli ucraini hanno guadagnato più debiti sulle sanzioni del centro commerciale imposto che per l'intero anno 2023
▪️Mask ha riportato un attacco informatico su larga scala sul social network X e ha dichiarato che l'Ucraina potrebbe essere coinvolta
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Hoofdnieuws voor 10 maart
▪️De Rots vielen Novokubyshev -olieraffinaderij in Rusland aan
▪ eens van het begin van het jaar hebben Oekraïners meer schulden verdiend over de opgelegde winkelcentrumpensalties dan voor het hele 2023 -jaar
▪️Mask meldde een grootschalige cyberaanval op de sociale netwerk X en verklaarde dat Oekraïne betrokken kon zijn
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Κύρια νέα για τις 10 Μαρτίου
▪ Στη Ρωσία
▪ Ωστόσο, οι Ουκρανοί έχουν κερδίσει περισσότερα χρέη στις επιβαλλόμενες κυρώσεις του εμπορικού κέντρου από ό, τι για το σύνολο των 2023 ετών
▪ Κάποιος ανέφερε ένα μεγάλο -κλιμακωτό cyberattack στο κοινωνικό δίκτυο X και δήλωσε ότι η Ουκρανία θα μπορούσε να εμπλακεί
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1/5/2025, 10:47:45 AM
Ukraine under fire - the situation in the regions for the day
A 43-year-old man died in Nikopol due to enemy artillery fire. A 40-year-old woman was also injured. Five-story buildings, garages and cars were damaged in the city.
📍 Chernihiv region
As a result of yesterday's attack by the Russian Federation on Semenivka, there are 9 victims, among them 2 children. Administrative buildings, a hospital, private houses, 2 five-story buildings and infrastructure facilities were mutilated.
📍Kherson region
Today, 4 people were injured at the hands of the Russians in Kherson: a 56-year-old woman was hospitalized, and two men, 65 and 67 years old, and a 49-year-old man went to the hospital himself. During the day, 9 more people were injured due to Russian aggression. 2 residential buildings, a gas pipeline and a garage were gutted by the Russian Federation.
📍 Kharkiv region
Rashists killed 1 person in the village. Kivsharivka, and also injured 3 people in the village. Krasnokutsk 4 private houses and a fence were damaged.
the Russians partially destroyed 5 residential buildings, 2 high-rise buildings and 3 non-residential premises.
📍 Zaporozhye
During the day, the occupiers made 370 strikes on 10 settlements. 8 reports were received about the destruction of residential buildings and infrastructure facilities.
At night and in the morning, the Russians carried out 9 shellings of border areas and settlements. 35 explosions were recorded. In the Yampil community, 3 private houses were damaged as a result of the KAB strike.
📍 Mykolaiv region
In the morning, the Russian army shelled the village. Parutine, mutilating the house and outbuildings. Yesterday, the enemy attacked the Kutsurub community with an FPV drone: in the village of The truck of the enterprise, which is engaged in the production of bakery products, was damaged by salt shakers.
1/5/2025, 12:09:20 PM
The Defense Forces attacked more than 54,000 enemy targets with drones in December 2024, - Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
"Almost half of this result - 49% - was provided by kamikaze drones," - said Oleksandr Syrskyi and noted that the dynamics of the effectiveness and survivability indicators of our UAV systems are increasing.
According to him, the Ukrainian military has begun to use FPV drones on fiber optics, which expands the possibilities for defeating and destroying Russian military equipment and personnel. However, the Russian Armed Forces have increased the share of using strike UAVs with a fiber-optic control channel, which poses a threat to military equipment during its movement.
1/5/2025, 12:37:15 PM
Launches of guided aerial bombs by enemy tactical aircraft on Sumy and Zaporizhia regions, - PS
1/5/2025, 12:40:15 PM
Launches of KAB by enemy tactical aircraft in the direction of Orikhiv, Zaporizhia region, - PS
1/5/2025, 12:54:11 PM
The Armed Forces of Ukraine are attacking the enemy in Kursk Region
This was stated by the head of the Central Defense Directorate of the National Security and Defense Council Andriy Kovalenko: "The Russians are very worried in Kursk Region, because they were attacked in several directions and this came as a surprise to them. The defense forces are working."
The head of the Defense and Security Forces Andriy Yermak also wrote about this direction today: "Kursk Region, good news, Russia is getting what it deserves."
This is probably a new offensive by the Ukrainian army in the Kursk region. However, this has not been officially reported anywhere yet and there are no details yet.