The coordination framework condemns the massacres to which innocent, defenseless citizens are exposed to Syria and demands the international community to take its role in protecting them
الإطار التنسيقي يدين المجازر التي يتعرض لها المواطنون الأبرياء العزل في سوريا ويطالب المجتمع الدولي لأخذ دوره في حمايتهم
A estrutura de coordenação condena os massacres aos quais cidadãos inocentes e indefesos são expostos à Síria e exigem que a comunidade internacional assuma seu papel em protegê -los
El marco de coordinación condena a las masacres a las que los ciudadanos inocentes e indefensos están expuestos a Siria y exige que la comunidad internacional asume su papel en protegerlos.
Координационная структура осуждает массовые убийства, на которые невинные, беззащитные граждане подвергаются воздействию Сирии и требуют международного сообщества сыграть свою роль в их защите
समन्वय ढांचा उन नरसंहारों की निंदा करता है, जिनके लिए निर्दोष, रक्षाहीन नागरिक सीरिया के संपर्क में हैं और अंतर्राष्ट्रीय समुदाय से उनकी रक्षा करने में अपनी भूमिका निभाने की मांग करते हैं
Le cadre de coordination condamne les massacres auxquels les citoyens innocents et sans défense sont exposés à la Syrie et demande à la communauté internationale de jouer son rôle dans les protéger
الإطار التنسيقي يدين المجازر التي يتعرض لها المواطنون الأبرياء العزل في سوريا ويطالب المجتمع الدولي لأخذ دوره في حمايتهم
Der Koordinierungsrahmen verurteilt die Massaker, denen unschuldige, wehrlose Bürger Syrien ausgesetzt sind, und fordert die internationale Gemeinschaft auf, ihre Rolle beim Schutz zu übernehmen
Il quadro di coordinamento condanna i massacri a cui cittadini innocenti e indifesi sono esposti alla Siria e chiede alla comunità internazionale di assumere il suo ruolo nella protezione
Het coördinatiekader veroordeelt de slachtingen waaraan onschuldige, weerloze burgers worden blootgesteld aan Syrië en eist de internationale gemeenschap om zijn rol te spelen bij het beschermen ervan
Το πλαίσιο συντονισμού καταδικάζει τις σφαγές στις οποίες οι αθώοι, ανυπεράσπιστοι πολίτες εκτίθενται στη Συρία και απαιτεί από τη διεθνή κοινότητα να αναλάβει το ρόλο της στην προστασία τους
Rafidain Bank announces the start of distributing retirees' salaries for the month of January
1/5/2025, 4:39:49 PM
Car bomb explodes in Idlib, Syria
1/5/2025, 4:43:13 PM
The President of the Republic on the occasion of the (104) anniversary of the founding of the Iraqi army
- We recall with great pride and honor the heroism of the Iraqi army as it confronted the forces of terrorism that wanted to harm Iraq.
- Building a national army capable of facing challenges and rearming it with the latest weapons and equipment must be a top priority.
- The planning and hopes of everyone who thought and is thinking of returning the dictatorial regime, whose tragedies still bear witness to its injustice, tyranny, brutality and aggression, have been disappointed.
- Our message in building our national army is to protect the people, protect their freedom and constitution, and defend the borders of the homeland, not to threaten the security of the neighborhood and the stability of the region
1/5/2025, 4:46:12 PM
Minister of Education announces the recruitment of more than 3,000 international students within the Study in Iraq program