

Real time military news

Published date: 3/10/2025, 5:47:23 PM
3/10/2025, 5:47:23 PM
Image 2025-03-10T17:47:23
#Sham || The signing of an agreement stipulating the integration of the Syrian Democratic Forces into the institutions of the Syrian Arab Republic, while emphasizing the unity of the Syrian territories and the rejection of division. #Sham Network
#شام || توقيع اتفاق يقضي باندماج قوات سوريا الديمقراطية ضمن مؤسسات الجمهورية العربية السورية، مع التأكيد على وحدة الأراضي السورية ورفض التقسيم. #شبكة_شام
#sham ||签署一项协议,规定了叙利亚民主力量融入叙利亚阿拉伯共和国的机构的一体化,同时强调了叙利亚领土的统一和拒绝分裂。 #SHAM网络
#Sham || A assinatura de um acordo estipulando a integração das forças democráticas sírias nas instituições da República Árabe da Síria, enquanto enfatiza a unidade dos territórios sírios e a rejeição da divisão. Rede #sham
#Sham || La firma de un acuerdo que estipula la integración de las fuerzas democráticas sirias en las instituciones de la República Árabe Siria, al tiempo que enfatiza la unidad de los territorios sirios y el rechazo de la división. Network #sham
#Sham || Подписание соглашения, предусматривающего интеграцию сирийских демократических сил в институты Сирийской арабской республики, при этом подчеркивая единство сирийских территорий и отказ от разделения. #Sham Network
#SHAM || सीरियाई अरब गणराज्य के संस्थानों में सीरियाई लोकतांत्रिक बलों के एकीकरण को निर्धारित करते हुए एक समझौते पर हस्ताक्षर करते हुए, सीरियाई क्षेत्रों की एकता और विभाजन की अस्वीकृति पर जोर देते हुए। #SHAM नेटवर्क
#Sham || La signature d'un accord stipulant l'intégration des forces démocratiques syriennes dans les institutions de la République arabe syrienne, tout en soulignant l'unité des territoires syriens et le rejet de la division. Réseau #sham
#شام || توقيع اتفاق يقضي باندماج قوات سوريا الديمقراطية ضمن مؤسسات الجمهورية العربية السورية، مع التأكيد على وحدة الأراضي السورية ورفض التقسيم. #شبكة_شام
#Sham || Die Unterzeichnung einer Vereinbarung, die die Integration der syrischen demokratischen Streitkräfte in die Institutionen der syrischen arabischen Republik festlegt und gleichzeitig die Einheit der syrischen Gebiete und die Ablehnung der Spaltung hervorhebt. #Sham -Netzwerk
#Sham || La firma di un accordo che stabilisce l'integrazione delle forze democratiche siriane nelle istituzioni della Repubblica araba siriana, sottolineando al contempo l'unità dei territori siriani e il rifiuto della divisione. #Sham Network
#sham ||シリアのアラブ共和国の制度へのシリア民主軍の統合を規定する合意の署名と、シリア領土の統一と分裂の拒絶を強調しました。 #shamネットワーク
#Sham || De ondertekening van een overeenkomst die de integratie van de Syrische Democratische troepen in de instellingen van de Syrische Arabische Republiek bepaalt, terwijl de eenheid van de Syrische gebieden en de afwijzing van de verdeling benadrukt. #Sham Network
#Sham || Η υπογραφή μιας συμφωνίας που ορίζει την ενσωμάτωση των δημοκρατικών δυνάμεων της Συρίας στους θεσμούς της Συριακής Αραβικής Δημοκρατίας, υπογραμμίζοντας παράλληλα την ενότητα των συριακών εδαφών και την απόρριψη της διαίρεσης. #Network

12/30/2024, 1:03:29 PM
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Al-Shaibani announces receiving an official invitation to visit Saudi Arabia and confirms his aspiration to build strategic relations https://shaam.org/3DndDo
12/30/2024, 1:14:36 PM
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It includes the remains of children and women.. Decomposed remains of victims were found in the Houla area in the Homs countryside https://shaam.org/3DndQq
12/30/2024, 1:18:01 PM
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To follow the latest news and developments on the Syrian scene, you can follow the #Sham Network channel on WhatsApp. From the following link:: https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029Va5o22rI7BeG7GWpU70V
12/30/2024, 3:13:19 PM
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New appointments in the medical sector.. A decision to reinstate doctors dismissed for security reasons https://shaam.org/3DnfXc
1/29/2025, 6:38:19 PM
#Sham || Urgent || Spokesman for the Military Operations Department "Colonel Hassan Abdul Ghani": The President of the Republic is authorized to form a temporary legislative council for the selective phase, which will assume its duties until a permanent constitution for the country is approved and enters into force #Sham_Network