

Real time military news

Published date: 3/9/2025, 8:04:20 AM
3/9/2025, 8:04:20 AM
Urgent Palestinian sources: two martyrs and three injuries in the shelling of the occupation artillery. A number of Palestinians in the Shujaiya neighborhood, east of Gaza City
🔴 عاجل | مصادر فلسطينية: شهيدان وثلاث إصابات في قصف مدفعية الاحتلال عددا من الفلسطينيين بحي الشجاعية شرق مدينة غزة
Urgente Fontes palestinas: dois mártires e três lesões no bombardeio da artilharia da ocupação.
Urgente Fuentes palestinas: dos mártires y tres lesiones en el bombardeo de la artillería de la ocupación.
Срочный Палестинские источники: два мученика и три травмы в обстреле оккупационной артиллерии.
अति आवश्यक फिलिस्तीनी स्रोत: दो शहीद और तीन चोटें जो कि कब्जे वाले तोपखाने के गोले में।
Urgent Sources palestiniennes: deux martyrs et trois blessures dans le bombardement de l'artillerie d'occupation.
🔴 عاجل | مصادر فلسطينية: شهيدان وثلاث إصابات في قصف مدفعية الاحتلال عددا من الفلسطينيين بحي الشجاعية شرق مدينة غزة
Dringend Palästinensische Quellen: Zwei Märtyrer und drei Verletzungen beim Beschuss der Besatzungsartillerie.
Urgente Fonti palestinesi: due martiri e tre ferite nel bombardamento dell'artiglieria di occupazione.
Dringend Palestijnse bronnen: twee martelaren en drie verwondingen bij de beschietingen van de bezettingsartillerie.
Επείγων Παλαιστινιακές πηγές: Δύο μάρτυρες και τρεις τραυματισμοί στο βομβαρδισμό του πυροβολικού κατοχής.

12/15/2024, 1:42:31 PM
🔵 Press statement issued by the Islamic Resistance Movement - Hamas: ▪️ The brutal crimes committed by the Zionist occupation army in Gaza City and the areas of the northern and central governorates of the Gaza Strip, including bombing residential neighborhoods, storming shelters, and forced displacement under the pressure of massacres amidst a stifling siege and the destruction of medical infrastructure and hospitals; It represents heinous Zionist crimes against humanity, a war of extermination and ethnic cleansing ▪️ The international community's dealing with the crimes of the occupation embodies an unprecedented image of the failure and imbalance in the international system, threatening its collapse with all the values ​​and foundations on which it was founded ▪️ The Zionist occupation army has systematically targeted, in front of the world's eyes and ears, hospitals, medical centers and ambulances, killing and arresting doctors and members of medical staff, and even preventing access to the wounded and the bodies of martyrs until the streets of Gaza City and its north were piled up with them without any ability to retrieve them due to the heavy bombing ▪️ We call on the World Health Organization and other international institutions and UN committees to work immediately to bring supplies, equipment and medical teams into the Gaza Strip, especially to Gaza City and its north, and to force the occupation to stop the barbaric targeting of rescue and ambulance operations and to form investigation and documentation committees for the occupation's brutal violations against the medical system in the Strip ▪️ We address our appeal to our Arab and Islamic nation from the peoples of And to governments, living forces, and the free people of the world to form a comprehensive front of support for our people in the Gaza Strip and work to stop the ongoing massacre and pressure in all forums on the parties and countries sponsoring the brutal war of extermination in the Strip and support the right of our people to confront the occupation and remove it and achieve their freedom and right to self-determination https://www.almanar.com.lb/?s=tg
12/15/2024, 1:44:34 PM
🔴 Urgent | Israeli media: The head of the Northern Reconstruction Authority, commissioned by the government, “Eliezer Marom,” announced his resignation from his position.
12/15/2024, 1:53:34 PM
🔴 Urgent | Israeli media: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu calls on censorship to tighten blackout on negotiations with Hamas
12/15/2024, 2:11:37 PM
One person arrested near occupied Jerusalem, while the search for another continues following reports of a “possible operation” https://www.almanar.com.lb/12914442?s=tg 📝 If the link does not open, please visit the following link https://www.manartv.com.lb/12914442
12/15/2024, 2:20:34 PM
📹 Hotline | WAD Association extends a helping hand to hospitals by organizing blood donation campaigns https://www.almanar.com.lb/12914475?s=tg