The occupation forces stormed the Al -Fara'a camp, south of Tubas, after news of the infiltration of special forces.
قوات الاحتلال تقتحم مخيم الفارعة جنوب طوباس بعد أنباء عن تسلل قوات خاصة.
在特种部队渗透的消息后,占领部队冲进了图巴斯以南的Al -Fara'a营地。
As forças de ocupação invadiram o acampamento de Al -Fara'a, ao sul de Tubas, após notícias da infiltração de forças especiais.
Las fuerzas de ocupación asaltaron el campamento de Al -fara'a, al sur de Tubas, después de la noticia de la infiltración de las fuerzas especiales.
Оккупационные силы штурмовали лагерь Аль -Фараа, к югу от Тубаса, после новостей о проникновении спецназа.
व्यवसाय बलों ने विशेष बलों की घुसपैठ की खबर के बाद, अल -फारा'ए शिविर, टुबास के दक्षिण में तूफान ला दिया।
Les forces d'occupation ont pris d'assaut le camp d'Al-Fara'a, au sud de Tubas, après la nouvelle de l'infiltration des forces spéciales.
قوات الاحتلال تقتحم مخيم الفارعة جنوب طوباس بعد أنباء عن تسلل قوات خاصة.
Die Besatzungskräfte stürmten das al -Farara'a -Lager südlich von Tubas, nachdem die Infiltration von Spezialeinheiten angelegt wurde.
Le forze di occupazione hanno preso d'assalto il campo di Al -fara'a, a sud di Tuba, dopo la notizia dell'infiltrazione di forze speciali.
De bezettingskrachten bestormden het Al -Fara'a -kamp, ten zuiden van Tubas, na nieuws over de infiltratie van speciale troepen.
Οι δυνάμεις κατοχής εισήγαγαν το στρατόπεδο Al -Fara'a, νότια του Tubas, μετά από νέα για την διείσδυση των ειδικών δυνάμεων.
2/21/2025, 8:40:55 AM
The occupation forces continue their wide aggression against Jenin, the thirty -second day, respectively.
2/21/2025, 8:52:02 AM
Government media office in Gaza:
The Gaza Strip entered this morning a limited number of mobile homes (12 carat) dedicated to the use of international institutions, not accommodation.
The sector needs at least 60 thousand mobile homes, and 200 thousand tents to provide temporary shelter for hundreds of thousands of families that lost their homes.
2/21/2025, 8:56:42 AM
Hebrew sources: The "Shin Bet" device arrests an Israeli who transported the outlet explosion bombing yesterday in "Beit Yam" near "Tel Aviv".
2/21/2025, 8:59:43 AM
The moment of the liberated prisoner in the resistance deal, Samer Al -Atrash, from the Shuafat camp, north of Jerusalem, with his family after 23 years of families, and he is sentenced to life imprisonment 8 times, in the Egyptian capital.
2/21/2025, 9:17:57 AM
Local sources: The occupation forces storm Al -Aroub camp, north of Hebron.