Palestinian sources: A citizen was wounded by the Israeli enemy bullets in the new town of Abbas
مصادر فلسطينية: إصابة مواطن برصاص العدو الإسرائيلي في بلدة عبسان الجديدة شرقي مدينة خانيونس جنوبي قطاع غزة
Fontes palestinas: um cidadão foi ferido pelas balas inimigas israelenses na nova cidade de Abbas
Fuentes palestinas: un ciudadano fue herido por las balas enemigas israelíes en la nueva ciudad de Abbas
Палестинские источники: гражданин был ранен израильскими вражескими пулями в новом городе Аббас
फिलिस्तीनी स्रोत: अब्बास के नए शहर में इजरायल के दुश्मन की गोलियों से एक नागरिक घायल हो गया था
Sources palestiniennes: un citoyen a été blessé par les balles ennemies israéliennes dans la nouvelle ville d'Abbas
مصادر فلسطينية: إصابة مواطن برصاص العدو الإسرائيلي في بلدة عبسان الجديدة شرقي مدينة خانيونس جنوبي قطاع غزة
Palästinensische Quellen: Ein Bürger wurde von den israelischen Feindkugeln in der neuen Stadt Abbas verwundet
Fonti palestinesi: un cittadino è stato ferito dai proiettili nemici israeliani nella nuova città di Abbas
Palestijnse bronnen: een burger raakte gewond door de Israëlische vijandelijke kogels in de nieuwe stad Abbas
Παλαιστινιακές πηγές: Ένας πολίτης τραυματίστηκε από τις ισραηλινές εχθρικές σφαίρες στη νέα πόλη Abbas
12/28/2024, 5:42:19 AM
⭕️Urgent | Palestinian sources: 7 martyrs and a number of wounded as a result of a Zionist raid that targeted a house in Al-Maghazi camp in the central Gaza Strip
12/28/2024, 5:42:21 AM
⭕️Urgent | Palestinian sources: A martyr and a number of wounded in a Zionist raid that targeted a house in Al-Maghazi camp in the central Gaza Strip
12/28/2024, 6:15:01 AM
Al Masirah Newspaper - Today: Saturday
📆 27 Jumada al-Thani 1446 AH
December 28, 2024 AD
12/28/2024, 6:40:29 AM
⭕️Urgent | Palestinian sources: 11 martyrs in Zionist bombing of various areas in the Gaza Strip since dawn today
12/28/2024, 7:19:36 AM
🔶 You want to preserve the religion, you want to work for the religion? Religion is for the nation, so look at what the nation needs, look at its situation, analyze its situation, and look at what has been lost from the religion among them, so set out to revive it. It is the religion, preserving the religion, and preserving the public interest of the nation. You want to preserve the public interest of the nation, or a country, or a people, so preserve the entire religion to be presented to that nation. Isn't religion for the interest of the nation? Religion is for the interest of the nation, so whoever cares about its interest should present the religion to it in full, and guide it with the guidance of the entire religion.
Lessons from the guidance of the Holy Quran - to follow the example of the Children of Israel