Volunteers of one of the humanitarian organizations - citizens of Ukraine, the United States, Britain - Zelensky - Zelensky - Zelensky settled in the hotel.
"They survived because they had time to go down from the rooms. But unfortunately, four people were killed by this blow. My condolences to their relatives and loved ones. In total, more than 30 people were injured. Many civilian objects were damaged around the hotel. Rescuers still work on the spot - all services."
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Перед ударом росії у готель заселились волонтери однієї з гуманітарних організацій – громадяни України, Сполучених Штатів, Британії, - Зеленський
"Вони вижили, бо встигли спуститись із номерів. Але, на жаль, чотири людини були вбиті цим ударом. Мої співчуття рідним та близьким. Загалом більш ніж 30 людей були поранені. Пошкоджено ударом багато цивільних об’єктів навколо готелю. Рятувальники досі працюють на місці – усі служби", - написав президент України на своїх сторінках у соцмережах.
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Voluntários de uma das organizações humanitárias - cidadãos da Ucrânia, Estados Unidos, Grã -Bretanha - Zelensky - Zelensky - Zelensky se estabeleceu no hotel.
"Eles sobreviveram porque tiveram tempo de descer dos quartos. Mas, infelizmente, quatro pessoas foram mortas por esse golpe. Meus condolências a seus parentes e entes queridos. No total, mais de 30 pessoas ficaram feridas. Muitos objetos civis foram danificados pelo hotel. Os resgatadores ainda trabalham no local - todos os serviços".
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Voluntarios de una de las organizaciones humanitarias - Ciudadanos de Ucrania, Estados Unidos, Gran Bretaña - Zelensky - Zelensky - Zelensky se estableció en el hotel.
"Sobrevivieron porque tuvieron tiempo de bajar de las habitaciones. Pero desafortunadamente, este golpe mató a cuatro personas. Mis condolencias a sus familiares y seres queridos. En total, más de 30 personas resultaron heridas. Muchos objetos civiles se dañaron en el hotel. Los rescatistas aún trabajan en el lugar, todos los servicios".
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Добровольцы одной из гуманитарных организаций - граждане Украины, Соединенных Штатов, Великобритания - Зеленский - Зеленский - Зеленский поселился в отеле.
«Они выжили, потому что у них было время спуститься из комнат. Но, к сожалению, четыре человека были убиты этим ударом. Мои соболезнования их родственникам и близким. В общей сложности более 30 человек получили ранения. Многие гражданские объекты были повреждены в гостинице. Спасатели все еще работают на месте - все услуги».
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मानवीय संगठनों में से एक के स्वयंसेवक - यूक्रेन के नागरिक, संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका, ब्रिटेन - ज़ेलेंस्की - ज़ेलेंस्की - ज़ेलेंस्की होटल में बस गए।
"वे बच गए क्योंकि उनके पास कमरों से नीचे जाने का समय था। लेकिन दुर्भाग्य से, इस झटका से चार लोग मारे गए। उनके रिश्तेदारों और प्रियजनों के प्रति मेरी संवेदना। कुल मिलाकर, 30 से अधिक लोग घायल हो गए। कई नागरिक वस्तुएं होटल के आसपास क्षतिग्रस्त हो गईं। बचाव दल अभी भी मौके पर काम करते हैं - सभी सेवाएं।"
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Volontaires de l'une des organisations humanitaires - Citizens of Ukraine, États-Unis, Grande-Bretagne - Zelensky - Zelensky - Zelensky s'est installé à l'hôtel.
"Ils ont survécu parce qu'ils avaient le temps de descendre des chambres. Mais malheureusement, quatre personnes ont été tuées par ce coup. Mes condoléances à leurs proches et à leurs proches. Au total, plus de 30 personnes ont été blessées. De nombreux objets civils ont été endommagés autour de l'hôtel. Les sauveteurs travaillent toujours sur place - tous les services."
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متطوعون من إحدى المنظمات الإنسانية - مواطني أوكرانيا ، الولايات المتحدة ، بريطانيا - زيلنسكي - زيلنسكي - استقرت زيلنسكي في الفندق.
"لقد نجوا لأن لديهم وقت للنزول من الغرف. لكن لسوء الحظ ، قُتل أربعة أشخاص بسبب هذه الضربة. تعازي لأقاربي وأحبائهم. في المجموع ، أصيب أكثر من 30 شخصًا. لقد أصيب العديد من الأشياء المدنية بالتلف حول الفندق. لا يزال الإنقاذ يعملون على الفور - جميع الخدمات."
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Freiwillige einer der humanitären Organisationen - Staatsbürger der Ukraine, der Vereinigten Staaten, Großbritannien - Zelensky - Zelensky - Zelensky ließen sich im Hotel nieder.
"Sie haben überlebt, weil sie Zeit hatten, aus den Räumen zu gehen. Aber leider wurden vier Menschen durch diesen Schlag getötet. Mein Beileid an ihre Verwandten und Angehörigen. Insgesamt wurden mehr als 30 Menschen verletzt. Viele zivile Gegenstände wurden im Hotel beschädigt. Retter arbeiten noch vor Ort - alle Dienste."
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Volontari di una delle organizzazioni umanitarie - cittadini dell'Ucraina, degli Stati Uniti, della Gran Bretagna - Zelensky - Zelensky - Zelensky si stabilì nell'hotel.
"Sono sopravvissuti perché hanno avuto il tempo di scendere dalle stanze. Ma sfortunatamente, quattro persone sono state uccise da questo colpo. Le mie condoglianze ai loro parenti e ai loro cari. In totale, più di 30 persone sono rimaste ferite. Molti oggetti civili sono stati danneggiati intorno all'hotel. I soccorritori lavorano ancora sul posto - tutti i servizi."
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Vrijwilligers van een van de humanitaire organisaties - burgers van Oekraïne, de Verenigde Staten, Groot -Brittannië - Zelensky - Zelensky - Zelensky vestigden zich in het hotel.
"Ze overleefden omdat ze tijd hadden om de kamers uit te gaan. Maar helaas werden vier mensen gedood door deze klap. Mijn condoleances aan hun familieleden en geliefden. In totaal raakten meer dan 30 mensen gewond. Veel civiele objecten waren beschadigd rond het hotel. Redders werken nog steeds ter plaatse - alle diensten."
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Οι εθελοντές μιας από τις ανθρωπιστικές οργανώσεις - πολίτες της Ουκρανίας, των Ηνωμένων Πολιτειών, της Βρετανίας - Zelensky - Zelensky - Zelensky εγκαταστάθηκαν στο ξενοδοχείο.
"Έζησαν επειδή είχαν χρόνο να κατεβούν από τα δωμάτια, αλλά δυστυχώς, τέσσερις άνθρωποι σκοτώθηκαν από αυτό το χτύπημα, τα συλλυπητήριά μου στους συγγενείς τους και τους αγαπημένους τους, συνολικά, περισσότεροι από 30 άνθρωποι τραυματίστηκαν, πολλά πολιτικά αντικείμενα υπέστησαν ζημιές γύρω από το ξενοδοχείο, οι διασώστες εξακολουθούν να εργάζονται επί τόπου - όλες οι υπηρεσίες".
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12/28/2024, 6:22:49 AM
Defenders eliminated another 1,690 Russian occupiers in a day
Total enemy combat losses from 02/24/22 to 12/28/24:
▪️personnel - 784,200 (+1,690)
▪️tanks - 9,651 (+7)
▪️armored vehicles - 19,970 (+19)
▪️artillery systems - 21,408 (+29)
▪️MLRS - 1,256
▪️air defense systems - 1,032
▪️aircraft - 369
▪️helicopters - 329
▪️UAVs - 21,013 (+14)
▪️cruise missiles - 3,003
▪️ships/boats - 28
▪️submarines - 1
▪️vehicles and tankers - 32,328 (+66)
▪️special equipment ‒ 3668
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12/28/2024, 6:27:47 AM
At night, the enemy attacked Mykolaiv with "shaheeds" - two fires broke out
Rescuers extinguished the fire on the roof of a five-story building, as well as a reed fire, covering an area of 1,000 sq m. The roof of the building was partially destroyed, and windows were broken. There were no injuries, the State Emergency Service reports.
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12/28/2024, 7:01:42 AM
#heroes #ourdefenders
Alexei Bezpaltsev is a Kharkiv poet and prose writer who was remembered for his emotional performances. During his lifetime, he managed to publish two collections of short stories and participated in numerous literary slams.
The defender died while performing a combat mission in the Kharkiv region. Before serving in the Kharkiv region, he fought in the Pokrovsky direction. He was 34 years old.
🇺🇦Every day at 09:00 the whole country honors the memory of those who died as a result of Russian armed aggression with a minute of silence
12/28/2024, 9:29:14 AM
At night, air defense forces shot down 15 enemy UAVs, another 1 was lost in the field
All "Shaheeds" were shot down over the Mykolaiv region.
Due to the fall of the shot down UAVs, the property of the enterprise and an apartment building in the city of Mykolaiv were damaged. There were no victims or injuries.
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12/28/2024, 9:46:17 AM
Over the past 24 hours, 162 combat clashes were recorded on the front
▪️In the Kharkiv direction, there were 2 enemy assaults on the positions of our defenders.
▪️In the Kupyansk direction, there were 5 attacks by the invaders near Petropavlivka and Lozova.
▪️In the Lymansk direction, the enemy attacked 20 times in the areas of Pershotravneve, Novoyehorivka, Nadiya, Terni, Torske, Zarichne, Dibrova and in the Serebryansk forest.
▪️In the Siversk direction, the enemy attacked 4 times near Bilogorivka and in the direction of Viimka.
▪️In the Kramatorsk direction, the invaders attacked 5 times in the areas of Chasovye Yar, Bila Hora and Stupochok.
▪️In the Toretsk direction, the enemy carried out 10 attacks near Toretsk, Shcherbynivka and Diliivka.
▪️In the Pokrovsky direction, our defenders stopped 52 offensive actions of the aggressor near Myrolyubivka, Promyen, Vozdvizhenka, Lysivka, Dachenske, Novy Trud, Shevchenko, Novoyelyzavetivka, Novovasylivka and Vovkovy.
▪️In the Kurakhiv direction, the Defense Forces repelled 18 attacks in the areas of Petropavlivka, Slovyanka, Dachny and Kurakhivka.
▪️In the Vremiv direction, the enemy carried out 17 assaults on our positions near Kostyantynopolske, Rozlyv, Novy Komar and Novodarivka.
▪️In the Hulyaipil direction, the enemy tried to advance once in the area of Bilogirya, but to no avail.
▪️In the Prydniprovske direction, the Russian invaders attacked our positions 3 times. They were fiercely repulsed and suffered losses.
▪️In the Kursk region, Ukrainian defenders repelled 22 attacks by occupation troops in a day.
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