Evening rocket strike of the Russian Federation on Kryvyi Rih: The number of dead as a result of hitting the hotel increased to 3 people
In total, 31 people were injured, 1 of which are a child.
The fire was eliminated. 14 apartment buildings, a post office, a house of culture, 12 shops, 19 cars were also damaged.
Rescuers continue to disassemble the rubble.
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Вечірній ракетний удар рф по Кривому Розі: кількість загиблих внаслідок влучання в готель зросла до 3 людей
Загалом постраждала 31 людина, з них 1 дитина.
Пожежу ліквідовано. Також пошкоджено 14 багатоквартирних будинків, відділення пошти, будинок культури, 12 магазинів, 19 автомобілів.
Рятувальники продовжують розбирати завали.
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Rocket Strike da Federação Russa em Kryvyi Rih: O número de mortos como resultado de atingir o hotel aumentou para 3 pessoas
No total, 31 pessoas ficaram feridas, uma das quais é criança.
O fogo foi eliminado. 14 prédios de apartamentos, um correio, uma casa de cultura, 12 lojas, 19 carros também foram danificados.
Os resgatadores continuam desmontando os escombros.
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Huelga de cohetes nocturnos de la Federación de Rusia en Kryvyi Rih: el número de muertos como resultado de golpear al hotel aumentó a 3 personas
En total, 31 personas resultaron heridas, 1 de las cuales son un niño.
El fuego fue eliminado. 14 edificios de apartamentos, una oficina de correos, una casa de cultura, 12 tiendas, 19 autos también fueron dañados.
Los rescatistas continúan desmontando los escombros.
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Вечерняя ракетная забастовка российской федерации на Криви -Рих: количество мертвых в результате удара в отель увеличилось до 3 человек
В общей сложности 31 человек получил травму, 1 из которых - ребенок.
Огонь был устранен. 14 жилых домов, почтовое отделение, дом культуры, 12 магазинов, 19 автомобилей также были повреждены.
Спасатели продолжают разбирать обломки.
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क्राइवी रिह पर रूसी संघ की शाम रॉकेट स्ट्राइक: होटल को मारने के परिणामस्वरूप मृतकों की संख्या 3 लोगों तक बढ़ गई
कुल मिलाकर, 31 लोग घायल हो गए, जिनमें से 1 एक बच्चे हैं।
आग को समाप्त कर दिया गया। 14 अपार्टमेंट इमारतें, एक डाकघर, संस्कृति का एक घर, 12 दुकानें, 19 कारें भी क्षतिग्रस्त हो गईं।
बचाव दल मलबे को अलग करना जारी रखते हैं।
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Soirée de fusée de la Fédération de Russie sur Kryvyi Rih: le nombre de morts à la suite de la frappe de l'hôtel est passé à 3 personnes
Au total, 31 personnes ont été blessées, dont 1 est un enfant.
L'incendie a été éliminé. 14 immeubles d'appartements, un bureau de poste, une maison de culture, 12 magasins, 19 voitures ont également été endommagées.
Les sauveteurs continuent de démonter les décombres.
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إضراب الصواريخ المسائية للاتحاد الروسي على Kryvyi Rih: زاد عدد القتلى نتيجة لضرب الفندق إلى 3 أشخاص
في المجموع ، أصيب 31 شخصًا ، 1 منهم طفل.
تم القضاء على الحريق. 14 مباني سكنية ، مكتب بريد ، منزل للثقافة ، 12 متجرًا ، 19 سيارة تضررت أيضًا.
يستمر رجال الإنقاذ في تفكيك الأنقاض.
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Abend Raketenstreik der Russischen Föderation auf Kryvyi Rih: Die Zahl der Toten infolge der Treffer des Hotels erhöhte sich auf 3 Menschen
Insgesamt wurden 31 Menschen verletzt, von denen 1 ein Kind sind.
Das Feuer wurde beseitigt. 14 Wohngebäude, ein Postamt, ein Haus der Kultur, 12 Geschäfte und 19 Autos wurden ebenfalls beschädigt.
Retter zerlegen weiterhin die Trümmer.
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Scegli Razzo serale della Federazione Russa su Kryvyi RIH: il numero di morti a seguito del colpire l'hotel è aumentato a 3 persone
In totale, 31 persone sono rimaste ferite, 1 delle quali sono un bambino.
Il fuoco è stato eliminato. 14 condomini, un ufficio postale, una casa di cultura, 12 negozi, 19 auto sono state anche danneggiate.
I soccorritori continuano a smontare le macerie.
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Avond Rocket Strike of the Russian Federation on Kryvyi Rih: het aantal doden als gevolg van het raken van het hotel is toegenomen tot 3 personen
In totaal raakten 31 mensen gewond, waarvan 1 een kind.
Het vuur werd geëlimineerd. 14 appartementsgebouwen, een postkantoor, een huis van cultuur, 12 winkels, 19 auto's waren ook beschadigd.
Redders blijven het puin demonteren.
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Evening Rocket Strike της Ρωσικής Ομοσπονδίας στο Kryvyi Rih: Ο αριθμός των νεκρών ως αποτέλεσμα του χτυπήματος του ξενοδοχείου αυξήθηκε σε 3 άτομα
Συνολικά, 31 άτομα τραυματίστηκαν, 1 από τα οποία είναι παιδί.
Η πυρκαγιά εξαλείφθηκε. 14 πολυκατοικίες, ένα ταχυδρομείο, ένα σπίτι πολιτισμού, 12 καταστήματα, 19 αυτοκίνητα υπέστησαν ζημιές.
Οι διασώστες συνεχίζουν να αποσυναρμολογούν τα ερείπια.
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12/25/2024, 8:02:48 AM
Threat of ballistic weapons from the south in areas where air alert has been declared - PS
❗Rocket on Kremenchuk from the north.
12/25/2024, 8:03:31 AM
Rocket at Kryvyi Rih from the northeast
12/25/2024, 8:41:30 AM
Another massive combined attack by the Kremlin on Ukraine
Current data:
▪️ In Dnipropetrovsk region, the Russian Federation killed 1 person. Explosions rang out in Dnipro and Kryvyi Rih, - OVA.
▪️ In Kharkiv, rioters injured 6 people. Hits were recorded in Saltivsk, Kyiv and Nemyshlyansky districts. There were several fires in non-residential buildings and a private house. Rescuers eliminate the consequences, - OVA.
▪️RF hit DTEK thermal power plants, seriously damaging the equipment. Elimination of consequences continues. This year, this is already the 13th mass attack on the Ukrainian energy industry and the 10th mass attack on the company's energy enterprises - DTEK.
▪️Ukraine has introduced blackout schedules, - Ukrenergo.
▪️Explosions were also heard in Ivano-Frankivsk. Part of Prykarpattia was cut off, but currently all consumers are restored, - OVA.
▪️PS reported that a Russian cruise missile had flown into Moldova, and according to reports, it was moving in the direction of Chernivtsi. She probably traveled 140 km through Moldova and Romania to the Daraban region, - monitoring services.
▪️Poland raised its aviation, - Operational Command of the Polish Armed Forces.
12/25/2024, 8:46:14 AM
Plus 1,600 Russians eliminated by the Defense Forces
Losses of the Russian Army in Ukraine from 24.02.22 to 25.12.24:
▪️personnel - 779320 (+1600)
▪️tanks - 9628 (+4)
▪️armored vehicles - 19923 (+8)
▪️artsystem - 21333 (+10)
▪️ RSZV - 1256
▪️ means of air defense - 1030
▪️planes - 369
▪️helicopters - 329
▪️UAV - 20908 (+74)
▪️ cruise missiles - 2948
▪️ships/boats - 28
▪️ submarines - 1
▪️automobiles + tankers - 32117 (+31)
▪️ special equipment - 3667
12/25/2024, 10:10:28 AM
🕯During today's massive attack, a DTEK power engineer died fighting for light
51-year-old Dmytro Petlenko worked at one of the thermal power plants. His body was found under the rubble.
The man worked as a power engineer for over 30 years: first at the ZNPP, and after the occupation of Energodar, he got a job at another thermal power plant of the company.