☑️ I am important in the inferiority of the clarification of Humati:
The Spirit of God Abbasbur, Namanda Bouaminahra:
Qasim Rawbakhsh, Namandah Qom: Aqi Bzkhayan Khashash Makkkam
Hadi Hashemia, Namanda, Khurram Abad:
Rasul Bakhshi, Namanda Isfahan: Economic Casta is a mistake, the benefits of Meli, with the danger of his entrepreneurship.
Abu Al -Fadl Abu Turabi, Namanda Najafad: Instem, Humati Shayd Rahkar Bahboud, an economic situation, either, as well as a solid definitive in the case of the conditions of Ra Mayjard.
☑️ @Sepah_pasdaran
☑️ مهمترین استدلالهای موافقان استیضاح همتی:
روحالله عباسپور، نماینده بوئینزهرا: اگر مجلس به استیضاح رأی ندهد، نشاندهنده مهر تأیید مجلس بر عملکرد اقتصادی دولت و افزایش قیمت ارز است.
قاسم روانبخش، نماینده قم: آقای پزشکیان خواهش میکنم امروز از حضرت آقا استفاده نکنید!
هادی هاشمینیا، نماینده خرم آباد: گاهی اوقات رفتن یک وزیر بهتر از ماندنش است.
رسول بخشی، نماینده اصفهان: سیاستهای اقتصادی غلط، منافع ملی را به خطر انداخته است.
ابوالفضل ابوترابی، نماینده نجفآباد: استیضاح همتی شاید راهکار بهبود وضع اقتصادی نباشد اما قطعا جلوی بدتر شدن اوضاع را میگیرد.
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
阿巴斯堡神的灵,纳曼达·布阿米纳拉(Namanda Bouaminahra):
Hadi Hashemia,Namanda,Khurram Abad:
纳曼达·伊斯法罕(Namanda Isfahan)的拉苏尔·巴赫希(Rasul Bakhshi):经济卡斯塔(Casta)是一个错误,是梅利(Meli)的好处,其企业家精神的危险。
Abu al -Fadl Abu Turabi,Namanda Najafad:Instem,Humati Shayd Rahkar Bahboud,在Ra Mayjard的条件下,也是经济状况,也是坚实的确定性。
☑️ Eu sou importante na inferioridade do esclarecimento de Humati:
O Espírito de Deus Abbasbur, Namanda Bouaminahra:
Qasim Rawbakhsh, Namandah Qom: Aqi Bzkhayan Khashash Makkkam
Hadi Hashemia, Namanda, Khurram Abad:
Rasul Bakhshi, Namanda Isfahan: Casta econômica é um erro, os benefícios de Meli, com o perigo de seu empreendedorismo.
Abu al -Fadl Abu Turabi, Namanda Najafad: Instem, Humati Shayd Rahkar Bahboud, uma situação econômica, além de um sólido definitivo no caso das condições de Ra Mayjard.
☑️ Soy importante en la inferioridad de la aclaración de Humati:
El Espíritu de Dios Abbasbur, Namanda Bouaminahra:
Qasim Rawbakhsh, Namandah Qom: Aqi Bzkhayan Khashash Makkkam
Hadi Hashemia, Namanda, Khurram Abad:
Rasul Bakhshi, Namanda Isfahan: Economic Casta es un error, los beneficios de Meli, con el peligro de su emprendimiento.
Abu al -fadl Abu Turabi, Namanda Najafad: Instem, Humati Shayd Rahkar Bahboud, una situación económica, así como una sólida definitiva en el caso de las condiciones de Ra Mayjard.
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑ Я важен в неполноценении разъяснения Humati:
Дух Божий Аббасбур, Наманда Буаминахра:
Касим Раубахш, Наманда Ком: Аки Бзхаян Хашаш Маккккам
Хади Хашемия, Наманда, Хуррам Абад:
Расул Бахши, Наманда Исфахан: Экономическая каста - это ошибка, преимущества Мели, с опасностью его предпринимательства.
Абу Аль -Фадл Абу Тураби, Наманда Наджафад: Инстим, Хумати Шейд Рахкар Бахбуд, экономическая ситуация, а также солидный окончательный в случае условий Рай Мейджарда.
☑ @sepah_pasdaran
☑ मैं हमती के स्पष्टीकरण की हीनता में महत्वपूर्ण हूं:
द स्पिरिट ऑफ गॉड अब्बास्बर, नामंडा बुमिन्हरा:
कासिम रावबख्श, नामंदाह क्यूम: अकी बज़खयान खशश मक्कम
हदी हैशेमिया, नामंडा, खुराम अबाद:
रसूल बख्शी, नामंडा इस्फ़हान: आर्थिक कास्ट एक गलती है, मेली के लाभ, उनकी उद्यमशीलता के खतरे के साथ।
अबू अल -फादल अबू तूरबी, नामंडा नजफाद: इनस्टेम, हुमती शायद रहकर बहड, एक आर्थिक स्थिति, या तो, साथ ही साथ रा मेजर की शर्तों के मामले में एक ठोस निश्चित है।
☑ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️ Je suis important dans l'infériorité de la clarification de l'humati:
L'Esprit de Dieu Abbasbur, Namanda Bouaminahra:
Qasim Rawbakhsh, Namandah Qom: Aqi Bzkhayan Khashash Makkkam
Hadi Hashemia, Namanda, Khurram Abad:
Rasul Bakhshi, Namanda Isfahan: Casta économique est une erreur, les avantages de Meli, avec le danger de son entrepreneuriat.
Abu al -fadl Abu Turabi, Namanda Najafad: Insem, Humati Shayd Rahkar Bahboud, une situation économique, ainsi que une solide définitive dans le cas des conditions de Ra Mayjard.
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️ مهمترین استدلالهای موافقان استیضاح همتی:
روحالله عباسپور، نماینده بوئینزهرا: اگر مجلس به استیضاح رأی ندهد، نشاندهنده مهر تأیید مجلس بر عملکرد اقتصادی دولت و افزایش قیمت ارز است.
قاسم روانبخش، نماینده قم: آقای پزشکیان خواهش میکنم امروز از حضرت آقا استفاده نکنید!
هادی هاشمینیا، نماینده خرم آباد: گاهی اوقات رفتن یک وزیر بهتر از ماندنش است.
رسول بخشی، نماینده اصفهان: سیاستهای اقتصادی غلط، منافع ملی را به خطر انداخته است.
ابوالفضل ابوترابی، نماینده نجفآباد: استیضاح همتی شاید راهکار بهبود وضع اقتصادی نباشد اما قطعا جلوی بدتر شدن اوضاع را میگیرد.
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️ Ich bin wichtig für die Minderwertigkeit der Klärung von Humati:
Der Geist Gottes Abbasbur, Namanda Bouaminahra:
Qasim Rawbakhsh, Namandah Qom: Aqi Bzkhayan Khashash Makkkam
Hadi Haschämie, Namanda, Khurram Abad:
Rasul Bakhshi, Namanda Isfahan: Economic Casta ist ein Fehler, die Vorteile von Meli, mit der Gefahr seines Unternehmertums.
Abu al -fadl Abu Turabi, Namanda Najafad: Instem, Humati Shayd Rahkar Bahboud, eine wirtschaftliche Situation sowie eine solide Definitive im Falle der Bedingungen von Ra Mayjard.
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️ Sono importante nell'inferiorità del chiarimento di Humati:
Lo Spirito di Dio Abbasbur, Namanda Bouaminahra:
Qasim Rawbakhsh, Namandah Qom: Aqi Bzkhayan Khashash Makkkam
Hadi Hashemia, Namanda, Khurram Abad:
Rasul Bakhshi, Namanda Isfahan: il casta economico è un errore, i benefici di Meli, con il pericolo della sua imprenditorialità.
Abu al -fadl Abu Turabi, Namanda Najafad: Instem, Humati Shayd Rahkar Bahboud, una situazione economica, nonché una solida definitiva nel caso delle condizioni di Ra Mayjard.
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
Qasim Rawbakhsh、Namandah Qom:Aqi Bzkhayan Khashash Makkkam
Hadi Hashemia、Namanda、Khurram Abad:
Abu al -fadl Abu Turabi、Namanda Najafad:Instem、Humati Shayd Rahkar Bahboud、経済状況、およびRa Mayjardの条件の場合の強固な決定的。
☑️ Ik ben belangrijk in de inferioriteit van de verduidelijking van Humati:
De Geest van God Abbasbur, Namanda Bouaminahra:
Qasim Rawbakhsh, Namandah Qom: Aqi Bzkhayan Khashash Makkam
Hadi Hashemia, Namanda, Khurram Abad:
Rasul Bakhshi, Namanda Isfahan: Economische Casta is een vergissing, de voordelen van Meli, met het gevaar van zijn ondernemerschap.
Abu al -fadl Abu Turabi, Namanda Najafad: Instem, Humati Shayd Rahkar Bahboud, een economische situatie, evenals een solide definitief in het geval van de voorwaarden van Ra Mayjard.
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️ Είμαι σημαντικός στην κατωτερότητα της διευκρίνισης του Humati:
Το Πνεύμα του Θεού Αμπασμπουργίου, η Ναμάντα Μπουαμινάχρα:
Qasim Rawbakhsh, Namandah Qom: Aqi Bzkhayan Khashash Makkamam
Hadi Hashemia, Namanda, Khurram Abad:
Rasul Bakhshi, Namanda Isfahan: Το οικονομικό casta είναι ένα λάθος, τα οφέλη του Meli, με τον κίνδυνο της επιχειρηματικότητας του.
Abu al -fadl Abu Turabi, Namanda Najafad: Instem, Humati Shayd Rahkar Bahboud, μια οικονομική κατάσταση, είτε, καθώς και μια σταθερή οριστική στην περίπτωση των συνθηκών της Ra Mayjard.
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
12/30/2024, 2:39:13 PM
☑️ Hussein Aqa Jabha, Murid Haj Qasim
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
12/30/2024, 2:46:46 PM
It was disturbed by the Israeli regime and its forces, as a result of a strike against the resistance force in Beit Hanoun, in the north of Gaza.
🌹 God is Great, and praise be to God
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
12/30/2024, 2:47:14 PM
☑️🔥🔥 #Immediate / Jordan Kassam: The Zionist regime in Beit Hanoun in northern Gaza has come to the end of Yassin 105 and is now in ruins. Niz Kashta and Zakhmi Shadand.
🌹 God is great and God is great
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
12/30/2024, 3:34:02 PM
Kurdish Mujahideen media divisions, where are their guards, in my operations, in Jabalia, in the northern part of Gaza, there is a regular gate in the Zionist occupation area, near the border, and at zero distances, 5 Nizami Israeli on the market.
Assuming confirmation of the Kurds of the Mujahideen, these are the tanks that have been placed in them, with a ring attached to them, and there is an Israeli system pocket inside the iPod, with Narangkahai Dasti is the goal of Dadand's decision, so that his concern is that he is busy and his momentum is strong.
🌹 God is Great, and praise be to God
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
1/29/2025, 5:56:48 PM
☑️Financial harmony; I have a lot of logos, I made my money
With the design of the economic and economic consultations, we will discuss the differences between the countries that created Mali (Porse, Bank and Bank), “financial agreement; “Sarmayeh Milli” has the title of the slogan “This is the heart of the Millennium Election”.
Saleh Sepasdar Tehran, Member of the Political Council of Roydad Sanat Mali:
Havdahmin Rouydad is among the Iranian financial institutions (Borse, Bank and Bahrain) currently with the participation of economic and financial institutions in the country on the date of 18-21 Khordad 1404 in a permanent place. What is the matter between the Tehran militias and the Ministry of Finance that is seeking to design a strategic and procedural consultation here? “Financial agreement”; “Sarmayeh Milli” has the title of the slogan “This is the heart of the Millennium Election”.
In order to improve the financial blackness of all of Mardam and Ashnay with its financial resources and the financial services of its companies and the industries of shores, it conforms to the national program and the image of its room. This is a course in which we have created a financial center and a way to advance financial blackness on the path of the mercenaries. This is a course in high education, specialized conferences, debates and conferences, and this is the transition to the experience of mediation in Peshksotana. I dashed.
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran