

Real time military news

Published date: 2/26/2025, 7:09:33 AM
2/26/2025, 7:09:33 AM
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Today, the Russian army hit the DTEK's energy object in Dnipropetrovsk region "Energy are making every effort to restore its work as soon as possible," DTEK.
Сьогодні армія росії вдарила по енергетичному обʼєкті ДТЕК на Дніпропетровщині "Енергетики докладають всіх можливих зусиль, щоб якнайшвидше відновити його роботу", - ДТЕК.
今天,俄罗斯军队袭击了Dnipropetrovsk地区DTEK的能量对象 DTEK:“精力正在尽快恢复其工作。”
Hoje, o exército russo atingiu o objeto de energia do DTEK na região de Dnipropetrovsk "A energia está fazendo todos os esforços para restaurar seu trabalho o mais rápido possível", Dtek.
Hoy, el ejército ruso golpeó el objeto de energía del Dtek en la región de Dnipropetrovsk "La energía está haciendo todo lo posible para restaurar su trabajo lo antes posible", Dtek.
Сегодня российская армия поразила энергетический объект DTEK в регионе Днипропетровска «Энергия прилагает все усилия, чтобы как можно скорее восстановить свою работу», - Дтек.
आज, रूसी सेना ने Dnipropetrovsk क्षेत्र में DTEK की ऊर्जा वस्तु को मारा "ऊर्जा जल्द से जल्द अपने काम को बहाल करने के लिए हर संभव प्रयास कर रही है," Dtek।
Aujourd'hui, l'armée russe a frappé l'objet énergétique du DTEK dans la région de Dnipropetrovsk "L'énergie fait tout son possible pour restaurer son travail dès que possible", a déclaré Dtek.
اليوم ، ضرب الجيش الروسي كائن طاقة DTEK في منطقة Dnipropetrovsk "إن الطاقة تبذل قصارى جهدها لاستعادة عملها في أقرب وقت ممكن ،" Dtek.
Heute traf die russische Armee das Energieobjekt des DTEK in der Region Dnipropetrovsk "Energie bemüht sich, seine Arbeit so schnell wie möglich wiederherzustellen", DTEK.
Oggi, l'esercito russo ha colpito l'oggetto energetico del DTEK nella regione di Dnipropetrovsk "L'energia sta facendo ogni sforzo per ripristinare il suo lavoro il prima possibile", Dtek.
今日、ロシア軍はDnipropetrovsk地域のDTEKのエネルギーオブジェクトに衝突しました 「エネルギーは、できるだけ早く仕事を回復するためにあらゆる努力を払っています」とDtek。
Tegenwoordig raakte het Russische leger het energieobject van Dtek in de regio Dnipropetrovsk "Energie doet er alles aan om zijn werk zo snel mogelijk te herstellen", Dtek.
Σήμερα, ο ρωσικός στρατός έπληξε το ενεργειακό αντικείμενο του DTEK στην περιοχή Dnipropetrovsk "Η ενέργεια καταβάλλει κάθε δυνατή προσπάθεια για να αποκαταστήσει το έργο της το συντομότερο δυνατό", DTEK.

12/25/2024, 8:02:48 AM
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Threat of ballistic weapons from the south in areas where air alert has been declared - PS ❗Rocket on Kremenchuk from the north.
12/25/2024, 8:03:31 AM
Rocket at Kryvyi Rih from the northeast
12/25/2024, 8:41:30 AM
Another massive combined attack by the Kremlin on Ukraine Current data: ▪️ In Dnipropetrovsk region, the Russian Federation killed 1 person. Explosions rang out in Dnipro and Kryvyi Rih, - OVA. ▪️ In Kharkiv, rioters injured 6 people. Hits were recorded in Saltivsk, Kyiv and Nemyshlyansky districts. There were several fires in non-residential buildings and a private house. Rescuers eliminate the consequences, - OVA. ▪️RF hit DTEK thermal power plants, seriously damaging the equipment. Elimination of consequences continues. This year, this is already the 13th mass attack on the Ukrainian energy industry and the 10th mass attack on the company's energy enterprises - DTEK. ▪️Ukraine has introduced blackout schedules, - Ukrenergo. ▪️Explosions were also heard in Ivano-Frankivsk. Part of Prykarpattia was cut off, but currently all consumers are restored, - OVA. ▪️PS reported that a Russian cruise missile had flown into Moldova, and according to reports, it was moving in the direction of Chernivtsi. She probably traveled 140 km through Moldova and Romania to the Daraban region, - monitoring services. ▪️Poland raised its aviation, - Operational Command of the Polish Armed Forces.
12/25/2024, 8:46:14 AM
Plus 1,600 Russians eliminated by the Defense Forces Losses of the Russian Army in Ukraine from 24.02.22 to 25.12.24: ▪️personnel - 779320 (+1600) ▪️tanks - 9628 (+4) ▪️armored vehicles - 19923 (+8) ▪️artsystem - 21333 (+10)   ▪️ RSZV - 1256 ▪️ means of air defense - 1030 ▪️planes - 369 ▪️helicopters - 329 ▪️UAV - 20908 (+74) ▪️ cruise missiles - 2948 ▪️ships/boats - 28 ▪️ submarines - 1   ▪️automobiles + tankers - 32117 (+31) ▪️ special equipment - 3667
12/25/2024, 10:10:28 AM
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🕯During today's massive attack, a DTEK power engineer died fighting for light 51-year-old Dmytro Petlenko worked at one of the thermal power plants. His body was found under the rubble. The man worked as a power engineer for over 30 years: first at the ZNPP, and after the occupation of Energodar, he got a job at another thermal power plant of the company.