

Real time military news

Published date: 2/24/2025, 12:42:48 PM
2/24/2025, 12:42:48 PM
Urgent The Qatari ambassador to Tehran: We are very serious about issues of interest and joint projects, and we will follow up and implement the agreements reached between the Emir of Qatar and the Iranian president during the last visit
🔴 عاجل | السفير القطري في طهران: نحن جادون للغاية في الموضوعات ذات الاهتمام والمشاريع المشتركة وسنقوم بمتابعة وتنفيذ الاتفاقيات التي تم التوصل إليها بين أمير قطر والرئيس الايراني خلال الزيارة الأخيرة
Urgente O embaixador do Catar em Teerã: somos muito sérios sobre questões de interesse e projetos conjuntos, e acompanharemos e implementaremos os acordos alcançados entre o Emir do Catar e o presidente iraniano durante a última visita
Urgente El embajador de Qatar en Teherán: Somos muy serios sobre cuestiones de intereses y proyectos conjuntos, y haremos un seguimiento e implementaremos los acuerdos alcanzados entre el emir de Qatar y el presidente iraní durante la última visita
Срочный Посол Катара в Тегеране: мы очень серьезно относимся к вопросам интереса и совместных проектов, и мы будем следить и выполнить соглашения, достигнутые между эмиром Катара и президентом Ирана во время последнего визита
अति आवश्यक तेहरान में कतरी राजदूत: हम ब्याज और संयुक्त परियोजनाओं के मुद्दों के बारे में बहुत गंभीर हैं, और हम अंतिम यात्रा के दौरान कतर के अमीर और ईरानी राष्ट्रपति के बीच दिए गए समझौतों का पालन करेंगे और लागू करेंगे।
Urgent L'ambassadeur du qatari à Téhéran: nous sommes très graves sur les questions d'intérêt et de projets conjoints, et nous ferons un suivi et une mise en œuvre des accords conclus entre l'émir du Qatar et le président iranien lors de la dernière visite
🔴 عاجل | السفير القطري في طهران: نحن جادون للغاية في الموضوعات ذات الاهتمام والمشاريع المشتركة وسنقوم بمتابعة وتنفيذ الاتفاقيات التي تم التوصل إليها بين أمير قطر والرئيس الايراني خلال الزيارة الأخيرة
Dringend Der katarische Botschafter in Teheran: Wir sind sehr ernst mit Fragen von Interesse und gemeinsamen Projekten und werden die Vereinbarungen, die zwischen dem Emir von Katar und dem iranischen Präsidenten während des letzten Besuchs getroffen wurden
Urgente L'ambasciatore del Qatar a Teheran: siamo molto seriamente riguardo alle questioni di interesse e progetti congiunti e seguiremo e implementeremo gli accordi raggiunti tra l'emiro del Qatar e il presidente iraniano durante l'ultima visita
Dringend De Qatari -ambassadeur in Teheran: we zijn zeer serieus over kwesties van interesse en gezamenlijke projecten, en we zullen de overeenkomsten opvolgen en implementeren tussen de Emir van Qatar en de Iraanse president tijdens het laatste bezoek
Επείγων Ο Πρεσβευτής του Κατάρ στην Τεχεράνη: Είμαστε πολύ σοβαροί για θέματα ενδιαφέροντος και κοινών έργων και θα παρακολουθήσουμε και θα εφαρμόσουμε τις συμφωνίες που επιτεύχθηκαν μεταξύ του Εμίρ του Κατάρ και του Ιρανικού Προέδρου κατά τη διάρκεια της τελευταίας επίσκεψης

12/14/2024, 5:48:30 PM
🔴 Urgent | Palestinian medical sources: 47 martyrs in Israeli raids on several areas in the Gaza Strip, 26 of them in the center and south of the Strip
12/14/2024, 6:10:26 PM
🔵 Introduction to Al-Manar's main news bulletin for Saturday 12-14-2024 The resistance will inevitably remain, and Hezbollah is strong and recovering, and every stage has its own ways and methods.. In a clear and honest manner and a systematic and logical approach, the Secretary-General of Hezbollah, His Eminence Sheikh Naim Qassem, detailed the reality of the resistance and its work program in the next stage.. With the legendary steadfastness of the resistance fighters and their patient families, the blood of the Master of the Martyrs of the Nation and all the martyred and martyred leaders, and the political and military management of the Battle of the Brave, the Lebanese were able to prevent the enemy from entering a new Middle East from the Lebanese gate, so victory was achieved by preventing the enemy from achieving the goals, despite the great sacrifices that are a natural price For the continuation of the resistance, as the Secretary-General of Hezbollah confirmed.. Certainly the resistance continues, and Lebanon is strong with its army, people and resistance, and will not allow sedition to spread in the structure of this trio or the structure of Lebanon, as Sheikh Qassem decided.. Among the priorities of Hezbollah's work program is the implementation of the ceasefire agreement, which is an executive mechanism for 1701 south of the Litani, and reconstruction with the help of the state and all those who wish to support Lebanon. As for Hezbollah's serious work, it is to elect a president on January 9, and to participate through the state with a rescue and reform program based on citizenship and equality under the law and the Taif Agreement, and positive dialogue on problematic issues, from how to confront the occupation to strengthening the army to the defensive strategy and how to benefit from the resistance and the people as a support for liberation.. In supporting Syria, the title was its steadfastness in the position hostile to Israel, and its contribution to strengthening the capabilities of the Lebanese and Palestinian resistance across its lands, and on this basis the judgment will be on the new regime - that is, hostility to Israel. And with the impossibility of judging these new forces before the institutions are stable and organized, Sheikh Qassem hoped that the choice of the Syrian people and its new regime would be to cooperate with Lebanon and its people on an equal basis. Even if Hezbollah has lost at this stage the military supply route through Syria, this route can return with the new government, and other routes can be sought, as the resistance is flexible and must adapt to the circumstances - as His Eminence said. While His Eminence believes that what is happening in Syria will not affect Lebanon, his vision is that the active forces in the region will remain present, and will review their calculations and methods of work to address the gaps. https://www.almanar.com.lb/?s=tg
12/14/2024, 6:19:59 PM
🔴 Urgent | Damascus Airport Director: Work at the airport will resume on Wednesday, December 18, 2024
12/14/2024, 6:29:15 PM
All the Lebanese who supported and wished for the victory of the resistance are partners in the victory process Sheikh Naim Qassem | 12/14/2024
12/14/2024, 6:36:49 PM
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