Urgent Sheikh Qasim: The contribution of Mr. Hassan Nasrallah was great in reviving the Palestinian issue, and we will preserve the trust and we will follow this line
🔴 عاجل | الشيخ قاسم: مساهمة السيد حسن نصرالله كانت عظيمة في إحياء القضية الفلسطينية ونحن سنحفظ الأمانة وسنسير على هذا الخط
Urgente Sheikh Qasim: A contribuição do Sr. Hassan Nasrallah foi ótima para reviver a questão palestina, e preservaremos a confiança e seguiremos esta linha
Urgente Sheikh Qasim: La contribución del Sr. Hassan Nasrallah fue excelente al revivir el tema palestino, y preservaremos el fideicomiso y seguiremos esta línea
Срочный Шейх Касим: Вклад г -на Хасана Насраллаха был великолепен в возрождении палестинской проблемы, и мы сохраним доверие, и мы будем следовать этой линии
अति आवश्यक शेख कासिम: श्री हसन नसरल्लाह का योगदान फिलिस्तीनी मुद्दे को पुनर्जीवित करने में महान था, और हम ट्रस्ट को संरक्षित करेंगे और हम इस लाइन का पालन करेंगे
Urgent Sheikh Qasim: La contribution de M. Hassan Nasrallah a été formidable pour relancer la question palestinienne, et nous préserverons la confiance et nous suivrons cette ligne
🔴 عاجل | الشيخ قاسم: مساهمة السيد حسن نصرالله كانت عظيمة في إحياء القضية الفلسطينية ونحن سنحفظ الأمانة وسنسير على هذا الخط
Dringend Sheikh Qasim: Der Beitrag von Herrn Hassan Nasrallah war großartig, um das palästinensische Problem wiederzubeleben, und wir werden das Vertrauen bewahren und wir werden dieser Linie folgen
Urgente Sheikh Qasim: Il contributo del signor Hassan Nasrallah è stato grande nel rilanciare la questione palestinese e preserveremo la fiducia e seguiremo questa linea
Dringend Sheikh Qasim: De bijdrage van de heer Hassan Nasrallah was geweldig in het herleven van de Palestijnse kwestie, en we zullen het vertrouwen behouden en we zullen deze lijn volgen
Επείγων Sheikh Qasim: Η συμβολή του κ. Hassan Nasrallah ήταν μεγάλη για την αναβίωση του παλαιστινιακού ζητήματος και θα διατηρήσουμε την εμπιστοσύνη και θα ακολουθήσουμε αυτή τη γραμμή
1/1/2025, 12:49:21 PM
🔴 Urgent | New Orleans Police: The person who drove the car into the crowd wanted to run over as many people as possible
1/1/2025, 12:46:12 PM
🔴 Urgent | New Orleans State Police: 10 people killed in a hit-and-run accident, 30 injured, including 4 in critical condition
1/1/2025, 1:06:22 PM
The Second Front | International reports document the crimes of the Zionist occupation amidst continued American oppression.
The full episode is available at the following link:
1/1/2025, 1:09:17 PM
Hotline | The Islamic Health Authority in the service of people in war and peace..
The full episode is available on the following link:
1/1/2025, 1:09:26 PM
🔴 Urgent | ABC News: The New Orleans attacker was killed in an exchange of fire with the police, and there is no information about his identity yet