Urgente Sheikh Qasim: Sr. Habib, A resistência, dirigida pela Palestina e Jerusalém, que contribuiu para o renascimento desta questão
Urgente Sheikh Qasim: El Sr. Habib, la resistencia, dirigida por Palestina y Jerusalén, que contribuyó al renacimiento de este tema
Срочный Шейх Касим: Мистер Хабиб, Сопротивление, режиссер Палестина и Иерусалим, внесли свой вклад в возрождение этого вопроса
अति आवश्यक शेख कासिम: श्री हबीब, द रेजिस्टेंस, फिलिस्तीन और यरूशलेम द्वारा निर्देशित, जिन्होंने इस मुद्दे के पुनरुद्धार में योगदान दिया
Urgent Sheikh Qasim: M. Habib, la résistance, dirigée par Palestine et Jérusalem, qui a contribué à la renaissance de cette question
🔴 عاجل | الشيخ قاسم: السيد حبيب المقاومين وجهته فلسطين والقدس وهو الذي ساهم في إحياء هذه القضية
Dringend Sheikh Qasim: Herr Habib, der Widerstand unter der Regie von Palästina und Jerusalem, die zur Wiederbelebung dieses Problems beigetragen haben
Urgente Sheikh Qasim: Mr. Habib, la resistenza, diretto da Palestina e Gerusalemme, che ha contribuito al risveglio di questo problema
Dringend Sheikh Qasim: Mr. Habib, The Resistance, geregisseerd door Palestina en Jeruzalem, die hebben bijgedragen aan de heropleving van deze kwestie
Επείγων Sheikh Qasim: Ο κ. Habib, η αντίσταση, σε σκηνοθεσία της Παλαιστίνης και της Ιερουσαλήμ, που συνέβαλαν στην αναβίωση αυτού του ζητήματος
12/22/2024, 9:12:39 AM
🔴 Urgent | 4 people killed in a helicopter crash of the Turkish Ministry of Health after it collided with a hospital building in Mugla Province, southern Türkiye
🔴 Urgent | An important statement by the Yemeni Armed Forces to announce a qualitative military operation at exactly 5:10 pm Sana'a time, 4:10 pm Beirut time
12/22/2024, 9:26:43 AM
🔴 Urgent | Imam Khamenei: The Iranian people will crush anyone who accepts to become a mercenary for the United States
12/22/2024, 9:33:22 AM
🔴 Urgent | Imam Khamenei: I expect that the events in Syria will lead to the emergence of a group of honorable and strong people, and the future of the region will be better than its current reality