

Real time military news

Published date: 2/17/2025, 3:00:23 PM
2/17/2025, 3:00:23 PM
🔴 Follow -up Safa The outbreak of confrontations between young men and the occupation forces in the town of Beit Ummar, north of Hebron
🔴 متابعة صفا| اندلاع مواجهات بين شبان وقوات الاحتلال في بلدة بيت أمر شمال الخليل
🔴关注-up -up safa希伯伦以北的贝特·乌玛尔镇的年轻人与占领军之间的对抗爆发
🔴 Siga -Up Safa O surto de confrontos entre jovens e as forças de ocupação na cidade de Beit Ummar, ao norte de Hebron
🔴 Seguimiento -Up Safa El estallido de confrontaciones entre los hombres jóvenes y las fuerzas de ocupación en la ciudad de Beit Ummar, al norte de Hebrón
🔴 Следуйте -SAFA Всколка конфронтации между молодыми людьми и оккупационными силами в городе Бейт Уммар, к северу от Хеврона
🔴 फॉलो -अप सफा हेब्रोन के उत्तर में बीट उमार शहर में युवा पुरुषों और व्यवसाय बलों के बीच टकराव का प्रकोप
🔴 Suivre -Up Safa Le déclenchement de confrontations entre les jeunes hommes et les forces d'occupation dans la ville de Beit Ummar, au nord de Hébron
🔴 متابعة صفا| اندلاع مواجهات بين شبان وقوات الاحتلال في بلدة بيت أمر شمال الخليل
🔴 Follow -up Safa folgen Der Ausbruch der Konfrontationen zwischen jungen Männern und den Besatzungskräften in der Stadt Beit Ummar nördlich von Hebron
🔴 Segui -up safa Lo scoppio degli scontri tra i giovani e le forze di occupazione nella città di Beit Ummar, a nord di Hebron
collow -Up Safaをフォローしますヘブロンの北にあるベイト・ウンマーの町での若い男性と占領軍の間の対立の発生
🔴 Volg -Up Safa Het uitbreken van confrontaties tussen jonge mannen en de bezettingskrachten in de stad Beit Ummar, ten noorden van Hebron
🔴 Ακολουθήστε το Safa Το ξέσπασμα των αντιπαραθέσεων μεταξύ των νέων ανδρών και των δυνάμεων κατοχής στην πόλη Beit Ummar, βόρεια της Χεβρώνας

12/21/2024, 7:14:55 AM
🔴 Safa Follow-up | Statement issued by the Palestinian Mujahideen Movement: ▪️We congratulate the new qualitative missile strike carried out by the Mujahideen of the Yemeni Armed Forces deep inside the usurping Zionist entity, which resulted in dozens of casualties among the usurping Zionists. ▪️This blessed strike reflects the determination and resolve of the Yemeni people and their mujahid leadership to continue supporting the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, which is being subjected to the most heinous ethnic cleansing and genocide in light of international silence and collusion and Arab and Islamic inaction. ▪️These blessed strikes come from the great Yemen to foil the enemy's plans to dominate the region, and to spoil the arrogance of the criminal Netanyahu and his claims and boasting about changing the map of the Middle East. ▪️ We salute the heroes of the great Yemen, its armed forces, its leadership, and Mr. Abdul-Malik Al-Houthi, who did not hesitate or delay in supporting and backing their brothers in the Palestinian people and their resistance, despite the great conspiracy, aggression, and siege.
12/31/2024, 6:33:05 AM
🔴 Safa follow-up | Yemeni Armed Forces: Our missile force carried out two qualitative military operations in occupied Jaffa and southern Jerusalem with two missiles that achieved their goals
12/21/2024, 7:52:22 AM
🔴 Safa follow-up | Statement issued by the Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine: ▪️We bless the strikes carried out by the heroes of brotherly Yemen against targets inside the Zionist entity, including the strike that targeted the heart of the usurped Tel Aviv this morning, with a qualitative missile. ▪️The courage and steadfastness shown by our Yemeni brothers in supporting our Palestinian people, in the face of the crimes committed by the criminal entity, is a source of pride and honor for all free people of the world.
12/21/2024, 7:53:27 AM
📝 Safa follow-up | For 78 days, the northern Gaza Strip has been subjected to bombing, siege and starvation https://safa.ps/p/378155
12/21/2024, 7:53:40 AM
🔴 Safa follow-up | The Hebrew newspaper "Maariv": The "Arrow" air defense system failed 4 times in a row to intercept ballistic missiles