⭕️ I am
Hamas: From the enemy's breaches, the disability of entering the shelter requirements, from tents, ready houses, fuel, and mechanisms to raise the rubble to recover the bodies
حماس: من خروق العدو إعاقة دخول متطلبات الإيواء من خيام وبيوت جاهزة ووقود وآليات رفع الأنقاض لانتشال الجثث
⭕️ Eu sou
Hamas: A partir das violações do inimigo, a deficiência de inserir os requisitos de abrigo, de tendas, casas prontas, combustível e mecanismos para aumentar os escombros para recuperar os corpos
⭕️ Soy
Hamas: De las infracciones del enemigo, la discapacidad de ingresar los requisitos de refugio, desde tiendas, casas listas, combustible y mecanismos para elevar los escombros para recuperar los cuerpos
⭕ Я есть
ХАМАС: Из нарушений противника, инвалидности вступления в укрытие, от палаток, готовых домов, топлива и механизмов, чтобы поднять обломки для восстановления тела
⭕ मैं हूँ
हमास: दुश्मन के उल्लंघनों से, शरण की आवश्यकताओं में प्रवेश करने की विकलांगता, टेंट, तैयार घरों, ईंधन और तंत्रों से निकायों को पुनर्प्राप्त करने के लिए मलबे को बढ़ाने के लिए
⭕️ Je suis
Hamas: D'après les violations de l'ennemi, l'invalidité de saisir les exigences du refuge, des tentes, des maisons prêtes, du carburant et des mécanismes pour élever les décombres pour récupérer les corps
Ⓣ.me / almasirah2
حماس: من خروق العدو إعاقة دخول متطلبات الإيواء من خيام وبيوت جاهزة ووقود وآليات رفع الأنقاض لانتشال الجثث
⭕️ Ich bin
Hamas: Aus den Verstößen des Feindes ist die Behinderung, die Schutzanforderungen zu betreten, aus Zelten, Bereitschaftshäusern, Treibstoff und Mechanismen, um die Trümmer zu erheben, um die Körper zurückzugewinnen
⭕️ Io sono
Hamas: Dalle violazioni del nemico, la disabilità di entrare nei requisiti del rifugio, da tende, case pronte, carburante e meccanismi per sollevare le macerie per recuperare i corpi
⭕️ Ik ben
HAMAS: Uit de inbreuken van de vijand, de handicap van het invoeren van de opvangvereisten, van tenten, kant -en -klare huizen, brandstof en mechanismen om het puin op te heffen om de lichamen te herstellen
⭕️ Είμαι
Χαμάς: Από τις παραβιάσεις του εχθρού, η αναπηρία της εισόδου στις απαιτήσεις καταφυγίου, από τις σκηνές, τα έτοιμα σπίτια, τα καύσιμα και τους μηχανισμούς για την αύξηση των ερειπίων για την ανάκτηση των σωμάτων
12/13/2024, 4:10:58 PM
From the Yemeni Million to the Billion-Man Nation..
Messages of advice, reminders and mobilization sent by the Yemenis in conjunction with their missiles striking American warships and Israeli bases
Million-man "We are steadfast with Gaza and continue to confront the Zionist-American project" in #Al-Sab'een_Square #Sanaa
12/13/2024, 4:30:15 PM
At the height of their high readiness to confront any Zionist-American aggression from within or without.. #Yemen chants with a unified popular voice "Whoever thought of targeting us.. Try your luck and you will know us"
Million-man march "We are steadfast with Gaza and continue to confront the Zionist-American project" in #Al-Sab'een_Square #Sanaa
1/7/2025, 12:59:30 PM
Prisoners Authority and Palestinian Prisoners Club: 291 martyrs among prisoners and detainees in enemy prisons whose identities are known since 1967
1/7/2025, 12:59:44 PM
Prisoners Authority and Palestinian Prisoners Club: 54 martyrs among prisoners and detainees whose identities are known since the beginning of the war of extermination on the Strip, including 35 martyrs from Gaza
1/7/2025, 12:59:56 PM
Prisoners Authority and Palestinian Prisoners Club: The Israeli enemy continues to hide dozens of martyrs from the Gaza Strip detainees in its prisons