“Today there was a meeting with the participation of Prime Minister Shmigal, the first Vice Sviridenko and the Minister of Health Lyashko regarding prices for medicines. Prices are absolutely inadequate. Pharmacy networks and manufacturers should give more comfortable conditions to our people. We are preparing a NSDC meeting and very specific offers in the interests of our people to reduce prices. ”
Vladimir Zelensky's appeal at the end of 1083.
«Сьогодні була нарада за участі Премʼєр-міністра Шмигаля, першої віцепремʼєра Свириденко та міністра охорони здоровʼя Ляшка щодо цін на ліки. Ціни абсолютно неадекватні. Аптечні мережі та виробники повинні дати більш комфортні умови нашим людям. Ми готуємо засідання РНБО щодо цього і дуже конкретні пропозиції в інтересах наших людей, щоб знизити ціни».
Звернення Володимира Зеленського наприкінці 1083-го дня війни.
“Hoje houve uma reunião com a participação do primeiro -ministro Shmigal, o primeiro vice -Sviridenko e o ministro da Saúde Lyashko sobre os preços dos medicamentos. Os preços são absolutamente inadequados. Redes e fabricantes de farmácias devem fornecer condições mais confortáveis ao nosso pessoal. Estamos preparando uma reunião do NSDC e ofertas muito específicas nos interesses de nosso pessoal para reduzir os preços.
O apelo de Vladimir Zelensky no final de 1083.
“Hoy hubo una reunión con la participación del primer ministro Shmigal, el primer vicio Sviridenko y el Ministro de Salud Lyashko con respecto a los precios de los medicamentos. Los precios son absolutamente inadecuados. Las redes de farmacia y los fabricantes deben dar condiciones más cómodas a nuestra gente. Estamos preparando una reunión de NSDC y ofertas muy específicas en interés de nuestra gente para reducir los precios.
La apelación de Vladimir Zelensky al final de 1083.
«Сегодня была встреча с участием премьер -министра Шмигала, первого вице -Свириденко и министра здравоохранения Ляшко в отношении цен на лекарства. Цены абсолютно неадекватны. Аптечные сети и производители должны дать более комфортным условиям нашим людям. Мы готовим встречу NSDC и очень специфические предложения в интересах наших людей по снижению цен ».
Апелляция Владимира Зеленского в конце 1083 года.
“आज दवाइयों के लिए कीमतों के बारे में प्रधानमंत्री श्मिगल, पहले वाइस स्विरिडेंको और स्वास्थ्य मंत्री ल्याशको की भागीदारी के साथ एक बैठक हुई। कीमतें बिल्कुल अपर्याप्त हैं। फार्मेसी नेटवर्क और निर्माताओं को हमारे लोगों को अधिक आरामदायक स्थिति देनी चाहिए। हम एक NSDC बैठक और कीमतों को कम करने के लिए अपने लोगों के हितों में बहुत विशिष्ट प्रस्ताव तैयार कर रहे हैं।
1083 के अंत में व्लादिमीर ज़ेलेंस्की की अपील।
«Aujourd'hui, il y a eu une réunion avec la participation du Premier ministre Shmigal, du premier vice-vice-sviridenko et du ministre de la Santé Lyashko concernant les prix des médicaments. Les prix sont absolument inadéquats. Les réseaux de pharmacie et les fabricants devraient donner des conditions plus confortables à nos employés. Nous préparons une réunion du NSDC et des offres très spécifiques dans l'intérêt de nos habitants de réduire les prix.
L'appel de Vladimir Zelensky à la fin de 1083.
"كان هناك اجتماع اليوم مع مشاركة رئيس الوزراء شميغال ، أول نائب سفيديدينكو ووزير الصحة لياشكو فيما يتعلق بأسعار الأدوية. الأسعار غير كافية للغاية. يجب أن تعطي شبكات الصيدلة والمصنعين ظروفًا أكثر راحة لشعبنا. نحن نستعد لاجتماع NSDC وعروض محددة للغاية في مصالح شعبنا لخفض الأسعار. "
نداء فلاديمير زيلنسكي في نهاية عام 1083.
„Heute gab es ein Treffen mit der Teilnahme von Premierminister Shmigal, dem ersten Vize -Sviridenko und des Gesundheitsministers Lyashko bezüglich der Preise für Medikamente. Die Preise sind absolut unzureichend. Apothekenetzwerke und Hersteller sollten unseren Mitarbeitern komfortablere Bedingungen geben. Wir bereiten ein NSDC -Treffen und sehr spezifische Angebote für unsere Mitarbeiter vor, um die Preise zu senken. “
Vladimir Zelenskys Berufung Ende 1083.
“Oggi c'è stato un incontro con la partecipazione del Primo Ministro Shmigal, il primo vice Sviridenko e il Ministro della Salute Lyashko in merito ai prezzi delle medicine. I prezzi sono assolutamente inadeguati. Le reti e i produttori di farmacia dovrebbero dare condizioni più comode alle nostre persone. Stiamo preparando una riunione NSDC e offerte molto specifiche nell'interesse delle nostre persone a ridurre i prezzi.
L'appello di Vladimir Zelensky alla fine del 1083.
“Vandaag was er een ontmoeting met de deelname van premier Shmigal, de eerste vice -Sviridenko en de minister van Volksgezondheid Lyashko met betrekking tot prijzen voor medicijnen. Prijzen zijn absoluut onvoldoende. Apotheeknetwerken en fabrikanten moeten onze mensen comfortabeler omstandigheden geven. We bereiden een NSDC -bijeenkomst voor en zeer specifieke aanbiedingen in het belang van onze mensen om de prijzen te verlagen.
Het beroep van Vladimir Zelensky aan het einde van 1083.
"Σήμερα πραγματοποιήθηκε μια συνάντηση με τη συμμετοχή του πρωθυπουργού Shmigal, του πρώτου αντιπροέδρου Sviridenko και του Υπουργού Υγείας Lyashko σχετικά με τις τιμές των φαρμάκων. Οι τιμές είναι απολύτως ανεπαρκείς. Τα δίκτυα φαρμακείων και οι κατασκευαστές θα πρέπει να δίνουν πιο άνετες συνθήκες στον λαό μας. Προετοιμάζουμε μια συνάντηση NSDC και πολύ συγκεκριμένες προσφορές προς το συμφέρον των ανθρώπων μας για να μειώσουν τις τιμές.
Η έκκληση του Vladimir Zelensky στο τέλος του 1083.
1/12/2025, 10:21:05 AM
Ballistics in the direction of Pavlohrad (Dnipropetrovsk region)!
12/30/2024, 1:10:21 PM
Russians hit Kupyanshchyna in Kharkiv region
A woman died in the village of Kivsharivka. The identities of the victims are still being established. The Russian Armed Forces also damaged an apartment building. Law enforcement officers are working at the scene, - OVA.
12/30/2024, 1:42:52 PM
The MSEC will be liquidated from January 1, 2025
The President of Ukraine signed a corresponding decree. Instead of the outdated and corrupt system, a new digital system for assessing functioning will be introduced, the Verkhovna Rada reported on Telegram.
The Verkhovna Rada recalled that "from January 1, expert commissions will start operating in cluster and supracluster hospitals, which will conduct an assessment in accordance with the criteria of the International Classification of Functioning, Life Limitations and Health".
The commissions will selectively receive patients for consideration, but neither the patient nor the commission will know which doctor will consider the issue, in order to avoid corruption.
The previously established statuses of persons with disabilities, as well as the medical and social examination for children, will remain unchanged.
12/30/2024, 2:21:09 PM
Situation on the front as of 16:00
Since the beginning of the day, 104 combat clashes have occurred.
▪️In the Kharkiv direction, the Russian occupiers twice unsuccessfully attacked the defensive lines of Ukrainian units near Vovchansk and Lyptsy.
▪️In the Kupyansk direction, 4 enemy attacks were repelled near Golubivka, Stepovaya Novoselivka, Kruglyakivka and Zagryzove, 7 more combat clashes are ongoing.
▪️In the Lymansk direction, the invading army carried out 10 attacks near Kopanki, Nadiya, Novoyehorivka, Makiivka, Ivanivka and Terni, fighting is currently ongoing in 2 locations.
▪️The enemy conducted 1 assault in the Siversk direction near the settlement of Bilogorivka, the Defense Forces repelled the attack.
▪️In the Kramatorsk direction, 3 assault actions were repelled near Chasovy Yar and Stupochok, 4 clashes are ongoing.
▪️In the Toretsk direction, the Russians attacked near Shcherbinivka and in Toretsk, where the Defense Forces repelled 2 attacks. 4 clashes are still ongoing.
▪️In the Pokrovsk direction, the occupiers carried out 30 attacks in the areas of the settlements of Vozdvyzhenka, Myrolyubivka, Promin, Zelene, Dachenske, Novyi Trud, Shevchenko, Vovkove, Novoolenivka and Novoyelyzavetivka. The Defense Forces repelled 23 enemy attacks, 7 clashes are still ongoing.
▪️In the Kurakhiv direction, the occupiers carried out 11 attacks near Petropavlivka, Slovyanka, Shevchenko and Kurakhiv, 2 attacks are ongoing.
▪️In the Vremivka direction, units of our troops repelled 11 assaults near Yantarne, Uspenivka, Vremivka and in the direction of Konstantinopol and Novosilka, 4 clashes are currently ongoing, - General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
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12/30/2024, 2:26:51 PM
Elon Musk Criticizes New Ukraine Aid Package, Calls President Volodymyr Zelensky "All-Time Champion" of Scamming the U.S.
This is how the American businessman responded to a post by crypto investor and host Mario Naful, who wrote: "Biden Sends Ukraine Another $2.5 Billion — Because $175 Billion Wasn't Enough."
Lawyer Clay Thompson responded to the post, writing: "Zelensky Really Did One of the Biggest Money Heists of All Time."
Musk agreed with him, tweeting: "All-Time Champion."
It is noteworthy that Thompson does not hide in his account on the X platform that he cooperates with Russian propaganda, in particular, RT.
As for Naful, according to BBC News, he previously spread fakes about the war between Israel and Hamas. Despite this, Musk recommended it as a source of news about wars in the world, in particular, Russia against Ukraine.
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