

Real time military news

Published date: 2/6/2025, 11:05:57 AM
2/6/2025, 11:05:57 AM
⭕️Urgent⭕️ Ministry of Health in Gaza: 3 martyrs arrived at hospitals, one of them succumbed to his wounds, 28 martyrs whose remains were recovered, and 4 wounded during the past 24 hours Almasirah.net.ye ⓣ.me/almasirah2
⭕️عاجل⭕️ وزارة الصحة بغزة: وصل المستشفيات 3 شهداء أحدهم متأثر بجروحه و28 شهيدا تم انتشال رفاتهم و4 جرحى خلال الـ 24 ساعة الماضية Almasirah.net.ye ⓣ.me/almasirah2
⭕️紧急⭕️ 加沙卫生部:过去 24 小时内,有 3 名烈士被送往医院,其中 1 人因伤势过重死亡,有 28 名烈士遗体被找到,另有 4 人受伤 阿拉玛西拉网 ⓣ.me/almasirah2
⭕️Urgente⭕️ Ministério da Saúde de Gaza: 3 mártires chegaram aos hospitais, um deles sucumbiu aos ferimentos, 28 mártires cujos restos mortais foram recuperados e 4 feridos nas últimas 24 horas Almasirah.net.ye ⓣ.me/almasirah2
⭕️Urgente⭕️ Ministerio de Salud de Gaza: 3 mártires llegaron a los hospitales, uno de ellos sucumbió a sus heridas, 28 mártires cuyos restos fueron recuperados y 4 heridos durante las últimas 24 horas Almasirah.net.ye ⓣ.me/almasirah2
⭕️Срочно⭕️ Министерство здравоохранения Газы: 3 мученика прибыли в больницы, один из них скончался от ран, 28 мучеников, останки которых были извлечены, и 4 получили ранения за последние 24 часа Almasirah.net.ye ⓣ.me/almasirah2
⭕️अर्जेंट⭕️ गाजा में स्वास्थ्य मंत्रालय: 3 शहीद अस्पताल पहुंचे, जिनमें से एक ने घावों के कारण दम तोड़ दिया, 28 शहीद जिनके अवशेष बरामद किए गए, और पिछले 24 घंटों के दौरान 4 घायल हो गए। Almasirah.net.ye ⓣ.me/almasirah2
⭕️Urgent⭕️ Ministère de la Santé de Gaza : 3 martyrs sont arrivés dans les hôpitaux, l'un d'eux a succombé à ses blessures, 28 martyrs dont les restes ont été récupérés et 4 blessés au cours des dernières 24 heures Almasirah.net.ye ⓣ.me/almasirah2
⭕️عاجل⭕️ وزارة الصحة بغزة: وصل المستشفيات 3 شهداء أحدهم متأثر بجروحه و28 شهيدا تم انتشال رفاتهم و4 جرحى خلال الـ 24 ساعة الماضية Almasirah.net.ye ⓣ.me/almasirah2
⭕️Dringend⭕️ Gesundheitsministerium von Gaza: 3 Märtyrer kamen in Krankenhäusern an, einer von ihnen erlag seinen Verletzungen, 28 Märtyrer, deren Überreste geborgen wurden, und 4 Verletzte in den letzten 24 Stunden Almasirah.net.ye ⓣ.me/almasirah2
⭕️Urgente⭕️ Ministero della Salute di Gaza: 3 martiri sono arrivati ​​negli ospedali, uno di loro è morto per le ferite, 28 martiri i cui resti sono stati recuperati e 4 feriti nelle ultime 24 ore Almasirah.net.ye ⓣ.me/almasirah2
⭕️緊急⭕️ ガザ保健省:殉教者3人が病院に到着、うち1人が負傷で死亡、殉教者28人の遺体が収容され、過去24時間で4人が負傷 アルマシラ ⓣ.me/almasirah2
⭕️Dringend⭕️ Ministerie van Volksgezondheid van Gaza: 3 martelaren zijn in ziekenhuizen aangekomen, één van hen is aan zijn verwondingen overleden, 28 martelaren waarvan de stoffelijke resten zijn geborgen en 4 zijn de afgelopen 24 uur gewond geraakt Almasirah.net.ye ⓣ.ik/almasirah2
⭕️Επείγοντα⭕️ Υπουργείο Υγείας της Γάζας: 3 μάρτυρες έφτασαν στα νοσοκομεία, ένας από αυτούς υπέκυψε στα τραύματά του, 28 μάρτυρες των οποίων τα λείψανα ανασύρθηκαν και 4 τραυματίστηκαν το τελευταίο 24ωρο Almasirah.net.ye ⓣ.me/almasirah2

2/15/2025, 1:16:55 PM
⭕️ I am Lebanese sources: A raid from the Israeli enemy targeting the Aqaba neighborhood in the town of Enaatha, in southern Lebanon, in a continuous breach of the ceasefire agreement Almasirah.net.ye Ⓣ.ME/almasirah2
2/15/2025, 3:22:25 PM
⭕️ I am Lebanese sources: Hezbollah announces the end of the sit -in on the airport road in the southern suburb and the organizers confirm that the message from it has arrived Almasirah.net.ye Ⓣ.ME/almasirah2
2/15/2025, 1:23:37 PM
Follow -up ⭕️ Palestinian sources: Two citizens were injured by the bombing of the Israeli enemy of a bulldozer that works to remove destroyed homes in the town of Al -Maghraqa in the central Gaza Strip Almasirah.net.ye Ⓣ.ME/almasirah2
2/15/2025, 1:24:13 PM
⭕️ I am Palestinian sources: A pathway for the Zionist enemy is bombing a car in the vicinity of the Al -Mugharaqa Bridge Almasirah.net.ye Ⓣ.ME/almasirah2
2/15/2025, 1:53:57 PM
⭕️ I am UNRWA High Commissioner: More than 40,000 Palestinians were forced to leave their homes in the West Bank Almasirah.net.ye Ⓣ.ME/almasirah2