🔴 Urgent | UNRWA: Undermining the agency's work will put millions of lives at risk
🔴 عاجل | الاونروا: تقويض عمل الوكالة سيعرض حياة الملايين للخطر
🔴 紧急 |近东救济工程处:破坏该机构的工作将危及数百万人的生命
🔴 Urgente | UNRWA: Prejudicar o trabalho da agência colocará em risco a vida de milhões de pessoas
🔴 Urgente | UNRWA: Socavar la labor de la Agencia pondrá en peligro millones de vidas
🔴 Срочно | БАПОР: Подрыв работы Агентства поставит под угрозу миллионы жизней
🔴 तत्काल | यूएनआरडब्ल्यूए: एजेंसी के काम को कमज़ोर करने से लाखों लोगों की जान जोखिम में पड़ जाएगी
🔴 Urgent | UNRWA : Saper le travail de l'agence mettrait des millions de vies en danger
🔴 عاجل | الاونروا: تقويض عمل الوكالة سيعرض حياة الملايين للخطر
🔴 Dringend | UNRWA: Untergrabung der Arbeit des Hilfswerks gefährdet Millionen von Leben
🔴 Urgente | UNRWA: indebolire il lavoro dell'Agenzia metterà a rischio milioni di vite
🔴 緊急 | UNRWA:同機関の活動を弱体化させることは、何百万人もの命を危険にさらすことになる
🔴 Dringend | UNRWA: Ondermijning van het werk van het agentschap brengt miljoenen levens in gevaar
🔴 Επείγον | UNRWA: Η υπονόμευση του έργου του Οργανισμού θα θέσει σε κίνδυνο εκατομμύρια ζωές
12/30/2024, 12:53:18 PM
🔴 Urgent | Hebrew sources: The number of injuries among the occupation army in the northern Gaza Strip has risen to 8 injuries
12/30/2024, 1:37:21 PM
🔴 Urgent | Sheikh Damoush: Reconstruction is a national responsibility, but this does not exempt the state from its responsibilities
12/30/2024, 1:38:34 PM
🔴 Urgent | Sheikh Damoush: There is a precise survey process being undertaken by specialized technical bodies such as “Maamar” and “Arch” companies in the affected areas, and we have given priority to sheltering families whose homes were completely destroyed.
12/30/2024, 1:38:40 PM
🔴 Urgent | Sheikh Damoush: The Secretary-General has formed a committee whose job is to supervise reconstruction
12/30/2024, 1:39:19 PM
🔴 Urgent | Sheikh Damoush: We tell our people from the border villages that we will rebuild them, God willing