Hamas Movement: We congratulate the heroic and qualitative shooting operation carried out by a Palestinian resistance fighter that targeted the "Tayasir" military checkpoint east of Tubas
حركة حماس: نبارك عملية إطلاق النار البطولية النوعية التي نفذها مقاوم فلسطيني واستهدفت حاجز "تياسير" العسكري شرق طوباس
Hamas: Parabenizamos a heróica e qualitativa operação de tiro levada a cabo por um membro da resistência palestina, visando o posto de controle militar “Tayasir” a leste de Tubas.
Movimiento Hamás: Felicitamos a los combatientes de la resistencia palestina por su heroica y cualitativa operación de tiroteo contra el puesto de control militar "Tayasir" al este de Tubas
Движение ХАМАС: Мы приветствуем героическую и качественную операцию по обстрелу, проведенную бойцом палестинского сопротивления, целью которой был военный контрольно-пропускной пункт «Тайасир» к востоку от Тубаса
हमास आंदोलन: हम फिलिस्तीनी प्रतिरोध सेनानी द्वारा किए गए वीरतापूर्ण और गुणवत्तापूर्ण शूटिंग ऑपरेशन की सराहना करते हैं, जिसने तुबास के पूर्व में "तयासिर" सैन्य चौकी को निशाना बनाया।
Mouvement Hamas : Nous félicitons l'opération de tir héroïque et qualitative menée par un combattant de la résistance palestinienne qui a ciblé le poste de contrôle militaire « Tayasir » à l'est de Tubas
حركة حماس: نبارك عملية إطلاق النار البطولية النوعية التي نفذها مقاوم فلسطيني واستهدفت حاجز "تياسير" العسكري شرق طوباس
Hamas-Bewegung: Wir gratulieren einem palästinensischen Widerstandskämpfer zu seinem heldenhaften und qualitativ hochwertigen Schießeinsatz auf den Militärkontrollpunkt „Tayasir“ östlich von Tubas.
Movimento Hamas: Ci congratuliamo per l'eroica e qualitativa operazione di tiro condotta da un combattente della resistenza palestinese che ha preso di mira il posto di blocco militare "Tayasir" a est di Tubas
Hamas-beweging: Wij feliciteren de heldhaftige en kwalitatieve schietpartij uitgevoerd door een Palestijnse verzetsstrijder die het militaire controlepunt "Tayasir" ten oosten van Tubas aanviel
Κίνημα Χαμάς: Συγχαίρουμε την ηρωική και ποιοτική επιχείρηση βολής που πραγματοποιήθηκε από Παλαιστίνιο μαχητή της αντίστασης που είχε στόχο το στρατιωτικό σημείο ελέγχου "Tayasir" ανατολικά της Τούμπας
2/11/2025, 6:36:10 AM
The Follow -up Committee for the National and Islamic Forces in Gaza: The Arab countries should assume their responsibilities to stop any implicit or public collusion with enemy projects
2/20/2025, 5:48:27 PM
"Whoever wrapped his mother's handkerchief as a turban on his head, to a UN captain and guide."
About the father who preceded his love, Karima Al -Sayed, Zainab Hassan #Nasrallah, speaks in a special dialogue within the coverage of "The Nation", comes to you Thursday 21:00 Jerusalem time on the Al -Mayadeen screen.
#Martyr_ Islam and Humanity
2/10/2025, 3:44:25 PM
🔴 The Ministry of Health in Gaza:
#Flood_Al -Aqsa
#You are not alone
🔶 This is something that a person should think of; Because in this world this happens, from adults to the poor, everyone wants to get close to that, the officer wants to get close to the minister, and the minister wants to get closer to the president, and the president wants to get closer, there is still closers and ending to the White House, relatives, everyone tries to get close, Near, get close, the poor that ordinary person tries to get close to that merchant, and the merchant sees him trying to get close to that, and that officer, and that. People are all in this world, all trying to be close to so and so, but here I compare to be close to so -and -so and enter into the falsehood of this is a big mistake.
There is no objection to being close to so -and -so, that is, so and so see me close to him. Although in the places of good deeds, in good deeds themselves, this field is not allowed, is considered a mirror of your work, if I start in good deeds for what? So and so get closer to him! This is hypocrisy, what accepts this, never accepts.
#Martyr_ Leader
Lessons from the guidance of the Noble Qur’an - verses from Surat Al -Waqi’ah