The threat of the use of ballistic weapons from the east - Armed Forces of Ukraine
Загроза застосування балістичного озброєння зі сходу - ПС ЗСУ
A ameaça do uso de armas balísticas do leste - as Forças Armadas da Ucrânia
La amenaza del uso de armas balísticas desde el este - Fuerzas Armadas de Ucrania
Угроза применения баллистического вооружения с востока - ПС ВСУ
पूर्व से बैलिस्टिक हथियारों के इस्तेमाल का खतरा - यूक्रेन की सशस्त्र सेना
La menace de l'utilisation d'armes balistiques en provenance de l'Est - Forces armées ukrainiennes
التهديد باستخدام الأسلحة الباليستية من الشرق - القوات المسلحة الأوكرانية
Die Bedrohung durch den Einsatz ballistischer Waffen aus dem Osten - Streitkräfte der Ukraine
La minaccia dell'uso di armi balistiche dall'est - Forze armate dell'Ucraina
東からの弾道兵器使用の脅威 - ウクライナ軍
De dreiging van het gebruik van ballistische wapens uit het oosten - Strijdkrachten van Oekraïne
Η απειλή της χρήσης βαλλιστικών όπλων από τα ανατολικά - Ένοπλες Δυνάμεις της Ουκρανίας
12/15/2024, 1:22:08 PM
Hungary proposes a "Christmas truce" and prisoner exchange between Ukraine and Russia
According to the Hungarian Foreign Minister, Prime Minister Viktor Orban has proposed that Russia and Ukraine hold a mass prisoner exchange of up to a thousand people and called on both sides to "not let anyone die during these few days of the truce." Orban called this proposal "unheard of in the last thousand days." However, Szijjártó added, "the proposal is no longer on the table."
Szijjártó said that the Ukrainian side had allegedly refused to hold a telephone conversation between Viktor Orban and Volodymyr Zelensky regarding this several-day truce on the occasion of Christmas.
This is what Orban initially discussed with Putin, Szijjártó said. However, the minister did not explain why Budapest first informed Moscow about this proposal, and not Kyiv.
12/15/2024, 1:28:54 PM
The Russian military intelligence agency carried out another strike on the logistics of the Russian aggressor
This happened on December 14 of this year in Ulyanovsk, Russia, where an explosion destroyed the railway track. As a result, the military logistics of the Russian Armed Forces again suffered complications.
This explosion occurred on a line near the Sviyaga River, a few kilometers from the local locomotive depot and the Ulyanovsk Motor Plant, Ukrainian intelligence reports.
12/15/2024, 1:34:07 PM
Ukraine's Foreign Ministry urged partners to move from freezing to confiscating Russian assets
Andriy Sybiga means using not only profits, but also assets of the erefi to support the defense, restoration and stability of Ukraine.
"It is absolutely fair and legitimate to force the aggressor to compensate for the losses and harm caused," the minister stressed.
12/15/2024, 1:46:56 PM
This morning, a large-scale road accident occurred in the Lviv region: 7 people died
Another 3 people were injured.
Police officers established that on the Ternopil - Lviv - Rava-Ruska highway, a collision occurred between 3 vehicles: a BMW car, a DAF road train and a Mercedes Sprinter minibus. Seven passengers of the minibus died on the spot. Their details are being established.
Investigators, forensic specialists of the Lviv region police, as well as employees of other services are working at the scene to establish the circumstances of the road accident and the details of all participants, the Lviv region police reports.
Criminal proceedings have been opened. Pre-trial investigation is ongoing.