

Real time military news

Published date: 2/1/2025, 5:55:51 PM
2/1/2025, 5:55:51 PM
📹 Safa follow-up | The occupation army fires tear gas bombs from drones during the reception of prisoner Ali Hassan in the Al-Quraan neighborhood in the city of Qalqilya
📹 متابعة صفا| جيش الاحتلال يطلق قنابل مسيلة للدموع من الطائرات المسيرة خلال استقبال الأسير علي حسان في حي القرعان بمدينة قلقيلية
📹 关注 Safa |占领军在卡尔基利亚的古兰经社区接收囚犯阿里·哈桑时,用无人机发射催泪弹
📹 Siga Safa | O exército de ocupação dispara bombas de gás lacrimogêneo de drones durante a recepção do prisioneiro Ali Hassan no bairro de Al-Quraan em Qalqilya
📹 Sigue a Safa | El ejército de ocupación dispara bombas de gas lacrimógeno desde drones durante la recepción del prisionero Ali Hassan en el barrio de Al-Quraan en Qalqilya
📹 Подпишитесь на Сафу | Оккупационная армия применяет слезоточивый газ с беспилотников во время приема заключенного Али Хассана в районе Аль-Кураан в Калькилии.
📹 सफा का अनुसरण करें | क़ल्किल्या के अल-क़ुरान मोहल्ले में कैदी अली हसन के स्वागत के दौरान कब्ज़ा करने वाली सेना ने ड्रोन से आंसू गैस के गोले दागे
📹 Suivez Safa | L'armée d'occupation tire des bombes lacrymogènes à partir de drones lors de l'accueil du prisonnier Ali Hassan dans le quartier d'Al-Quraan à Qalqilya
📹 متابعة صفا| جيش الاحتلال يطلق قنابل مسيلة للدموع من الطائرات المسيرة خلال استقبال الأسير علي حسان في حي القرعان بمدينة قلقيلية
📹 Folge Safa | Die Besatzungsarmee feuert Tränengasbomben aus Drohnen während der Aufnahme des Gefangenen Ali Hassan im Viertel Al-Quraan in Qalqilya ab.
📹 Segui Safa | L'esercito di occupazione lancia gas lacrimogeni dai droni durante l'accoglienza del prigioniero Ali Hassan nel quartiere di Al-Quraan a Qalqilya
📹 サファをフォロー|占領軍はカルキリヤ市のアル・カラーン地区で捕虜アリ・ハッサンを受け入れている間、無人機から催涙ガス弾を発射した。
📹 Volg Safa | Het bezettingsleger vuurt traangasbommen af ​​vanaf drones tijdens de ontvangst van gevangene Ali Hassan in de wijk Al-Quraan in Qalqilya
📹 Ακολουθήστε το Safa | Ο στρατός κατοχής εκτοξεύει βόμβες δακρυγόνων από drones κατά τη διάρκεια της υποδοχής του κρατούμενου Ali Hassan στη συνοικία Al-Quraan στο Qalqilya

2/22/2025, 6:01:26 AM
🔴 Safa correspondent: The Israeli prisoners, Tal Shuham and Afira Mengistu, will be released from Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip
2/22/2025, 6:04:56 AM
Image 2025-02-22T06:04:56
📝 Follow -up Safa Palestine weather today, Saturday, February 22nd https://safa.ps/p/381290
2/22/2025, 6:09:56 AM
💰 Follow -up Safa Foreign exchange rates against the Israeli shekel today, Saturday, February 22, 2025: ▪️ US dollar: $ 1 = 3.56 shekels ▪️ Jordanian dinar: 1 dinar = 5.02 shekels ▪️ European euro: 1 euro = 3.72 shekels ▪️ Egyptian pound: 1 pounds = 0.070 shekels
2/22/2025, 6:15:32 AM
🔴 Follow -up Safa One of the founders of the "Doctors Against Annuma" organization, Nidal Jabour, to Anatolia Agency: ▪️ We call for the Senate to approve two projects to re -financing "UNRWA" and consider the forced displacement of the Palestinians illegal. “UNRWA” is the largest humanitarian organization in Gaza and provides 70% of the basic health services. ▪️ There is no other organization capable of doing the work performed by the agency. ▪️ We seek to issue a law calling for absolute protection for workers and health institutions all over the world, including Gaza. ▪️ We are looking for a member of the Senate who sponsors the new draft law. ▪️ Health institutions are sacred places and should not be targeted under any pretext.
2/22/2025, 6:18:19 AM
🔵 Follow -up Safa The Prisoners' Information: The occupation forces raided the homes of a number of prisoners who are expected to be released today in the seventh batch of the first stage of the "Flood of the Liberals" deal and threatened their relatives not to carry out any festive manifestations, which were known: ▪️ The prisoner Jabr Abu Olay ▪️ Prisoner Salama Qattawi - Birzeit - Ramallah ▪️ Prisoner Muhammad Rafik Nakhleh - Al -Jalazoun Camp - Ramallah ▪️ Prisoner Saleh Suleiman - Deir Abu Mishaal - Ramallah ▪️ The captive Musa Al -Halika - the town of Al -Shuyukh - Hebron ▪️ Prisoner Ahmed Al -Azza - Bethlehem