

Real time military news

Published date: 1/31/2025, 9:13:01 AM
1/31/2025, 9:13:01 AM
🔴 Safa follow-up | Civil Defense in Gaza: ▪️ We lost about 85% of our facilities and equipment during the Israeli aggression. ▪️ We appeal to mediators to pressure the occupation to allow the entry of the necessary equipment. ▪️ We are committed to providing our humanitarian services despite the international failure to provide us with fuel and equipment.
🔴 متابعة صفا| الدفاع المدني في غزة: ▪️ فقدنا نحو 85% من منشآتنا ومعداتنا خلال العدوان الإسرائيلي. ▪️ نُناشد الوسطاء بالضغط على الاحتلال للسماح بإدخال المعدات اللازمة. ▪️ نحن ملتزمون بتقديم خدماتنا الإنسانية رغم التقصير الدولي في تزويدنا بالوقود والمعدات.
🔴 关注 Safa |加沙民防: ▪️在以色列的侵略期间,我们损失了大约85%的设施和设备。 ▪️我们呼吁调解员向占领者施压,允许必要的设备进入。 ▪️尽管国际社会未能向我们提供燃料和设备,我们仍致力于提供人道主义服务。
🔴 Siga Safa | Defesa Civil em Gaza: ▪️ Perdemos cerca de 85% de nossas instalações e equipamentos durante a agressão israelense. ▪️ Apelamos aos mediadores para que pressionem a ocupação para que permitam a entrada dos equipamentos necessários. ▪️ Estamos comprometidos em fornecer nossos serviços humanitários, apesar da falha internacional em nos fornecer combustível e equipamentos.
🔴 Sigue a Safa| Defensa Civil en Gaza: ▪️ Perdimos alrededor del 85% de nuestras instalaciones y equipos durante la agresión israelí. ▪️ Hacemos un llamamiento a los mediadores para que presionen a la ocupación para permitir la entrada del equipamiento necesario. ▪️Estamos comprometidos a brindar nuestros servicios humanitarios a pesar de la falla internacional en proporcionarnos combustible y equipo.
🔴 Подпишитесь на Сафу | Гражданская оборона в секторе Газа: ▪️ Во время израильской агрессии мы потеряли около 85% наших объектов и оборудования. ▪️ Мы обращаемся к посредникам с просьбой оказать давление на оккупационные власти, чтобы разрешить ввоз необходимого оборудования. ▪️ Мы стремимся оказывать гуманитарную помощь, несмотря на то, что международное сообщество не предоставляет нам топливо и оборудование.
🔴 सफा का अनुसरण करें | गाजा में नागरिक सुरक्षा: ▪️ इजरायली आक्रमण के दौरान हमने अपनी लगभग 85% सुविधाएं और उपकरण खो दिए। ▪️ हम मध्यस्थों से अपील करते हैं कि वे आवश्यक उपकरणों के प्रवेश की अनुमति देने के लिए कब्जेदारों पर दबाव डालें। ▪️ हम ईंधन और उपकरण उपलब्ध कराने में अंतर्राष्ट्रीय विफलता के बावजूद अपनी मानवीय सेवाएं प्रदान करने के लिए प्रतिबद्ध हैं।
🔴 Suivez Safa | Défense civile à Gaza : ▪️ Nous avons perdu environ 85 % de nos installations et équipements lors de l’agression israélienne. ▪️ Nous faisons appel aux médiateurs pour faire pression sur l’occupation afin de permettre l’entrée du matériel nécessaire. ▪️ Nous nous engageons à fournir nos services humanitaires malgré l’échec international à nous fournir du carburant et de l’équipement.
🔴 متابعة صفا| الدفاع المدني في غزة: ▪️ فقدنا نحو 85% من منشآتنا ومعداتنا خلال العدوان الإسرائيلي. ▪️ نُناشد الوسطاء بالضغط على الاحتلال للسماح بإدخال المعدات اللازمة. ▪️ نحن ملتزمون بتقديم خدماتنا الإنسانية رغم التقصير الدولي في تزويدنا بالوقود والمعدات.
🔴 Folge Safa | Zivilschutz im Gazastreifen: ▪️ Wir haben während der israelischen Aggression etwa 85 % unserer Einrichtungen und Ausrüstung verloren. ▪️ Wir appellieren an die Vermittler, Druck auf die Besatzung auszuüben, damit diese die Einfuhr der notwendigen Ausrüstung gestattet. ▪️ Wir sind entschlossen, unsere humanitäre Hilfe auch dann zu leisten, wenn uns die internationale Gemeinschaft nicht mit Treibstoff und Ausrüstung versorgt.
🔴 Segui Safa | Protezione civile a Gaza: ▪️ Abbiamo perso circa l'85% delle nostre strutture e attrezzature durante l'aggressione israeliana. ▪️ Facciamo appello ai mediatori affinché facciano pressione sull'occupazione affinché consenta l'ingresso delle attrezzature necessarie. ▪️ Ci impegniamo a fornire i nostri servizi umanitari nonostante l'incapacità internazionale di fornirci carburante e attrezzature.
🔴 Safa をフォロー |ガザの民間防衛: ▪️ イスラエルの侵略により、私たちは施設と設備の約 85% を失いました。 ▪️ 占領軍に必要な機材の搬入を許可するよう圧力をかけるよう仲介者に要請します。 ▪️ 国際社会が燃料や装備の提供に失敗しているにもかかわらず、私たちは人道支援活動を継続することに尽力しています。
🔴 Volg Safa | Civiele bescherming in Gaza: ▪️ We verloren ongeveer 85% van onze faciliteiten en uitrusting tijdens de Israëlische agressie. ▪️ Wij doen een beroep op bemiddelaars om druk uit te oefenen op de bezetting om de benodigde apparatuur toe te laten. ▪️ Wij blijven onze humanitaire diensten leveren, ondanks het feit dat de internationale gemeenschap ons niet van brandstof en apparatuur kan voorzien.
🔴 Ακολουθήστε το Safa | Πολιτική άμυνα στη Γάζα: ▪️ Χάσαμε περίπου το 85% των εγκαταστάσεων και του εξοπλισμού μας κατά τη διάρκεια της ισραηλινής επίθεσης. ▪️ Απευθύνουμε έκκληση στους διαμεσολαβητές να πιέσουν την κατάληψη ώστε να επιτραπεί η είσοδος του απαραίτητου εξοπλισμού. ▪️ Δεσμευόμαστε να παρέχουμε τις ανθρωπιστικές μας υπηρεσίες παρά τη διεθνή αποτυχία να μας παράσχουν καύσιμα και εξοπλισμό.

12/30/2024, 12:59:53 PM
🔴 Safa follow-up | Press statement issued by the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas): ▪️Following the increase in deaths in the Gaza Strip due to the severe cold wave and the low pressure, and the martyrdom of seven of our people, including six infants in dilapidated displacement tents, due to the severe cold and the lack of heating means; We urgently call on the United Nations and Arab and Islamic countries to work to bring in relief supplies and tents to protect hundreds of thousands of displaced civilians from the cold and the catastrophic effects of the ongoing Zionist aggression. ▪️The humanitarian and legal duty of the international community and the United Nations requires urgent action to provide relief to our people in the Gaza Strip, who have been subjected to a Zionist crime of genocide and ethnic cleansing that has been ongoing for about fifteen months, and to work to provide basic needs of shelter, food, water, medicine and heating means, and to oblige the fascist occupation to stop its aggression and lift its siege on more than two million people who are facing ethnic cleansing and inhumane living conditions imposed by the criminal occupation.
12/30/2024, 1:03:43 PM
🔴 Safa follow-up | Al-Nasser Salah al-Din Brigades: We bombed, in cooperation with the Qassam Brigades, a concentration of enemy vehicles and soldiers in Abu Sharkh roundabout, west of Jabalia camp, with 80 mm mortar shells
12/30/2024, 1:07:56 PM
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📝 Safa translation | Hebrew sources: "Al-Qassam" took control of a drone and launched it against the Gaza envelope https://safa.ps/p/378619
1/12/2025, 10:24:33 AM
🔴 Safa follow-up | Nuseirat Municipality: Our services will stop within 48 hours due to the depletion of fuel needed to operate water wells and sewage pumps
12/30/2024, 1:22:15 PM
🔴 Safa Follow-up | Human Rights Protection Center: ▪️We express our shock at the announcement that the number of Palestinian prisoners who died under torture and brutal practices since October 7 has risen to (54) martyrs, including 5 who were martyred during the last 24 hours. ▪️We have monitored, along with many human rights institutions, a long series of violations to which Palestinian prisoners are exposed since the moment of violent and brutal arrest, their use as human shields, torture, abuse, humiliating and degrading treatment, enforced disappearance, deprivation of a fair trial and legal representation, deprivation of the most basic human rights, and their detention in inhumane conditions. ▪️The long series of violations is an inevitable result of the failure of international institutions to play their role, which allowed the Israeli occupation authorities to persist and deepen these violations. ▪️We call on the International Committee of the Red Cross to take a clear position on the ongoing systematic violations of the Third and Fourth Geneva Conventions alike, and to call on the High Contracting States to convene an extraordinary conference to discuss these violations and the extent of the Israeli government's commitment to its obligations. ▪️We demand that the numbers of Palestinian prisoners and detainees held in Israeli prisons be immediately disclosed, as well as their places of detention and their health status, including medical staff, the latest of whom was the director of Kamal Adwan Hospital, Dr. Hussam Abu Safiyeh. ▪️We call on the International Criminal Court to include in its investigations the violations committed against Palestinian prisoners and detainees as crimes subject to the jurisdiction of the court.