☑️In addition to the testimony of the martyr Muhammad Dhaif Farmandhan in a short period of time during the operations of the Al-Aqsa Flood:
Marwan Issa (Deputy Martyr Guest), Ghazi Abu Tamaa (Farkandeh Bakhsh Gengi Armaments and Services), Raed Thabet (Farmandeh Niruhai Insani), Rafi Salama (Farmandat Tip Khan Yunis)
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️علاوهبر شهید محمد ضیف فرماندهان بزرگ دیگری نیز در طول عملیات طوفان الاقصی به شهادت رسیدن:
مروان عیسی (معاون شهید ضیف)، غازی ابو طماعه (فرکانده بخش تسلیحات و خدمات جنگی)، رائد ثابت (فرمانده نیروهای انسانی)، رافع سلامه (فرمانده تیپ خانیونس)
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
Marwan Issa(副烈士嘉宾)、Ghazi Abu Tamah(武器和种族灭绝服务司令部)、Raed Thabet(人道主义护理司令部)、Rafeh Salama(Khan Yunis 类型司令部)
☑️Além do mártir Mohammad Daif, outra figura proeminente durante a Intifada de Al-Aqsa foi martirizada:
Marwan Issa (Vice-mártir convidado), Ghazi Abu Tamah (Comando de armas e serviços de genocídio), Raed Thabet (Comando de enfermagem humanitária), Rafeh Salama (Comando do tipo Khan Yunis)
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️Además del mártir Mohammad Daif, otra figura prominente durante la Intifada de Al-Aqsa fue martirizada:
Marwan Issa (Viejo Mártir Invitado), Ghazi Abu Tamah (Comando de Armas y Servicios contra el Genocidio), Raed Thabet (Comando de Enfermería Humanitaria), Rafeh Salama (Comando Tipo Khan Yunis)
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️Помимо мученика Мохаммада Даифа, еще один видный деятель интифады Аль-Акса принял мученическую смерть:
Марван Исса (заместитель гостя-мученика), Гази Абу Тамах (командование по вооружениям и геноциду), Раед Табет (командование по гуманитарной помощи), Рафех Салама (командование по типу Хан-Юнис)
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️शहीद मोहम्मद दैफ के अलावा, अल-अक्सा इंतिफादा के दौरान एक और प्रमुख व्यक्ति शहीद हुआ:
मारवान इस्सा (उप शहीद अतिथि), गाजी अबू तमाह (शस्त्र एवं नरसंहार सेवा कमान), राएद थाबेत (मानवीय नर्सिंग कमान), राफेह सलामा (खान यूनिस टाइप कमान)
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️En plus du martyr Mohammed Daif, une autre figure importante de l'Intifada Al-Aqsa a été martyrisée :
Marwan Issa (invité martyr adjoint), Ghazi Abu Tamah (commandement des services d'armement et de génocide), Raed Thabet (commandement des soins infirmiers humanitaires), Rafeh Salama (commandement de type Khan Yunis)
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️علاوهبر شهید محمد ضیف فرماندهان بزرگ دیگری نیز در طول عملیات طوفان الاقصی به شهادت رسیدن:
مروان عیسی (معاون شهید ضیف)، غازی ابو طماعه (فرکانده بخش تسلیحات و خدمات جنگی)، رائد ثابت (فرمانده نیروهای انسانی)، رافع سلامه (فرمانده تیپ خانیونس)
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️Neben dem Märtyrer Mohammad Daif starb eine weitere prominente Persönlichkeit während der Al-Aqsa-Intifada den Märtyrertod:
Marwan Issa (stellvertretender Märtyrergast), Ghazi Abu Tamah (Kommando für Waffen und Völkermord), Raed Thabet (Kommando für humanitäre Krankenpflege), Rafeh Salama (Kommando Typ Khan Yunis)
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️Oltre al martire Mohammad Daif, un'altra figura di spicco durante l'Intifada di Al-Aqsa fu martirizzata:
Marwan Issa (Vice Ospite Martire), Ghazi Abu Tamah (Comando per i Servizi di Armi e Genocidio), Raed Thabet (Comando per le Infermieristiche Umanitarie), Rafeh Salama (Comando di Tipo Khan Yunis)
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️Naast de martelaar Mohammad Daif werd nog een andere prominente figuur tijdens de Al-Aqsa Intifada gemarteld:
Marwan Issa (plaatsvervangend martelaargast), Ghazi Abu Tamah (Commando Wapen- en Genocidediensten), Raed Thabet (Commando Humanitaire Verpleging), Rafeh Salama (Commando Khan Yunis Type)
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️Εκτός από τον μάρτυρα Μοχάμεντ Ντάιφ, μια άλλη εξέχουσα προσωπικότητα κατά τη διάρκεια της Ιντιφάντα Αλ Άκσα μαρτύρησε:
Marwan Issa (Αναπληρωτής μάρτυρας προσκεκλημένος), Ghazi Abu Tamah (Διοίκηση Υπηρεσιών Όπλων και Γενοκτονίας), Raed Thabet (Humanitarian Nursing Command), Rafeh Salama (Διοίκηση τύπου Khan Yunis)
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
1/13/2025, 2:27:15 PM
🎴 How much did Sarvis Behdashtai Khanawadeh Mahroum and Niazmand Rostahi do with him!
Badr Khanawadeh, Sarwis Behdashti Nadaran, and Hamamshon are suitable for the rest; They are in a state of arrogance and they are forced to make a fool of themselves, and they are a traitor to them, and they are forced to do so!
How to use the roses of Badr Sarwis Behdashti and the hamsters in the house of Badr Khanwadah Sharmandeh with a bang; Card and official and legal status of a secret visitor, Hazrat Qaim (may God bless him and grant him peace)👇
● 6037991899988582
● 040170000000206596699008
1/13/2025, 2:59:44 PM
Here is her rose, the days of shady and happy days. More information about the birth of Imam Ali (peace be upon him).
In Peru, in the form of a good deed of food, this is the inheritance of Arzshmand, Hazrat Badr Ast. I intend to go to Mardam, the month of Ishaan’s birth, and with it, I wish my safety to the Imam of Zaman (may God bless him and grant him peace), so I will go to the house of Mardam, the month of Shahr and the land of Khud. Here they are.
🤝Pordakht vows:
💳 5041721112421939
This is Mahdavi's sleep
(Click on the key, click on the card icon.)
🔗 https://3shanbe.com/et05
Official channel: Shanbeh Mahdavi:
➕ @seshanbe_mahdavi
1/13/2025, 3:01:50 PM
☑️ Gosh, meaning Gaza
🔹 There is a lot of data in this country and there is a lot of information about it.
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
1/13/2025, 3:15:28 PM
☑️Badr Mehrban Iran, Rosette Mubarak...
The birth of Farkhunda Amir Momnan Hazrat Ali bin Abi Talib, peace be upon him, was attended by the Imam of the past and the deputy of Hazrat Hazrat Imam Khameneh and Millat, the Sharif of Iran and the Shia of Jahan. Congratulations to your offer...
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
1/13/2025, 4:55:56 PM
☑️# Immediate / Destruction and momentum of 25 Israeli regime during Qassam operations
The Kurdish media units are carrying out installation and construction operations, Mujahideen, these are the guards of the Kurdish media, in the “Najili” area, in the center of Shahr Rafah, in the south of Nowar Gaza. This is a problem with 25 Israeli regular forces in the presence of Dashtand, with different weapons, which are used to carry out a decision-making operation.
A Qassam was provided with pure military force, Mujahideen, a Qassam fighter in the field where an Israeli bomber exploded, and was mentioned in the video. Its flow rate is low in this area.
God is great, praise be to God
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran