In the US, a passenger plane collided with a military helicopter: 64 people were on board, including Russian athletes
The disaster occurred near Reagan National Airport outside Washington.
Dozens of people died. Search and rescue operations are underway in the waters of the frozen Potomac River, where the plane crashed. The operation will last several days.
According to Russian media, at least 14 figure skaters were on board the plane, not including coaches. Most of them come from families of Russian emigrants.
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У США пасажирський літак зіткнувся з військовим вертольотом: на борту перебували 64 людини, серед них російські спортсмени
Катастрофа сталася поблизу Національного аеропорту імені Рейгана за межами Вашингтона.
Десятки людей загинули. Пошуково-рятувальні роботи проводяться у водах замерзлої річки Потомак, де впав літак. Операція триватиме кілька днів.
Як повідомляють росЗМІ, на борту літака перебували щонайменше 14 фігуристів, не враховуючи тренерів. Більшість з них походять із сімей російських емігрантів.
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Nos EUA, um avião de passageiros colidiu com um helicóptero militar: 64 pessoas estavam a bordo, incluindo atletas russos
O acidente ocorreu perto do Aeroporto Nacional Reagan, nos arredores de Washington.
Dezenas de pessoas morreram. Operações de busca e salvamento estão em andamento nas águas do Rio Potomac congelado, onde o avião caiu. A operação durará vários dias.
Conforme relatado pela mídia russa, havia pelo menos 14 patinadores a bordo do avião, sem contar os treinadores. A maioria deles vem de famílias de imigrantes russos.
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En EEUU, un avión de pasajeros chocó con un helicóptero militar: a bordo iban 64 personas, incluidos deportistas rusos
El accidente ocurrió cerca del Aeropuerto Nacional Reagan, en las afueras de Washington.
Decenas de personas murieron. Se están realizando operaciones de búsqueda y rescate en las aguas del congelado río Potomac, donde se estrelló el avión. La operación durará varios días.
Según informaron los medios rusos, a bordo del avión había al menos 14 patinadores, sin incluir a los entrenadores. La mayoría de ellos provienen de familias de inmigrantes rusos.
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В США пассажирский самолет столкнулся с военным вертолетом: на борту находились 64 человека, в том числе российские спортсмены
Катастрофа произошла вблизи Национального аэропорта имени Рейгана вне Вашингтона.
Десятки человек погибли. Поисково-спасательные работы проводятся в водах замерзшей реки Потомак, где упал самолет. Операция продлится несколько дней.
Как сообщают росСМИ, на борту самолета находились по меньшей мере 14 фигуристов, не считая тренеров. Большинство из них происходят из семей русских эмигрантов.
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अमेरिका में एक यात्री विमान की सैन्य हेलीकॉप्टर से टक्कर: विमान में रूसी एथलीट समेत 64 लोग सवार थे
यह दुर्घटना वाशिंगटन के बाहर रीगन राष्ट्रीय हवाई अड्डे के पास हुई।
दर्जनों लोग मारे गए। जमी हुई पोटोमैक नदी के जलक्षेत्र में, जहां विमान दुर्घटनाग्रस्त हुआ था, खोज एवं बचाव कार्य चल रहा है। ऑपरेशन कई दिनों तक चलेगा.
जैसा कि रूसी मीडिया ने बताया है, विमान में कम से कम 14 स्केटर्स सवार थे, जिनमें कोच शामिल नहीं थे। उनमें से अधिकांश रूसी आप्रवासियों के परिवारों से आते हैं।
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Aux États-Unis, un avion de ligne entre en collision avec un hélicoptère militaire : 64 personnes étaient à bord, dont des athlètes russes
L'accident s'est produit près de l'aéroport national Reagan, à l'extérieur de Washington.
Des dizaines de personnes sont mortes. Des opérations de recherche et de sauvetage sont en cours dans les eaux gelées du fleuve Potomac, où l'avion s'est écrasé. L'opération durera plusieurs jours.
Selon les médias russes, il y avait au moins 14 patineurs à bord de l'avion, sans compter les entraîneurs. La plupart d’entre eux viennent de familles d’immigrés russes.
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في الولايات المتحدة.. اصطدمت طائرة ركاب بمروحية عسكرية.. 64 شخصا كانوا على متنها بينهم رياضيون روس
وقعت الحادثة بالقرب من مطار ريغان الوطني خارج واشنطن.
ولقي العشرات من الأشخاص حتفهم. وتجري حاليا عمليات البحث والإنقاذ في مياه نهر بوتوماك المتجمد، حيث تحطمت الطائرة. ستستغرق العملية عدة أيام.
وبحسب ما ذكرت وسائل إعلام روسية، كان على متن الطائرة 14 متزلجا على الأقل، فضلا عن المدربين. معظمهم يأتون من عائلات المهاجرين الروس.
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In den USA kollidierte ein Passagierflugzeug mit einem Militärhubschrauber: 64 Menschen waren an Bord, darunter russische Sportler
Der Absturz ereignete sich in der Nähe des Reagan National Airport außerhalb von Washington.
Dutzende Menschen starben. In den Gewässern des zugefrorenen Potomac River, wo das Flugzeug abgestürzt ist, laufen Such- und Rettungsmaßnahmen. Der Eingriff wird mehrere Tage dauern.
Wie russische Medien berichteten, befanden sich mindestens 14 Skater an Bord des Flugzeugs, Trainer nicht mitgerechnet. Die meisten von ihnen stammen aus Familien russischer Einwanderer.
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Negli Usa un aereo passeggeri si è scontrato con un elicottero militare: a bordo c'erano 64 persone, tra cui atleti russi
L'incidente è avvenuto vicino all'aeroporto nazionale Reagan, fuori Washington.
Morirono decine di persone. Le operazioni di ricerca e salvataggio vengono condotte nelle acque del fiume Potomac ghiacciato, dove l'aereo si è schiantato. L'operazione durerà diversi giorni.
Secondo rosZMI a bordo dell'aereo c'erano almeno 14 pattinatori, senza contare gli allenatori. La maggior parte di loro proviene da famiglie di emigranti russi.
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In de VS botste een passagiersvliegtuig met een militaire helikopter: er zaten 64 mensen aan boord, waaronder Russische atleten
De crash vond plaats nabij Reagan National Airport, buiten Washington.
Tientallen mensen kwamen om het leven. Er vinden zoek- en reddingsoperaties plaats in de bevroren wateren van de rivier de Potomac, waar het vliegtuig neerstortte. De operatie zal meerdere dagen duren.
Volgens Russische media waren er minstens 14 schaatsers aan boord van het vliegtuig, exclusief de coaches. De meesten van hen komen uit families van Russische immigranten.
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Στις ΗΠΑ, επιβατικό αεροσκάφος συγκρούστηκε με στρατιωτικό ελικόπτερο: 64 άτομα επέβαιναν, μεταξύ των οποίων και Ρώσοι αθλητές
Το δυστύχημα σημειώθηκε κοντά στο Εθνικό Αεροδρόμιο Ρίγκαν έξω από την Ουάσιγκτον.
Δεκάδες άνθρωποι πέθαναν. Σε εξέλιξη βρίσκονται επιχειρήσεις έρευνας και διάσωσης στα νερά του παγωμένου ποταμού Ποτομάκ, όπου συνετρίβη το αεροσκάφος. Η επέμβαση θα διαρκέσει αρκετές ημέρες.
Όπως αναφέρουν ρωσικά μέσα ενημέρωσης, στο αεροπλάνο επέβαιναν τουλάχιστον 14 σκέιτερ, χωρίς να συμπεριλαμβάνονται οι προπονητές. Οι περισσότεροι από αυτούς προέρχονται από οικογένειες Ρώσων μεταναστών.
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1/12/2025, 10:21:05 AM
Ballistics in the direction of Pavlohrad (Dnipropetrovsk region)!
12/30/2024, 1:10:21 PM
Russians hit Kupyanshchyna in Kharkiv region
A woman died in the village of Kivsharivka. The identities of the victims are still being established. The Russian Armed Forces also damaged an apartment building. Law enforcement officers are working at the scene, - OVA.
12/30/2024, 1:42:52 PM
The MSEC will be liquidated from January 1, 2025
The President of Ukraine signed a corresponding decree. Instead of the outdated and corrupt system, a new digital system for assessing functioning will be introduced, the Verkhovna Rada reported on Telegram.
The Verkhovna Rada recalled that "from January 1, expert commissions will start operating in cluster and supracluster hospitals, which will conduct an assessment in accordance with the criteria of the International Classification of Functioning, Life Limitations and Health".
The commissions will selectively receive patients for consideration, but neither the patient nor the commission will know which doctor will consider the issue, in order to avoid corruption.
The previously established statuses of persons with disabilities, as well as the medical and social examination for children, will remain unchanged.
12/30/2024, 2:21:09 PM
Situation on the front as of 16:00
Since the beginning of the day, 104 combat clashes have occurred.
▪️In the Kharkiv direction, the Russian occupiers twice unsuccessfully attacked the defensive lines of Ukrainian units near Vovchansk and Lyptsy.
▪️In the Kupyansk direction, 4 enemy attacks were repelled near Golubivka, Stepovaya Novoselivka, Kruglyakivka and Zagryzove, 7 more combat clashes are ongoing.
▪️In the Lymansk direction, the invading army carried out 10 attacks near Kopanki, Nadiya, Novoyehorivka, Makiivka, Ivanivka and Terni, fighting is currently ongoing in 2 locations.
▪️The enemy conducted 1 assault in the Siversk direction near the settlement of Bilogorivka, the Defense Forces repelled the attack.
▪️In the Kramatorsk direction, 3 assault actions were repelled near Chasovy Yar and Stupochok, 4 clashes are ongoing.
▪️In the Toretsk direction, the Russians attacked near Shcherbinivka and in Toretsk, where the Defense Forces repelled 2 attacks. 4 clashes are still ongoing.
▪️In the Pokrovsk direction, the occupiers carried out 30 attacks in the areas of the settlements of Vozdvyzhenka, Myrolyubivka, Promin, Zelene, Dachenske, Novyi Trud, Shevchenko, Vovkove, Novoolenivka and Novoyelyzavetivka. The Defense Forces repelled 23 enemy attacks, 7 clashes are still ongoing.
▪️In the Kurakhiv direction, the occupiers carried out 11 attacks near Petropavlivka, Slovyanka, Shevchenko and Kurakhiv, 2 attacks are ongoing.
▪️In the Vremivka direction, units of our troops repelled 11 assaults near Yantarne, Uspenivka, Vremivka and in the direction of Konstantinopol and Novosilka, 4 clashes are currently ongoing, - General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
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12/30/2024, 2:26:51 PM
Elon Musk Criticizes New Ukraine Aid Package, Calls President Volodymyr Zelensky "All-Time Champion" of Scamming the U.S.
This is how the American businessman responded to a post by crypto investor and host Mario Naful, who wrote: "Biden Sends Ukraine Another $2.5 Billion — Because $175 Billion Wasn't Enough."
Lawyer Clay Thompson responded to the post, writing: "Zelensky Really Did One of the Biggest Money Heists of All Time."
Musk agreed with him, tweeting: "All-Time Champion."
It is noteworthy that Thompson does not hide in his account on the X platform that he cooperates with Russian propaganda, in particular, RT.
As for Naful, according to BBC News, he previously spread fakes about the war between Israel and Hamas. Despite this, Musk recommended it as a source of news about wars in the world, in particular, Russia against Ukraine.
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