Published date: 1/30/2025, 6:42:31 AM
🔴 Urgent | Sirens sound in Metula in the Galilee Finger and Ghajar in northern occupied Palestine
🔴 عاجل | صفارات الإنذار تدوي في المطلة في إصبع الجليل والغجر شمالي فلسطين المحتلة
🔴 紧急 |加利利海峡的梅图拉和巴勒斯坦被占区北部的盖杰尔响起警报
🔴 Urgente | Sirenes soam em Metulla, no Dedo da Galileia, e em Ghajar, no norte da Palestina ocupada
🔴 Urgente | Suenan sirenas en Metula, en la región de Galilea, y en Ghajar, en el norte de Palestina ocupada
🔴 Срочно | Сирены звучат в Метуле в Галилейском пальце и Гаджаре на севере оккупированной Палестины.
🔴 तत्काल | गैलिली के मेतुल्ला, उत्तरी कब्जे वाले फिलिस्तीन के फिंगर और गजर में सायरन बजते हैं
🔴 Urgent | Les sirènes retentissent à Metulla, dans le doigt de Galilée, et à Ghajar, dans le nord de la Palestine occupée
🔴 عاجل | صفارات الإنذار تدوي في المطلة في إصبع الجليل والغجر شمالي فلسطين المحتلة
🔴 Dringend | Sirenen ertönen in Metulla im Galiläa-Finger und in Ghajar im Norden Palästinas
🔴 Urgente | Le sirene risuonano a Metulla nel dito di Galilea e a Ghajar nella Palestina occupata settentrionale
🔴 緊急 |ガリラヤ指のメトゥラとパレスチナ北部のガジャールでサイレンが鳴る
🔴 Dringend | Sirenes klinken in Metulla in de Galilea-vinger en Ghajar in het noorden van het bezette Palestina
🔴 Επείγον | Οι σειρήνες ηχούν στο Metulla in the Galilee Finger και στο Ghajar στη βόρεια κατεχόμενη Παλαιστίνη
🔴 Urgent | Russian Defense: Russian air defenses shot down 181 Ukrainian drones and 5 HIMARS rockets in the past 24 hours
🔴 Urgent | Israeli media: Evacuation of a number of wounded in the ranks of the Israeli army from the Gaza Strip
🔴 Urgent | Civil Defense in Gaza: The occupation targeted a Civil Defense vehicle in Jabalia, north of the Strip, with a drone
🔴 Urgent | Occupied Palestine: Violent clashes from point zero between young men and settler militias in the village of Yatma, south of Nablus