❗️ US lifts freeze on federal aid programs
This is reported by Ukrainska Pravda with reference to American media familiar with the memorandum.
It is currently unknown whether this decision will affect the resumption of funding for the Ukrainian USAID mission.
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❗️ США скасовують заморожування федеральних програм допомоги
Про це повідомляє Українська правда з посиланням на американські ЗМІ, ознайомлені з меморандумом.
Наразі невідомо, чи вплине це рішення на відновлення фінансування українського представництва USAID.
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❗️ EUA suspendem congelamento de programas de ajuda federal
Isto foi relatado pelo Ukrainska Pravda com referência a meios de comunicação americanos familiarizados com o memorando.
Atualmente, não se sabe se esta decisão afetará a retomada do financiamento da missão ucraniana da USAID.
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❗️ Estados Unidos levanta la congelación de los programas de ayuda federal
Así lo informó Ukrainska Pravda citando a medios de comunicación estadounidenses familiarizados con el memorándum.
Por el momento no se sabe si esta decisión afectará la reanudación de la financiación de la misión ucraniana de USAID.
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❗️ США отменяют замораживание федеральных программ помощи
Об этом сообщает Украинская правда со ссылкой на американские СМИ, ознакомленные с меморандумом.
Пока неизвестно, повлияет ли это решение на возобновление финансирования украинского представительства USAID.
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❗️ अमेरिका ने संघीय सहायता कार्यक्रमों पर लगी रोक हटाई
यह रिपोर्ट यूक्रेन्स्का प्राव्दा ने ज्ञापन से परिचित अमेरिकी मीडिया आउटलेट्स के हवाले से दी।
फिलहाल यह अज्ञात है कि इस निर्णय से यूक्रेनी यूएसएआईडी मिशन के लिए वित्तपोषण की बहाली पर असर पड़ेगा या नहीं।
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❗️ Les États-Unis lèvent le gel des programmes d’aide fédérale
C'est ce qu'a rapporté l'Ukrainska Pravda, en référence aux médias américains au courant du mémorandum.
On ne sait pas encore si cette décision affectera la reprise du financement de la mission ukrainienne de l’USAID.
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❗️الولايات المتحدة ترفع التجميد عن برامج المساعدات الفيدرالية
ذكرت ذلك صحيفة برافدا الأوكرانية بالإشارة إلى وسائل الإعلام الأمريكية المطلعة على المذكرة.
ومن غير المعروف حاليًا ما إذا كان هذا القرار سيؤثر على استئناف تمويل مكتب تمثيل الوكالة الأمريكية للتنمية الدولية في أوكرانيا.
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❗️ USA heben Einfrieren der Bundeshilfsprogramme auf
Dies wurde von Ukrainska Pravda unter Berufung auf amerikanische Medien berichtet, die mit dem Memorandum vertraut sind.
Es ist derzeit nicht bekannt, ob diese Entscheidung Auswirkungen auf die Wiederaufnahme der Finanzierung der ukrainischen USAID-Mission haben wird.
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❗️ Gli USA revocano il blocco dei programmi di aiuti federali
Lo ha riferito Ukrainska Pravda citando i media americani a conoscenza del memorandum.
Al momento non è noto se questa decisione inciderà sulla ripresa dei finanziamenti alla missione USAID ucraina.
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❗️De VS heft de bevriezing van federale hulpprogramma’s op
Dit meldt de Oekraïense Pravda met verwijzing naar de Amerikaanse massamedia, die bekend zijn met het memorandum.
Momenteel is het niet bekend of dit besluit gevolgen zal hebben voor de hervatting van de financiering van het Oekraïense USAID-vertegenwoordigingskantoor.
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❗️ Οι αμερικανικές άρσεις παγώνουν τα ομοσπονδιακά προγράμματα βοήθειας
Αυτό ανέφερε η Ukrainska Pravda με αναφορά σε αμερικανικά μέσα ενημέρωσης που γνωρίζουν το μνημόνιο.
Προς το παρόν είναι άγνωστο εάν αυτή η απόφαση θα επηρεάσει την επανέναρξη της χρηματοδότησης για την ουκρανική αποστολή USAID.
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12/30/2024, 6:41:22 PM
Sumy region - threat of use of strike UAVs, - Ukrainian Air Force
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12/30/2024, 7:22:59 PM
MSECs will transfer unfinished cases on establishing disability to expert commissions in hospitals, - MoH
"The transfer of those cases that MSECs do not have time to complete is currently underway. They are transferred to designated healthcare institutions, and there are more than 290 of them, in which 1,450 expert teams and more than 4,000 doctors have been formed," - said Minister of Health Viktor Lyashko at a briefing on Monday, December 30.
The Minister added that each MSEC is assigned a medical institution, the cases are digitized and enter the electronic system, in which all processes related to further assessment of a person's functioning will take place in the future.
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12/30/2024, 7:30:08 PM
Pessimism has increased among Ukrainians, - poll
45% of Ukrainians hope that the next year will be better than 2024, which is six percentage points less than last year. These are the data of a sociological survey by the Rating group together with Gallup International, published on Monday, December 30.
27% of respondents expect a deterioration, another fifth believe that 2025 will be the same as the past year. 8% of respondents answered undecidedly.
"Compared to last year, assessments have shifted to more pessimistic expectations. Last year, 51% had positive expectations, and 17% - negative," - sociologists noted.
And what do you think about 2025 for Ukraine?
👍 - will definitely be better than the previous one
😢 - Oh, I don't know...
🤬 - I'm pessimistic
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12/30/2024, 7:32:53 PM
UAV in the eastern part of Chernihiv region, heading southwest
Airborne alert in Chernihiv and Sumy regions.
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12/30/2024, 8:11:45 PM
In Germany, three men are suspected of spying for the Russian Federation, one of them fought on the side of the DPR
During the surveillance of 40-year-old Dieter S., investigators discovered that he, together with two accomplices, was considering the possibility of sabotage against military infrastructure in Germany.
Options for explosions and arson were also discussed. According to the Federal Prosecutor's Office, these actions were intended to "undermine" military support for Ukraine from the German government.
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