A Nova Zelândia exige que os israelenses que desejam visitar o país forneçam detalhes precisos sobre seu serviço militar
Detalhes: https://qudsn.co/post/208725
Nueva Zelanda exige a los israelíes que deseen visitar el país que proporcionen detalles precisos sobre su servicio militar.
Detalles: https://qudsn.co/post/208725
Новая Зеландия требует от израильтян, желающих посетить страну, предоставлять точные данные о своей военной службе
Подробности: https://qudsn.co/post/208725
न्यूजीलैंड में यात्रा करने के इच्छुक इजरायलियों को अपनी सैन्य सेवा के बारे में सटीक विवरण देना अनिवार्य है
विवरण: https://qudsn.co/post/208725
La Nouvelle-Zélande exige que les Israéliens souhaitant se rendre dans le pays fournissent des informations précises sur leur service militaire
Détails : https://qudsn.co/post/208725
نيوزيلندا تشترط على الإسرائيليين الراغبين بزيارتها تقديم تفاصيل دقيقة عن خدمتهم العسكرية
التفاصيل: https://qudsn.co/post/208725
Neuseeland verlangt von Israelis, die das Land besuchen möchten, genaue Angaben zu ihrem Militärdienst
Details: https://qudsn.co/post/208725
La Nuova Zelanda richiede agli israeliani che desiderano visitare il paese di fornire dettagli accurati sul loro servizio militare
Dettagli: https://qudsn.co/post/208725
Nieuw-Zeeland vereist dat Israëliërs die het land willen bezoeken, nauwkeurige gegevens over hun militaire dienst verstrekken
Gegevens: https://qudsn.co/post/208725
Η Νέα Ζηλανδία απαιτεί από τους Ισραηλινούς που επιθυμούν να επισκεφθούν τη χώρα να παρέχουν ακριβείς λεπτομέρειες σχετικά με τη στρατιωτική τους θητεία
Λεπτομέρειες: https://qudsn.co/post/208725
1/5/2025, 1:37:32 PM
A fire broke out in a house inside Jenin camp, as the PA security operation continues.
1/5/2025, 1:39:05 PM
Urgent | Mujahideen Brigades: We shelled with mortar shells the enemy's command and control headquarters in Jabalia Services Club, north of the Gaza Strip.
1/5/2025, 1:42:53 PM
Urgent | WHO: We condemn the removal of Kamal Adwan Hospital from service, and we have verified 50 Israeli attacks targeting hospitals since October 2024
1/5/2025, 1:56:07 PM
Urgent | The occupation carries out new bombings and demolition operations in the town of Sheheen, southern Lebanon.
1/6/2025, 7:46:17 AM
Urgent | Quds translation: Another vehicle was found with a settler inside who was critically injured, bringing the number of those injured in the operation to 7, including 3 who were critically injured.