

Real time military news

Published date: 1/26/2025, 9:23:03 AM
1/26/2025, 9:23:03 AM
This is Hebrew: They live in southern Lebanon under the protection of Hezbollah, but what is the name of “Israel” in the north of Baz Khwahand Gasht? What's wrong with you? ☑️ @SEPAHCYBERY
رسانه های عبری: ساکنان جنوب لبنان تحت حمایت حزب الله هستند پس چگونه شهرک نشینان "اسرائیل" به شمال باز خواهند گشت؟ سپاه سایبری پاسداران👇🏻 ☑️ @SEPAHCYBERY
希伯来媒体:真主党保护下的黎巴嫩南部居民还在等待“以色列”部队入侵该国北部? 西班牙网络卫士👇🏻 ☑️@SEPAHCYBERY
Mídia hebraica: Os moradores do sul do Líbano sob a proteção do Hezbollah ainda estão esperando que as forças “israelenses” invadam o norte do país? Cyber ​​​​​​Espanha Pasdaran 👇🏻 ☑️ @SEPAHCYBERY
Medios hebreos: ¿Los habitantes del sur del Líbano bajo la protección de Hezbolá todavía esperan que las fuerzas “israelíes” invadan el norte del país? Cyber ​​​​España Pasdaran 👇🏻 ☑️ @SEPAHCYBERY
Еврейские СМИ: Жители южного Ливана, находящиеся под защитой «Хезболлы», все еще ждут вторжения «израильских» сил на север страны? Кибер Испания Пасдаран 👇🏻 ☑️ @SEPAHCYBERY
यह हिब्रू भाषा है: वे हिजबुल्लाह के संरक्षण में दक्षिणी लेबनान में रहते हैं, लेकिन बाज़ ख्वाहंद गश्त के उत्तर में "इज़राइल" का क्या नाम है? तुम्हारे साथ क्या गलत है? ☑️ @SEPAHCYBERY
Médias hébreux : Les habitants du sud du Liban sous la protection du Hezbollah attendent toujours que les forces « israéliennes » envahissent le nord du pays ? Cyber ​​​​​​Espagne Pasdaran 👇🏻 ☑️ @SEPAHCYBERY
رسانه های عبری: ساکنان جنوب لبنان تحت حمایت حزب الله هستند پس چگونه شهرک نشینان "اسرائیل" به شمال باز خواهند گشت؟ سپاه سایبری پاسداران👇🏻 ☑️ @SEPAHCYBERY
Hebräische Medien: Warten die Bewohner des Südlibanons unter dem Schutz der Hisbollah immer noch auf die Invasion der „israelischen“ Streitkräfte in den Norden des Landes? Cyber ​​​​​​Spain Pasdaran 👇🏻 ☑️ @SEPAHCYBERY
Media ebraici: Gli abitanti del Libano meridionale sotto la protezione di Hezbollah stanno ancora aspettando che le forze “israeliane” invadano il nord del paese? Cyber ​​​​​​Spagna Pasdaran 👇🏻 ☑️ @SEPAHCYBERY
ヘブライ語メディア:ヒズボラの保護下にある南レバノンの住民は、いまだに「イスラエル」軍が同国北部に侵攻するのを待っているのか? サイバースペインパスダラン👇🏻 ☑️ @セパハサイバー
Hebreeuwse media: De inwoners van Zuid-Libanon, die onder bescherming staan ​​van Hezbollah, wachten nog steeds op een invasie van de “Israëlische” troepen in het noorden van het land? Cyber ​​​​​​Spanje Pasdaran 👇🏻 ☑️ @SEPAHCYBERY
Εβραϊκά ΜΜΕ: Οι κάτοικοι του νότιου Λιβάνου υπό την προστασία της Χεζμπολάχ περιμένουν ακόμη τις «ισραηλινές» δυνάμεις να εισβάλουν στο βόρειο τμήμα της χώρας; Cyber​​​Spain Pasdaran 👇🏻 ☑️ @SEPAHCYBERY

12/30/2024, 1:09:56 PM
Image 2024-12-30T13:09:56
You are a Zionist who has been accused of being a spy against Iran Bliss and Suzman are an internal Zionist regime in the statement of a joint plaintiff named “Alexander Granovsky” who lives in the month of “Petach Tekoa” and is accused of being a spy. Iran Dastgir Kordhand. In this statement, I claim that this is the month of Zionism that the “Bani Gantz” betrayed the Minister of Jung, who preceded the Kurdish regime’s depiction of the Kurdish people. We have created a logo for the next day. What's wrong with you? ☑️ @SEPAHCYBERY
12/30/2024, 2:55:59 PM
Image 2024-12-30T14:55:59
🔴A Zionist regime has been informed about new goals, including the need for resistance against the spread of the Kurds. What's wrong with you? ☑️ @SEPAHCYBERY
12/30/2024, 2:56:25 PM
Image 2024-12-30T14:56:25
🔴Deputy Head of Hezbollah’s Executive Committee in Lebanon, who has invaded the country in southern Lebanon, and how much news there is in it. What's wrong with you? ☑️ @SEPAHCYBERY
12/30/2024, 3:22:16 PM
Image 2024-12-30T15:22:16
🔥 A Palestinian revolution on the morning of Imruz Taqnon, the successful completion of operations in the Gaza Strip, 2 Zionist regimes that have lost their support and 4 other regimes that have lost momentum. What's wrong with you? ☑️ @SEPAHCYBERY
12/30/2024, 3:25:23 PM
🔴 Al-Qassam Gardens: The Zionist regime is in ruins, with Yassin 105, near Beit Hanoun, in the north of Gaza. What's wrong with you? ☑️ @SEPAHCYBERY