Destruição dos depósitos de armas e da infraestrutura de inteligência do Hezbollah:
As forças da 7ª Brigada continuam as operações no sul do Líbano. Assistir
Destrucción de almacenes de municiones y de la infraestructura militar de Hezbollah:
Las fuerzas de la Séptima Brigada continúan sus actividades en el sur del Líbano. mirar
Уничтожение складов оружия и разведывательной инфраструктуры «Хезболлы»:
Силы 7-й бригады продолжают операции на юге Ливана. Смотреть
हिज़्बुल्लाह के हथियार भंडारों और खुफिया बुनियादी ढांचे का विनाश:
7वीं ब्रिगेड बलों ने दक्षिणी लेबनान में अभियान जारी रखा। घड़ी
Destruction des dépôts d’armes et des infrastructures de renseignement du Hezbollah :
Les forces de la 7e brigade poursuivent leurs opérations dans le sud du Liban. Montre
تدمير مخازن الأسلحة والبنية التحتية الاستخباراتية لحزب الله:
تواصل قوات اللواء السابع عملياتها في جنوب لبنان. يشاهد
Zerstörung der Waffendepots und Geheimdienstinfrastruktur der Hisbollah:
Die Streitkräfte der 7. Brigade setzen ihre Operationen im Südlibanon fort. Betrachten
Distruzione dei depositi di armi e delle infrastrutture di intelligence di Hezbollah:
Le forze della 7a Brigata continuano le operazioni nel Libano meridionale. Orologio
Vernietiging van Hezbollah's wapendepots en inlichtingendienst:
De troepen van de 7e Brigade zetten hun operaties in Zuid-Libanon voort. Horloge
Καταστροφή αποθηκών όπλων και υποδομής πληροφοριών της Χεζμπολάχ:
Οι δυνάμεις της 7ης Ταξιαρχίας συνεχίζουν τις επιχειρήσεις στο νότιο Λίβανο. Ρολόι
2/25/2025, 6:40:53 AM
IDF Spokesman:
Primary: Alerts on the penetration of hostile aircraft in Jonathan, the details in the test.
2/25/2025, 6:45:12 AM
IDF Spokesman:
Midrats were launched shortly before a suspicious aerial target in the Golan Heights, the details of the test.
2/25/2025, 7:06:53 AM
IDF Spokesman:
Further to the warnings that were operated at 8:39 AM on suspicion of penetrating hostile aircraft in Jonathan, Herspin and the level of fulfillment, interceptors were launched toward two suspicious air targets that turned out to be a false identification. The event ended and was in the investigation.
Alerts on rocket and missile shooting were activated with firm stones following fear of falling fracture, no casualties.
2/25/2025, 9:58:35 AM
IDF Spokesman:
Following the inspectors heard in the sky earlier today, this is a routine Air Force training.
There is no fear of a security event, the event in the investigation.