☑️Ben Gwer: This is just a non-delivery transaction, but there is a lot of damage to Israel, and it is necessary to add more fuel to it.
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️بن گویر: آتش بس فقط یک معامله تسلیم نیست بلکه یک توهین ملی به اسرائیل است و باید هر چه زودتر به جنگ برگردیم.
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️Ben Gvir: Esta é apenas uma transação de rendição, não uma humilhação de Israel, e devemos aumentar tudo até o ponto de condenação.
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️Ben Gvir: Esto es solo una transacción de rendición, no una humillación de Israel, y debemos aumentar todo hasta el punto de la condena.
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️Бен Гвир: Это всего лишь сделка о капитуляции, а не унижение Израиля, и мы должны довести все до точки осуждения.
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️बेन ग्विर: यह सिर्फ एक आत्मसमर्पण सौदा है, इजरायल का अपमान नहीं है, और हमें हर चीज को निंदा के बिंदु तक बढ़ाना चाहिए।
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️Ben Gvir : Il s’agit simplement d’une transaction de reddition, pas d’une humiliation d’Israël, et nous devons tout amplifier jusqu’à la condamnation.
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️بن گویر: آتش بس فقط یک معامله تسلیم نیست بلکه یک توهین ملی به اسرائیل است و باید هر چه زودتر به جنگ برگردیم.
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️Ben Gvir: Dies ist lediglich eine Kapitulationstransaktion, keine Demütigung Israels, und wir müssen alles bis zur Verurteilung steigern.
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️Ben Gvir: Questa è solo una transazione di resa, non un'umiliazione di Israele, e dobbiamo portare tutto al punto di condanna.
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️Ben Gvir: Dit is slechts een overgavetransactie, geen vernedering van Israël, en we moeten alles opvoeren tot het punt van veroordeling.
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️Ben Gwer: Αυτή είναι απλώς μια συναλλαγή χωρίς παράδοση, αλλά υπάρχει μεγάλη ζημιά στο Ισραήλ και είναι απαραίτητο να προσθέσουμε περισσότερο καύσιμο σε αυτό.
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
1/5/2025, 2:38:44 PM
☑️ Washington Post: Iran’s regime is far removed from America’s experiences in Iraq!
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
1/5/2025, 3:22:04 PM
☑️ Ceremony in Zordasht, the martyrs of the resistance of Hajj Qasem Soleimani and Abu Mahdi Al-Muhandis, in Iraq, in the presence of Nakhset, Minister and Speaker of the Iraqi Council.
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
1/5/2025, 4:05:43 PM
☑️ The death and injury of Nizamian Dashman in Beit Lahia
🔻 Garden of Qassam:
◽️ Mujahideen, not only in the beginning of the Nabard lines, the Kurdand flags in joint operations with Grohan-Hay-Quds, in this group, 10 people from the Nizamian Ashghal group, west of Beit Lahia, north of Barika. Gaza is full of weapons and fires. This is what happened during these regular operations.
◽️ Two Mujahideen are like a regime when a friend flees, following his response and then going back to zero distances.
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
1/5/2025, 3:52:19 PM
☑️#Furi | A security incident occurred in front of a Zionist organization in northern Gaza.
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
1/5/2025, 4:28:36 PM
☑️Shahr and Istan primary schools in Tehran, Damavand and Firouzkoh parts, single and in-person
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran