Integrity Commission arrests former Babylon Health official for harming the interests of the entity he works for
النزاهة تضبط مسؤولاً سابقاً بصحة بابل لإضراره بمصلحة الجهة التي يعمل فيها
廉政委员会逮捕前 Babylon Health 官员,罪名是损害其所在实体的利益
Comissão de Integridade prende ex-funcionário da Babylon Health por prejudicar os interesses da entidade para a qual trabalha
Comisión de Integridad detiene a exfuncionario de Babylon Health por perjudicar intereses de entidad para la que trabaja
Комиссия по добросовестности арестовала бывшего чиновника Babylon Health за нанесение ущерба интересам организации, в которой он работает
इंटीग्रिटी कमीशन ने बेबीलोन हेल्थ के पूर्व अधिकारी को उस संस्था के हितों को नुकसान पहुंचाने के आरोप में गिरफ्तार किया जिसके लिए वह काम करता है
La Commission d'intégrité arrête un ancien responsable de Babylon Health pour avoir porté atteinte aux intérêts de l'entité pour laquelle il travaille
النزاهة تضبط مسؤولاً سابقاً بصحة بابل لإضراره بمصلحة الجهة التي يعمل فيها
Integritätskommission verhaftet ehemaligen Babylon Health-Mitarbeiter wegen Schädigung der Interessen des Unternehmens, für das er arbeitet
La Commissione per l'integrità arresta un ex funzionario della Babylon Health per aver danneggiato gli interessi dell'ente per cui lavora
Integriteitscommissie arresteert voormalig ambtenaar van Babylon Health wegens het schaden van de belangen van de entiteit waarvoor hij werkt
Η Επιτροπή Ακεραιότητας συλλαμβάνει πρώην αξιωματούχο της Υγείας της Βαβυλώνας επειδή βλάπτει τα συμφέροντα της οντότητας στην οποία εργάζεται
1/12/2025, 10:23:04 AM
The Palestine Committee of the Asian Parliamentary Assembly holds its meeting in the capital, Baghdad, and calls for an immediate end to the aggression on Gaza
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Counter-Terrorism Service: 7 ISIS members killed and 22 guest houses destroyed on the borders between Salah al-Din, Kirkuk and Diyala
The Council of Ministers approves the authorization of the Minister of Finance or her authorized representative to sign the loan agreement to finance the implementation of combined cycle projects for the benefit of the Ministry of Electricity, for the Kirkuk Gas Station.