Israeli media: A gunman opened fire on two Israelis, and they are in critical condition in Ramat Gilad, after a settler attack on the neighboring village of Al-Funduq.
وسائل إعلام إسرائيلية: أطلق مسلح النار باتجاه إسرائيليين اثنين وحالتهما خطيرة في رامات جلعاد، وذلك بعد هجوم للمستوطنين على قرية الفندق المجاورة.
Mídia israelense: Um homem armado abriu fogo contra dois israelenses, que estão em estado crítico, em Ramat Gilad, após um ataque de colonos na vila próxima de Al-Funduq.
Medios israelíes: Un hombre armado abrió fuego contra dos israelíes, que se encuentran en estado crítico, en Ramat Gilad, después de un ataque de colonos en la cercana aldea de Al-Funduq.
Израильские СМИ: Вооруженный мужчина открыл огонь по двум израильтянам, которые находятся в критическом состоянии, в Рамат-Гиладе после нападения поселенцев на близлежащую деревню Аль-Фундук.
इज़रायली मीडिया: अल-फुंडुक के निकटवर्ती गांव पर एक बंदूकधारी ने हमला करने के बाद रमत गिलाद में दो इज़रायली नागरिकों पर गोली चलाई, जिनकी हालत गंभीर है।
Médias israéliens : Un homme armé a ouvert le feu sur deux Israéliens, qui sont dans un état critique, à Ramat Gilad, après une attaque de colons sur le village voisin d'Al-Funduq.
وسائل إعلام إسرائيلية: أطلق مسلح النار باتجاه إسرائيليين اثنين وحالتهما خطيرة في رامات جلعاد، وذلك بعد هجوم للمستوطنين على قرية الفندق المجاورة.
Israelische Medien: Nach einem Siedlerangriff auf das Nachbardorf des Hotels eröffnete ein Schütze das Feuer auf zwei Israelis, die sich in Ramat Gilad in ernstem Zustand befanden.
Media israeliani: Un uomo armato ha aperto il fuoco su due israeliani, che versano in gravi condizioni, a Ramat Gilad, dopo un attacco dei coloni al vicino villaggio di Al-Funduq.
Israëlische media: Een schutter opende het vuur op twee Israëliërs, die in kritieke toestand verkeren, in Ramat Gilad, na een aanval van kolonisten op het nabijgelegen dorp Al-Funduq.
Ισραηλινά ΜΜΕ: Ένοπλος άνοιξε πυρ εναντίον δύο Ισραηλινών, οι οποίοι βρίσκονται σε κρίσιμη κατάσταση, στο Ramat Gilad, μετά από επίθεση εποίκων στο κοντινό χωριό Al-Funduq.
1/17/2025, 6:06:57 AM
The Hebrew newspaper "Yedioth Ahronoth": The Israeli negotiating team informed Prime Minister "Benjamin Netanyahu" during the night that the prisoner exchange deal with Hamas was officially signed.
1/17/2025, 7:05:46 AM
Israeli Army Spokesperson:
The Israeli army has begun taking action against members of the extremist Jewish public who did not appear for conscription under Article 12 of the Security Service Law, after exhausting all the required procedures for that.
A soldier who did not appear for conscription according to the instructions of the order he received is considered to have committed the offense of absenteeism from service without permission, and is expected to face criminal penalties.
1/17/2025, 7:08:39 AM
Israel Today Hebrew newspaper - Ariel Kahana: The ceasefire agreement that Netanyahu committed to is a disastrous failure.
1/17/2025, 7:13:52 AM
Israel Today Hebrew newspaper - Yoav Limor: The war is over. The possibility of "Israel" returning to it after the end of the first round of the prisoner agreement ranges between weak and non-existent. Those who claim otherwise are lying to themselves and to the public. The ceasefire will not give the parties an incentive to return to fighting, but rather it will give them an incentive to extend the period of calm.
1/17/2025, 7:20:27 AM
Israel Today - Yoav Limor: "Absolute victory" turned out to be just an empty slogan. In the war that Israel actually lost at 06:29 AM on October 7, if it had acted rationally instead of emotionally, it would have sought an agreement on prisoners in the first days of the war, and then returned to fighting after that. If it had acted rationally, it would have concluded the prisoner deal in May of last year. If it had acted rationally, it would have worked a long time ago to plan for the "day after" and found a party to transfer power in Gaza to, thus preventing Hamas from regaining its capabilities.