Enemy media: An explosive device exploded in a military vehicle in the village of Tamoun in Tubas Governorate, and 4 wounded soldiers arrived by helicopter to "Tel Aviv"
إعلام العدو: انفجار عبوة ناسفة بسيارة عسكرية في قرية طمون بمحافظة طوباس ووصل 4 جرحى جنود على إثرها بمروحية إلى "تل أبيب"
Mídia inimiga: Um dispositivo explosivo explodiu em um veículo militar na vila de Tamoun, na província de Tubas, e quatro soldados feridos chegaram de helicóptero a Tel Aviv.
Medios enemigos: Un artefacto explosivo explotó en un vehículo militar en la aldea de Tamoun, en la Gobernación de Tubas, y cuatro soldados heridos llegaron en helicóptero a Tel Aviv.
Вражеские СМИ: Взрывное устройство взорвалось в военном автомобиле в деревне Тамун в провинции Тубас, четверо раненых солдат прибыли на вертолете в Тель-Авив.
दुश्मन मीडिया: टुबास गवर्नरेट के तमौन गांव में एक सैन्य वाहन में विस्फोटक उपकरण फट गया, और 4 घायल सैनिक हेलीकॉप्टर से तेल अवीव पहुंचे।
Médias ennemis : Un engin explosif a explosé dans un véhicule militaire dans le village de Tamoun dans le gouvernorat de Tubas, et 4 soldats blessés sont arrivés par hélicoptère à Tel-Aviv.
إعلام العدو: انفجار عبوة ناسفة بسيارة عسكرية في قرية طمون بمحافظة طوباس ووصل 4 جرحى جنود على إثرها بمروحية إلى "تل أبيب"
Feindmedien: In einem Militärfahrzeug im Dorf Tamoun im Gouvernement Tubas explodierte ein Sprengsatz, und vier verwundete Soldaten kamen mit dem Hubschrauber nach Tel Aviv.
Media nemici: un ordigno esplosivo è esploso in un veicolo militare nel villaggio di Tamoun, nel governatorato di Tubas, e 4 soldati feriti sono arrivati in elicottero a Tel Aviv.
Vijandelijke media: Een explosief ontplofte in een militair voertuig in het dorp Tamoun in het gouvernement Tubas, en 4 gewonde soldaten arriveerden per helikopter in Tel Aviv.
Εχθρικά ΜΜΕ: Εκρηκτικός μηχανισμός εξερράγη σε στρατιωτικό όχημα στο χωριό Ταμούν στο Κυβερνείο Τούμπας και 4 τραυματίες στρατιώτες έφτασαν με ελικόπτερο στο Τελ Αβίβ.
1/5/2025, 5:30:59 PM
🔻🔺You are following the main news bulletin of Al Masirah Channel - Sunday 05-07-1446 AH 05-01-2025 AD
🔶 The armed forces announce the targeting of the "Orot Rabin" power station south of occupied Haifa with a hypersonic missile, and the resistance factions bless
🔶 The British Telegraph reveals the recruitment of the mercenary government with the Israeli enemy, and a member of the highest political council confirms: Our options are open against any conspiracy, and the ceiling of our goals is above expectations
🔶 Confirming his partnership in the aggression and crimes of genocide in Gaza, Biden in the last days of his term notifies Congress of a new arms deal for the enemy entity worth eight billion dollars
🔶 More than twenty martyrs in the aggression raids on Gaza since dawn today, and a joint operation between Al-Qassam and the Al-Quds Brigades topples ten Zionist soldiers between dead and wounded
🔶 Enemy circles confirm the absurdity of the war in Gaza amid talk of the withdrawal of the Kfir Brigade from the north, and the resignation of an officer Senior Enemy Intelligence Officer
🔶 Enemy forces renew incursion towards the town of Taybeh in southern Lebanon, and Hezbollah confirms: After the sixtieth, the matter is up to the resistance
🔶 The Israeli enemy continues to violate Syria... Aggressive raids in the Damascus countryside, and armed groups continue their security campaign against those they deem wanted
1/5/2025, 5:34:11 PM
Saraya Al-Quds - Nablus Battalion: Our Mujahideen are fighting fierce battles with the enemy forces storming the fighting axes surrounding the new Askar camp
1/5/2025, 5:36:28 PM
Lebanese sources: The enemy continues bombing attacks in the town of Taybeh since dawn today
1/5/2025, 5:37:58 PM
Introduction to the main 8:30 pm bulletin for Sunday 05-07-1446 AH 05-01-2025 AD In an advanced step, and a qualitative military operation, in its goal, timing, and location. The Yemeni missile force and its striking hand, record their first presence in northern occupied Palestine, with a Yemeni-made hypersonic ballistic missile of the Palestine II type, which targeted the Orot Rabin power station south of occupied Haifa. Before arriving and delivering the message, there was a scene of majestic flight, pride and awe derived from the pride and awe of the King of the Heavens and the Earth, that niche from which the Yemenis derived their pride, awe and strength of their presence, as the enemy’s expensive interception missiles were more like escorts that were unable to catch up with our missile, which, thanks to God, bypassed the layers of the enemy’s defenses, broke its theory of superiority, and dropped its interception narratives, after it passed Jaffa to beyond beyond, arriving at Haifa, so that the enemy and those behind it and those with it would understand that Yemen is the source of faith. And wisdom, which holds the firmest bond that cannot be broken, will not be affected by threats, nor by raids, the latest of which was the raids on Saada, and will not care about what the British Telegram revealed about the recruitment of mercenaries and their sponsors to collect security information from Yemen for the benefit of the Israeli enemy. And if the mercenaries are told, “Shame on you that you have become soldiers recruited with Israel,” that will not help with the people of shame. But for those who have an atom of Arabism or religion left in them, and have recruited themselves under the banners of treason and collaboration, exhaust yourselves before your people curse you, history curses you, and geography rejects you, and your fate is like the fate of the “Lahd” army in southern Lebanon. There is a great difference between the earth and the Pleiades, between those who sell themselves to Israel and those who sell themselves to God.
1/5/2025, 5:38:13 PM
Palestinian sources: Wounded by Israeli enemy shelling of the vicinity of Al-Da'wa neighborhood, northeast of Al-Nuseirat, central Gaza Strip