Director of Al-Hadath Office in Palestine, Ziad Halabi: Anticipation and preparations in Israel to hand over and receive prisoners with Hamas after the Gaza truce comes into effect
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مدير مكتب الحدث في فلسطين زياد حلبي: ترقب واستعدادات في إسرائيل لتسليم وتسلم الأسرى مع حماس بعد دخول هدنة غزة حيز التنفيذ
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Diretor do Escritório Al-Hadath na Palestina, Ziad Halabi: Antecipação e preparativos em Israel para entregar e receber prisioneiros do Hamas após a trégua em Gaza entrar em vigor
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El director de la oficina de Al-Hadath en Palestina, Ziad Halabi: Anticipación y preparativos en Israel para entregar y recibir prisioneros con Hamás después de que entre en vigor la tregua en Gaza
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Директор офиса «Аль-Хадат» в Палестине Зиад Халаби: Ожидание и подготовка в Израиле к передаче и приему заключенных с ХАМАС после вступления в силу перемирия в Газе
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फिलिस्तीन में अल-हदथ कार्यालय के निदेशक, ज़ियाद हलबी: गाजा युद्धविराम लागू होने के बाद हमास के कैदियों को सौंपने और प्राप्त करने के लिए इज़राइल में प्रत्याशा और तैयारी
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Ziad Halabi, directeur du bureau d'Al-Hadath en Palestine : Préparatifs en Israël pour la remise et la réception des prisonniers avec le Hamas après l'entrée en vigueur de la trêve à Gaza
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مدير مكتب الحدث في فلسطين زياد حلبي: ترقب واستعدادات في إسرائيل لتسليم وتسلم الأسرى مع حماس بعد دخول هدنة غزة حيز التنفيذ
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🚨الحدث_عاجل تلجرام @alhdth_now
Ziad Halabi, Direktor des Al-Hadath-Büros in Palästina: In Israel bestehen Erwartungen und Vorbereitungen für die Übergabe und Aufnahme von Gefangenen durch die Hamas nach Inkrafttreten des Waffenstillstands im Gazastreifen
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Direttore dell'ufficio di Al-Hadath in Palestina, Ziad Halabi: Anticipazione e preparativi in Israele per la consegna e la ricezione dei prigionieri con Hamas dopo l'entrata in vigore della tregua a Gaza
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Directeur van het Al-Hadath-kantoor in Palestina, Ziad Halabi: Verwachtingen en voorbereidingen in Israël om gevangenen van Hamas over te dragen en te ontvangen nadat het bestand in Gaza van kracht wordt
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Διευθυντής του Γραφείου Al-Hadath στην Παλαιστίνη, Ziad Halabi: Προσδοκία και προετοιμασίες στο Ισραήλ για παράδοση και υποδοχή αιχμαλώτων με τη Χαμάς μετά την έναρξη ισχύος της εκεχειρίας στη Γάζα
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1/3/2025, 3:35:38 PM
Live from #AlHadath Channel | A session of the #Security_Council regarding #Gaza and the Israeli attacks on the hospitals in the Strip
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1/3/2025, 3:51:31 PM
The Syrian Civil Defense announces its need for 10,000 male and female volunteers with a salary of $200 per month in all Syrian governorates..
To view the rest of the conditions and registration and for more details, please click on the following link:
To apply, please fill out the form in the following link:
1/3/2025, 4:06:21 PM
WHO Representative in the Palestinian Territories: We need 5 to 10 years to evacuate thousands of patients from Gaza at the current pace.. We have verified 654 attacks on health facilities in the Strip
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1/3/2025, 4:06:35 PM
WHO Representative in the Palestinian Territories Richard Peeperkorn: We need 5 to 10 years to evacuate thousands of patients from Gaza
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1/3/2025, 4:07:26 PM
Event Advisor for Russian and Central Asian Affairs Samer Elias: The Russian position on the new administration in Syria was delayed a lot compared to the Arab and European positions
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