

Real time military news

Published date: 1/19/2025, 12:30:03 PM
1/19/2025, 12:30:03 PM
🎥 Foreign Minister, Zionist Registrar: We have a target in the Nabud of Hamas with a breeze. What's wrong with you? ☑️ @SEPAHCYBERY
🎥 وزیر خارجه رژیم صهیونیستی: نتوانستیم به هدفمان در نابود کردن حماس برسیم سپاه سایبری پاسداران👇🏻 ☑️ @SEPAHCYBERY
🎥 犹太复国主义外交部长:我们在约旦、哈马斯和伊朗有两个目标 西班牙网络卫士👇🏻 ☑️@SEPAHCYBERY
🎥 Ministro das Relações Exteriores sionista: Temos dois objetivos na Jordânia, Hamas e Irã Cyber ​​​​​​Espanha Pasdaran 👇🏻 ☑️ @SEPAHCYBERY
Ministro de Exteriores sionista: Tenemos dos objetivos en Jordania, Hamás e Irán Cyber ​​​​España Pasdaran 👇🏻 ☑️ @SEPAHCYBERY
🎥 Министр иностранных дел сионистов: у нас две цели в Иордании, ХАМАС и Иране Кибер Испания Пасдаран 👇🏻 ☑️ @SEPAHCYBERY
🎥 ज़ायोनी विदेश मंत्री: जॉर्डन में हमारे दो लक्ष्य हैं, हमास और ईरान साइबर ​​​​स्पेन पासदारन 👇🏻 ☑️ @SEPAHCYBERY
🎥 Le ministre sioniste des Affaires étrangères : Nous avons deux objectifs en Jordanie, le Hamas et l'Iran Cyber ​​​​​​Espagne Pasdaran 👇🏻 ☑️ @SEPAHCYBERY
🎥 وزیر خارجه رژیم صهیونیستی: نتوانستیم به هدفمان در نابود کردن حماس برسیم سپاه سایبری پاسداران👇🏻 ☑️ @SEPAHCYBERY
🎥 Zionistischer Außenminister: Wir haben zwei Ziele in Jordanien, Hamas und Iran Cyber-Spain-Pasdaran 👇🏻 ☑️ @SEPAHCYBERY
🎥 Ministro degli Esteri sionista: abbiamo due obiettivi in ​​Giordania, Hamas e Iran Cyber ​​​​​​Spagna Pasdaran 👇🏻 ☑️ @SEPAHCYBERY
🎥 シオニスト外相:ヨルダン、ハマス、イランには2つの目標がある サイバースペインパスダラン👇🏻 ☑️ @セパハサイバー
🎥 Zionistische minister van Buitenlandse Zaken: We hebben twee doelen in Jordanië, Hamas en Iran Cyber ​​​​​​Spanje Pasdaran 👇🏻 ☑️ @SEPAHCYBERY
🎥 Σιωνιστής ΥΠΕΞ: Έχουμε δύο στόχους στην Ιορδανία, τη Χαμάς και το Ιράν Cyber​​​Spain Pasdaran 👇🏻 ☑️ @SEPAHCYBERY

12/25/2024, 10:44:22 AM
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Ethical Emiri, Namendeh Council: 🚫 It has the goal of taking care of your health and renewing your doctor’s vision now. Hit it with a hammer and hit it on the right side of the road. A Syrian woman is suing, and it is her name. High level of radar in Israel's campaign for surface and surface losses. Hujjat al-Islam is an American moral, we have confirmed that this is the truth, this time and time is a true promise, 3 mediation of Nerohai Nizami, Iran, election of Shoud, where are the operations of Anjam Khwahid Shad, in this context, Iran has changed: Go back and forth This is a hit on Iran's program, and the mediation of its Zionists is coming, due to the influence of Buddhism, as well as regime operations. If there is a possibility of an attack on any route of influence on a site that has not yet been established, then if there is a possibility of an attack on it, there will be no damage to the area, and there will be no benefits for Iran to attack it. It can't be. We are talking about: There is a Syrian government's experience of confrontation with ISIS in Syria, and Imroz has been accused of claiming that the Syrian government has had a confrontation with ISIS and that it has always been a nightmare. Iran's defense against moral resistance, as well as the most recent Syrian legal case, is how much it is against Iran. What's wrong with you? ☑️ @SEPAHCYBERY
12/25/2024, 11:54:25 AM
🔴Measures: The hot air of Israel is a thing that has been mentioned in the past for a long time, in the Bekaa region of Lebanon, next to Baran Kurd. What's wrong with you? ☑️ @SEPAHCYBERY
12/25/2024, 11:29:45 AM
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🔴Aliabadi in the council; Criticism of the management of Khamoshiha 🔹Hajipour, I hope, by raising a question about the Minister of Nero, the Directorate of Energy Nutrition, the original worker in Bahran Khamoshaha Dunst. 🔹Does the Minister of Nero Pashim have to wait for a card?! What's wrong with you? ☑️ @SEPAHCYBERY
12/25/2024, 11:52:04 AM
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🔻Previous speeches about Pakistan: America is of great importance to Pakistan. ▪ Maliha Lodhi, a former ambassador of Pakistan to America, a Kurdish figure on the importance of Pakistan to America, except for the exit of Iran from Afghanistan. ▪ We are able to show the importance of Pakistan to America on issues related to Afghanistan without saying anything like the presence of the Washington regime in Afghanistan. This is where you need to change your mind. What's wrong with you? ☑️ @SEPAHCYBERY
12/25/2024, 11:53:56 AM
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⭕️Syrian sources, Kurdand media, explain the link of leaving in the countryside. Here is an explanation of how much information is being used when the target of a decision is taken when a computer is running. What's wrong with you? ☑️ @SEPAHCYBERY