

Real time military news

Published date: 1/18/2025, 11:48:20 AM
1/18/2025, 11:48:20 AM
This is a Saturday morning in the capital. First, the enemy attacked Kyiv with drones, and then with missiles. Civilians heard a series of powerful explosions. #russiaisaterroriststate
Такий у столиці суботній ранок. Спершу ворог атакував Київ дронами, а потім ракетами. Мирні жителі почули серію потужних вибухів. #russiaisaterroriststate
这就是首都周六早上的景象。 敌人首先使用无人机袭击基辅,随后又使用导弹。 平民听到了一系列强烈的爆炸声。 #俄罗斯是恐怖国家
Assim é a manhã de sábado na capital. Primeiro, o inimigo atacou Kyiv com drones e depois com mísseis. Os civis ouviram uma série de explosões poderosas. #russiaisaterroriststate
Así es una mañana de sábado en la capital. Primero, el enemigo atacó Kyiv con drones y luego con misiles. Los civiles escucharon una serie de explosiones poderosas. #RusiaEsUnEstadoTerrorista
Таково в столице субботнее утро. Сначала враг атаковал Киев дронами, а затем ракетами. Мирные жители услышали серию мощных взрывов. #russiaisaterroriststate
राजधानी में शनिवार की सुबह कुछ ऐसी ही दिखती है। पहले दुश्मन ने कीव पर ड्रोन से हमला किया और फिर मिसाइलों से। नागरिकों ने शक्तिशाली विस्फोटों की एक श्रृंखला सुनी। #रूसआतंकवादीराज्यहै
Voilà à quoi ressemble un samedi matin dans la capitale. L’ennemi a d’abord attaqué Kyiv avec des drones, puis avec des missiles. Les civils ont entendu une série de puissantes explosions. #larussieestunétatterroriste
هكذا يبدو صباح يوم السبت في العاصمة. أولاً، هاجم العدو كييف بالطائرات بدون طيار، ثم بالصواريخ. سمع مواطنون سلسلة من الانفجارات القوية. #روسيا دولة ارهابية
So sieht ein Samstagmorgen in der Hauptstadt aus. Zunächst griff der Feind Kiew mit Drohnen und dann mit Raketen an. Zivilisten hörten eine Reihe heftiger Explosionen. #russlandistterroristischerstaat
Ecco come si presenta un sabato mattina nella capitale. Prima il nemico ha attaccato Kiev con i droni, poi con i missili. I civili hanno udito una serie di potenti esplosioni. #larussiaèunostatoterrorista
首都の土曜日の朝はこんな感じです。 まず敵はドローンでキエフを攻撃し、次にミサイルで攻撃した。 民間人は一連の強力な爆発音を聞いた。 #ロシアはテロ国家
Zo ziet een zaterdagochtend in de hoofdstad eruit. Eerst viel de vijand Kiev aan met drones en daarna met raketten. Burgers hoorden een reeks krachtige explosies. #ruslandisterroristischestaat
Έτσι μοιάζει ένα πρωινό Σαββάτου στην πρωτεύουσα. Πρώτα, ο εχθρός επιτέθηκε στο Κίεβο με drones και στη συνέχεια με πυραύλους. Οι άμαχοι άκουσαν μια σειρά από ισχυρές εκρήξεις. #russiaisaterroriststate

1/4/2025, 8:18:58 AM
Repeated launches of guided aerial bombs by enemy tactical aircraft in Sumy region, - PS
1/4/2025, 8:25:06 AM
Despite the statements of the Prime Minister of Slovakia, the country will supply electricity to Ukraine, - iROZHLAS The Slovak state energy company SEPS has declared its readiness to supply electricity to Ukraine as part of emergency assistance, despite the threats of Robert Fico in response to the suspension of Russian gas transit through Ukraine. Thus, SEPS adheres to its obligations under the contract with Ukrenergo, which was extended for another 12 months in the spring of 2024. According to this contract, the company can supply up to 150 MW of electricity to Ukraine as part of emergency assistance.
1/4/2025, 9:11:21 AM
Russia considered using nuclear weapons, but China did not support it - Financial Times The risk of nuclear escalation was significant, and even a 5-15% probability is critical, US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken told the FT: "We have reason to believe that China contacted Russia and said: 'Don't do this'." Blinken added that such communication probably took place when the US told China that Putin was planning to launch nuclear weapons into space. According to him, the Russian dictator had suffered a strategic defeat, and NATO was more resourced than ever. He also denied that the Biden administration had been slow to provide the weapons, saying that it should have taken into account a number of factors, such as Ukraine's ability to operate and maintain the systems.
1/4/2025, 9:31:30 AM
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1/4/2025, 9:31:42 AM
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