🔴 Urgente | Gabinete de Netanyahu: "Israel" está comprometido em atingir todos os objetivos de guerra, principalmente devolver todos os sequestrados, vivos e mortos
🔴 Urgente | La oficina de Netanyahu: "Israel" está comprometido a lograr todos los objetivos de la guerra, en particular el regreso de todos los secuestrados, vivos y muertos
🔴 Срочно | Офис Нетаньяху: «Израиль» привержен достижению всех военных целей, прежде всего возвращению всех похищенных, живых и мертвых
🔴 तत्काल | नेतन्याहू का कार्यालय: "इज़राइल" सभी युद्ध लक्ष्यों को प्राप्त करने के लिए प्रतिबद्ध है, विशेष रूप से सभी अपहृत, जीवित और मृत लोगों को वापस लौटाना
🔴 Urgent | Le bureau de Netanyahu : « Israël » est déterminé à atteindre tous les objectifs de guerre, notamment le retour de tous les kidnappés, vivants et morts
🔴 عاجل | مكتب نتنياهو: “إسرائيل” ملتزمة بتحقيق جميع أهداف الحرب وعلى رأسها إعادة جميع المختطفين الأحياء والقتلى
🔴 Dringend | Netanyahus Büro: „Israel“ setzt sich dafür ein, alle Kriegsziele zu erreichen, vor allem die Rückkehr aller lebenden und toten Entführten
🔴Urgente | Ufficio di Netanyahu: “Israele” è impegnato a raggiungere tutti gli obiettivi della guerra, soprattutto il ritorno di tutti i rapiti vivi e morti
🔴 Dringend | Kantoor van Netanyahu: "Israël" is toegewijd aan het bereiken van alle oorlogsdoelen, met name de terugkeer van alle ontvoerde, levende en dode mensen
🔴 Επείγον | Γραφείο Νετανιάχου: Το "Ισραήλ" είναι αφοσιωμένο στην επίτευξη όλων των πολεμικών στόχων, κυρίως στην επιστροφή όλων των απαχθέντων, ζωντανών και νεκρών
12/20/2024, 7:31:23 AM
🔴 Urgent | Hebrew “Maariv”: Recent talks at the top of the army and the political level indicate that the person who may succeed Halevi in the position is Major General Eyal Zamir, Director General of the Ministry of Defense
12/20/2024, 8:00:56 AM
🔴 Urgent | Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades - Jenin: We confronted the occupation forces storming the town of Al-Silah Al-Harithiya at dawn today with machine guns and explosive devices
12/30/2024, 5:57:16 AM
🔴 Urgent | Director of the World Health Organization: Director of Kamal Adwan Hospital, Hussam Abu Safia, is in an unknown location and we demand his release
12/20/2024, 8:17:18 AM
🔴 Urgent | The Israeli occupation army carries out bombings in Naqoura, southern Lebanon
12/20/2024, 8:17:32 AM
🔴 Urgent | Hamas: On the International Day of Human Solidarity, we call for pressure on the occupation to stop its aggression, criminalize its terrorism against the Gaza Strip, and enhance solidarity with our people and enable them to obtain their legitimate rights.