🔴 (Updated) Safa correspondent: At least one martyr and wounded as a result of the occupation aircraft bombing a group of citizens near the Katib State Mosque in the Zeitoun neighborhood, southeast of Gaza City.
🔴 (محدث) مراسل صفا: شهيد على الأقل ومصابون جرّاء قصف طائرات الاحتلال مجموعة من المواطنين قرب مسجد كاتب ولاية في حي الزيتون جنوب شرقي مدينة غزة
🔴 (Atualizado) Correspondente da Safa: Pelo menos um mártir e um ferido foram mortos em consequência do bombardeio aéreo de um grupo de cidadãos perto da Mesquita Estadual de Katib, no bairro de Zeitoun, a sudeste da Cidade de Gaza.
🔴 (Actualizado) Corresponsal de Safa: Al menos un mártir y un herido como consecuencia del bombardeo de un avión de ocupación contra un grupo de ciudadanos cerca de la mezquita estatal de Katib, en el barrio de Zeitoun, al sureste de la ciudad de Gaza.
🔴 (Обновлено) Корреспондент Safa: По меньшей мере один человек погиб и получил ранения в результате бомбардировки оккупационной авиацией группы граждан возле государственной мечети Катиб в районе Зейтун к юго-востоку от города Газа.
🔴 (अपडेट) सफा संवाददाता: गाजा शहर के दक्षिण-पूर्व में ज़ीतून पड़ोस में कातिब स्टेट मस्जिद के पास नागरिकों के एक समूह पर कब्जे वाले विमान द्वारा बमबारी के परिणामस्वरूप कम से कम एक शहीद और घायल हो गया।
🔴 (Mis à jour) Correspondant de Safa : Au moins un martyr et des blessés suite au bombardement par l'avion d'occupation d'un groupe de citoyens près de la mosquée d'État Katib dans le quartier de Zeitoun, au sud-est de la ville de Gaza.
🔴 (محدث) مراسل صفا: شهيد على الأقل ومصابون جرّاء قصف طائرات الاحتلال مجموعة من المواطنين قرب مسجد كاتب ولاية في حي الزيتون جنوب شرقي مدينة غزة
🔴 (Aktualisiert) Safa-Korrespondent: Mindestens ein Märtyrer und ein Verletzter durch die Bombardierung einer Gruppe von Bürgern in der Nähe der Katib-Staatsmoschee im Viertel Zeitoun südöstlich von Gaza-Stadt durch Besatzungsflugzeuge.
🔴 (Aggiornato) Corrispondente di Safa: Almeno un martire e un ferito in seguito al bombardamento da parte degli aerei di occupazione di un gruppo di cittadini nei pressi della moschea di Stato di Katib, nel quartiere di Zeitoun, a sud-est di Gaza City.
🔴 (Bijgewerkt) Safa-correspondent: Minstens één martelaar en één gewonde als gevolg van het bombardement van een groep burgers door een bezettingsvliegtuig nabij de Katib-staatsmoskee in de wijk Zeitoun, ten zuidoosten van Gaza-stad.
🔴 (Ενημέρωση) Ανταποκριτής Safa: Τουλάχιστον ένας μάρτυρας και τραυματίας ως αποτέλεσμα του βομβαρδισμού του κατοχικού αεροσκάφους σε ομάδα πολιτών κοντά στο Κρατικό Τζαμί Katib στη συνοικία Zeitoun, νοτιοανατολικά της πόλης της Γάζας.
1/25/2025, 9:32:10 AM
📝 Safa follow-up | Al-Qassam hands over 4 Israeli female prisoners to the Red Cross in Gaza
1/25/2025, 9:46:02 AM
🔴 Safa follow-up | Press statement issued by the head of the government media office, Salama Maarouf:
▪️Tomorrow, Sunday, hundreds of thousands of citizens - who were forcibly displaced due to the aggression - will begin returning from the southern Gaza Strip to the Gaza and North Governorates, where government cadres worked in cooperation with various community components to make this day a day in which the meanings of national solidarity and societal cohesion are embodied, and to be truly a panic for the sons of the homeland and a practical confirmation from our people to eliminate the occupation's dreams of forced displacement.
▪️The government institution, in cooperation with community bodies, has prepared a plan to organize the process of citizens' transfer, starting with providing dozens of buses and free means of transportation on both sides, through the deployment of security personnel to clear the road of return and remove the remnants of the occupation and provide assistance to returning citizens, and establishing medical points on both sides of the road and providing ambulances to transport patients and the elderly, reaching the deployment of youth and community teams that will distribute water and light food to our returning people.
▪️The government shelter and relief committees have also worked since the first moment of announcing the agreement to prepare the sites of shelter centers and level the lands intended to establish camps to shelter citizens whose homes were destroyed, as they have prepared about 40 camps for this purpose, and are working hard around the clock to provide the logistical and living needs of these camps, most notably tents.
▪️We call on our people in the Gaza and North Governorates to embrace our returning citizens, especially the owners of destroyed homes, and host them as much as possible and consolidate the meanings of unity, solidarity and cooperation that have been clearly evident throughout the months of aggression. We also call on our returning citizens, if it is not possible to stay in their homes, to go to the nearest shelter center prepared to receive them. We also call on them to bring whatever they can of their personal belongings, especially tents, due to the delay in their arrival according to the numbers we need and which we have provided to the relevant authorities, as we urgently need 120,000 tents
1/25/2025, 10:51:07 AM
🔴 Safa follow-up | In violation of the ceasefire agreement.. Netanyahu's office announces that it will not allow the return of the displaced to northern Gaza "until the release of the prisoner Arbel Yehud is arranged"
1/25/2025, 9:47:14 AM
📝 Safa follow-up | Names of the second batch of prisoners scheduled to be released today
1/25/2025, 10:07:18 AM
🔵 Safa follow-up | Lebanese media: The occupation forces are carrying out bulldozing and sabotaging operations on the roads leading to the border towns in Wadi Al-Saluqi to prevent the entry of civilians one day before the sixty-day deadline