In the Russian war against Ukraine, 300 soldiers from the DPRK were killed, about 2,700 more were injured, - South Korean intelligence
In addition, the South Korean intelligence agency claims that due to the situation on the front, North Korea is using radical methods, forcing its soldiers to commit suicide in order to "not fall into Ukrainian captivity alive".
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У війні росії проти України загинули 300 військовослужбовців з КНДР, ще близько 2700 поранені, - розвідка Південної Кореї
Крім того, розвідувальне агентство Південної Кореї стверджує, що внаслідок ситуації на фронті Північна Корея застосовує радикальні методи, примушуючи своїх солдатів вчиняти самогубство, щоб «не потрапити в український полон живими».
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Na guerra da Rússia contra a Ucrânia, 300 militares da RPDC foram mortos e cerca de 2.700 ficaram feridos, - inteligência sul-coreana
Além disso, a agência de inteligência da Coreia do Sul afirma que devido à situação na frente, a Coreia do Norte está a utilizar métodos radicais, forçando os seus soldados a cometer suicídio para "não serem capturados vivos pela Ucrânia".
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300 soldados norcoreanos murieron en la guerra de Rusia contra Ucrania y unos 2.700 resultaron heridos, según la inteligencia surcoreana
Además, la agencia de inteligencia surcoreana afirma que, debido a la situación en el frente, Corea del Norte está utilizando métodos radicales, obligando a sus soldados a suicidarse para "no ser capturados vivos por los ucranianos".
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В войне России против Украины погибли 300 военнослужащих из КНДР, еще около 2700 ранены, - разведка Южной Кореи
Кроме того, разведывательное агентство Южной Кореи утверждает, что в результате ситуации на фронте Северная Корея применяет радикальные методы, заставляя своих солдат совершать самоубийство, чтобы «не попасть в украинский плен живыми».
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दक्षिण कोरियाई खुफिया एजेंसी का कहना है कि यूक्रेन के खिलाफ रूस के युद्ध में 300 उत्तर कोरियाई सैनिक मारे गए, लगभग 2,700 घायल हुए।
इसके अलावा, दक्षिण कोरियाई खुफिया एजेंसी का दावा है कि मोर्चे पर स्थिति के कारण, उत्तर कोरिया कट्टरपंथी तरीकों का उपयोग कर रहा है, अपने सैनिकों को आत्महत्या करने के लिए मजबूर कर रहा है ताकि "उन्हें यूक्रेनियन द्वारा जीवित नहीं पकड़ा जाए।"
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Dans la guerre de la Russie contre l'Ukraine, 300 militaires de la RPDC ont été tués et environ 2 700 autres ont été blessés, selon les renseignements sud-coréens.
En outre, les services de renseignement sud-coréens affirment qu'en raison de la situation au front, la Corée du Nord utilise des méthodes radicales, obligeant ses soldats à se suicider afin de « ne pas être capturés vivants par l'Ukraine ».
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مقتل 300 جندي كوري شمالي في حرب روسيا ضد أوكرانيا وإصابة نحو 2700 آخرين، بحسب الاستخبارات الكورية الجنوبية
وبالإضافة إلى ذلك، تزعم وكالة الاستخبارات الكورية الجنوبية أنه بسبب الوضع على الجبهة، تستخدم كوريا الشمالية أساليب متطرفة، مما يجبر جنودها على الانتحار حتى "لا يتم القبض عليهم أحياء من قبل الأوكرانيين".
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300 nordkoreanische Soldaten im Krieg Russlands gegen die Ukraine getötet, etwa 2.700 verletzt, so der südkoreanische Geheimdienst
Darüber hinaus behauptet der südkoreanische Geheimdienst, dass Nordkorea aufgrund der Lage an der Front zu radikalen Methoden greife und seine Soldaten in den Selbstmord zwinge, damit sie „nicht lebend von Ukrainern gefangen genommen werden“.
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300 soldati nordcoreani uccisi nella guerra della Russia contro l'Ucraina, circa 2.700 feriti, afferma l'intelligence sudcoreana
Inoltre, l'agenzia di intelligence sudcoreana sostiene che, a causa della situazione al fronte, la Corea del Nord sta utilizzando metodi radicali, costringendo i suoi soldati a suicidarsi per "non essere catturati vivi dagli ucraini".
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300 Noord-Koreaanse soldaten gedood in Russische oorlog tegen Oekraïne, ongeveer 2.700 gewond, zegt Zuid-Koreaanse inlichtingendienst
Bovendien beweert de Zuid-Koreaanse inlichtingendienst dat Noord-Korea vanwege de situatie aan het front radicale methoden gebruikt en zijn soldaten dwingt zelfmoord te plegen om 'niet levend gevangen te worden genomen door de Oekraïners'.
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Στον πόλεμο της Ρωσίας εναντίον της Ουκρανίας, 300 στρατιώτες από τη ΛΔΚ σκοτώθηκαν και περίπου 2.700 άλλοι τραυματίστηκαν, - νοτιοκορεατικές υπηρεσίες πληροφοριών
Επιπλέον, η υπηρεσία πληροφοριών της Νότιας Κορέας ισχυρίζεται ότι λόγω της κατάστασης στο μέτωπο, η Βόρεια Κορέα χρησιμοποιεί ριζοσπαστικές μεθόδους, αναγκάζοντας τους στρατιώτες της να αυτοκτονήσουν για «να μην συλληφθούν ζωντανοί από την Ουκρανία».
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12/21/2024, 6:57:41 AM
During the day, the defenders eliminated another 1,860 occupiers
Total enemy combat losses from 02/24/22 to 12/21/24:
▪️personnel - 772,280 (+1,860)
▪️tanks - 9,594 (+10)
▪️armored vehicles - 19,841 (+18)
▪️artillery systems - 21,252 (+32)
▪️MLRS - 1,256
▪️air defense systems - 1,027
▪️aircraft - 369
▪️helicopters - 329
▪️UAVs - 20,685 (+85)
▪️cruise missiles - 2,947 (+4)
▪️ships/boats - 28
▪️submarines - 1
▪️vehicles and tankers - 31,891 (+98)
▪️special equipment ‒ 3662
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12/21/2024, 9:06:30 AM
Calendar of events 20.12-26.12.2024
December 20
• Zhadan and the Dogs
19:00, Lviv, !FESTrepublic
December 21
• thekomakoma concert
19:00, ORIGIN STAGE Kyiv, st. Shota Rustaveli, 16A
• performance "Avalanche"
17:00 Sumy, Drama and Musical Comedy Theater
• performance "Italian Scam"
16:00 Dnipro, Drama and Comedy Theater
• Harry Potter Concert
16:30 Kharkiv, Golden Hall
December 21-22
• AdoptMe Days - Animal Adoption Festival
VDNG, Pavilion No. 4 13:00 - 19:00
December 23
• The Harry Potter symphony
17:00 Lviv, Lviv National Opera
December 24
• Free Relationships
18:00 Kyiv, Podol Theater
• Laud. Christmas Concert
19:00 Kyiv, Caribbean Club
December 26
• Dear Madmen
18:00 Kyiv, Theater on Podil
• Mamagihotala Show
18:00 Kyiv, Freedom Hall
12/21/2024, 9:31:41 AM
57 enemy UAVs were shot down over Ukraine at night, another 56 were lost in location
In total, the enemy attacked with 113 attack UAVs of the "Shahed" type and drones of other types.
Air defense operated in Poltava, Sumy, Kharkiv, Kyiv, Chernihiv, Cherkasy, Zhytomyr, Khmelnytskyi, Donetsk, Dnipropetrovsk and Zaporizhia regions.
In Zaporizhia and Kharkiv regions, the shot down attack UAVs damaged private and apartment buildings, property and cars of citizens.
12/21/2024, 9:34:09 AM
In Kharkiv region, Ukrainian military conducted a fully robotic operation against Russian military for the first time
Its goal is to create conditions for the advancement of brigade units on the battlefield, said Volodymyr Degtyarev, a representative of the Charter public relations service.
According to him, the task of the robotic complex is to reduce the risk to the lives of servicemen. This applies, for example, to logistics, remote demining or more accurate targeting.
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12/21/2024, 10:02:19 AM
Over the past 24 hours, 211 combat clashes took place on the front
▪️In the Kharkiv direction, 1 combat clash took place in the Vovchansk area.
▪️In the Kupyansk direction, the Defense Forces repelled 11 attacks by the occupiers in the areas of Kucherivka, Synkivka, Petropavlivka, Zagryzove and Lozova.
▪️In the Lymansk direction, our troops stopped 16 enemy attacks in the areas of Yampolivka, Terni, Novosergiyivka, Zeleny Gay, Ivanivka, Torske, Hryhorivka and Serebryansky forest.
▪️In the Kramatorsk direction, the Defense Forces repelled 6 enemy attempts to advance in the area of the settlement of Chasiv Yar.
▪️In the Toretsk direction, the enemy tried to penetrate our defenses 11 times in the areas of the settlements of Toretsk and Leonidivka.
▪️In the Pokrovsky direction, the enemy tried to advance 46 times near the settlements of Myrolyubivka, Promyn, Lysivka, Zelene, Novyi Trud, Dachenske, Vovkove, Pishchane, Novovasylivka, Novoelizavetivka, Novooleksiivka and Ukrainka.
▪️In the Kurakhiv direction, the occupiers tried to break through the Ukrainian lines 24 times in the settlements of Sontsivka, Stari Terny, Andriivka, Kurakhiv, Dachne, Dalnye, Kostiantynopolske and Kostiantynopol.
▪️In the Vremiv direction, the occupiers attacked 36 times in the areas of Uspenivka, Dalnye, Yantarnye, Rozlyv, Bohatyry, Velyka Novoselka, Makarivka, Novoselka, Novopol and Novodarivka in the Vremiv direction.
▪️In the Orikhiv direction, our defenders successfully repelled 1 enemy attempt to advance in the area of Malaya Tokmachka.
▪️In the Dnieper direction, our soldiers repelled 4 attacks by Russian invaders.
▪️Kursk direction: 50 combat engagements.