IDF Spokesperson:
Alerts were activated regarding the intrusion of hostile aircraft into the area surrounding Gaza, the details are being examined.
דובר צה״ל:
הופעלו התרעות על חדירת כלי טיס עוין במרחב עוטף עזה, הפרטים בבדיקה.
Porta-voz das IDF:
Alertas foram ativados sobre a intrusão de aeronaves hostis na área ao redor de Gaza; os detalhes estão sendo examinados.
Portavoz de las FDI:
Se activaron alertas sobre la infiltración de aviones hostiles en los alrededores de Gaza, los detalles están bajo investigación.
Представитель Армии обороны Израиля:
Были активированы оповещения о вторжении вражеских самолетов в район, прилегающий к Газе, подробности выясняются.
आईडीएफ प्रवक्ता:
गाजा के आसपास के क्षेत्र में शत्रु विमानों की घुसपैठ के बारे में अलर्ट सक्रिय कर दिया गया था, विवरण की जांच की जा रही है।
Porte-parole de Tsahal :
Des alertes ont été activées concernant l'intrusion d'avions hostiles dans la zone entourant Gaza, les détails sont en cours d'examen.
المتحدث باسم جيش الدفاع الإسرائيلي:
تم تفعيل الإنذارات بشأن تسلل طائرات معادية إلى محيط غزة، ويتم فحص التفاصيل.
Es wurden Warnungen über das Eindringen feindlicher Flugzeuge in die Umgebung des Gazastreifens aktiviert, die Einzelheiten werden derzeit untersucht.
Portavoce dell'IDF:
Sono stati attivati gli allarmi sull'infiltrazione di aerei ostili nell'area circostante Gaza, i dettagli sono oggetto di indagine.
Woordvoerder IDF:
Er zijn waarschuwingen afgegeven over de indringing van vijandelijke vliegtuigen in het gebied rond Gaza. De details hiervan worden onderzocht.
Εκπρόσωπος του IDF:
Ενεργοποιήθηκαν προειδοποιήσεις για εισβολή εχθρικών αεροσκαφών στην περιοχή γύρω από τη Γάζα, οι λεπτομέρειες εξετάζονται.
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IDF Spokesman:
90 wanted to be arrested and 14 weapons were confiscated: security forces activity in Judea and Samaria during the past week
During the week, security forces across Judea and Samaria opened terrorist counterterrorism, arrested 90 inherited, confiscated 14 weapons and hundreds of thousands of shekels of terrorist money.
At the same time, security forces continue to operate in a northern Samaria operation.
IDF forces, BC and MAGA operated in new spaces in Jenin where a number of terrorists had eliminated and arrested about 30 sought-after.
The forces destroyed three terrorist houses this week and many suspects have studied terrorist activity.