🔴 Urgent | Civil Defense in Gaza: 10% of Israeli bombing cases caused parts of martyrs' bodies to evaporate
🔴 عاجل | الدفاع المدني في غزة: 10% من حالات القصف الإسرائيلي تسببت بتبخر أجزاء من جثامين الشهداء
🔴 紧急 |加沙民防:以色列轰炸事件中 10% 导致烈士尸体部分蒸发
🔴 Urgente | Defesa Civil em Gaza: 10% dos bombardeios israelenses causaram a evaporação de partes dos corpos dos mártires
🔴 Urgente | Defensa Civil en Gaza: el 10% de los bombardeos israelíes provocaron la evaporación de partes de los cuerpos de los mártires
🔴 Срочно | Гражданская оборона в секторе Газа: в 10% случаев израильских бомбардировок части тел мучеников испарялись
🔴 तत्काल | गाजा में नागरिक सुरक्षा: इजरायली बमबारी के 10% मामलों में शहीदों के शरीर के अंग वाष्पित हो गए
🔴 Urgent | Défense civile à Gaza : 10% des bombardements israéliens ont provoqué l'évaporation de parties du corps des martyrs
🔴 عاجل | الدفاع المدني في غزة: 10% من حالات القصف الإسرائيلي تسببت بتبخر أجزاء من جثامين الشهداء
🔴 Dringend | Zivilschutz in Gaza: 10 % der israelischen Bombenangriffe führten dazu, dass Teile der Körper der Märtyrer verdampften
🔴 Urgente | Protezione civile a Gaza: il 10% dei bombardamenti israeliani ha causato l'evaporazione di parti dei corpi dei martiri
🔴 緊急 |ガザの民間防衛:イスラエルの爆撃事件の10%で殉教者の体の一部が蒸発
🔴 Dringend | Civiele bescherming in Gaza: 10% van de Israëlische bombardementen zorgde ervoor dat delen van de lichamen van martelaren verdampten
🔴 Επείγον | Πολιτική άμυνα στη Γάζα: Το 10% των περιπτώσεων ισραηλινών βομβαρδισμών προκάλεσε εξάτμιση τμημάτων πτωμάτων μαρτύρων
3/8/2025, 5:00:54 AM
Urgent Flags of the enemy: The sirens of warning are called in Karam Abu Salem, with the cover of Gaza
3/8/2025, 5:06:28 AM
The Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas:
🔹 The Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) valued the decision of the brothers in Ansar Allah, led by Mr. Abdul -Malik Badr al -Din al -Houthi, with the qualification of the Zionist enemy for four days before the resumption of maritime operations aimed at imposing a siege on the occupation ports in the event of his fascist government continues to prevent the entry of humanitarian aid and goods into the Gaza Strip
🔹 This courageous decision, which reflects the depth of the brothers ’association with Ansar Allah and the brotherly Yemeni people in Palestine and Jerusalem is an extension of the blessed support and support stances that they provided over the past fifteen of the annihilation war in the Gaza Strip.
🔹 We call on the international community and the United Nations to take urgent action to stop the crime of starvation practiced by the occupation government against innocent civilians in the Gaza Strip by closing the crossings and preventing the entry of relief and humanitarian aid.
🔹 We also call on our Arab and Islamic peoples to take effective steps to break the siege on their brothers in the Gaza Strip and work in all ways to thwart the fascist occupation plan to starve them and deprive them of their right to life
3/8/2025, 7:02:16 AM
Urgent Wall Street Journal on sources: Israel may invade Gaza with great force to control the land and occupy certain areas
3/8/2025, 7:02:25 AM
Urgent Wall Street Journal: Israel drew a path to increase pressure on Hamas to the extent of another invasion of the Gaza Strip
3/8/2025, 7:48:19 AM
Urgent The Hebrew of the Hebrew of an Israeli security source: A return to the war in the Gaza Strip is a threat to the lives of Israeli detainees