

Real time military news

Published date: 1/10/2025, 10:07:46 AM
1/10/2025, 10:07:46 AM
⭕️Urgent⭕️ Palestinian sources: 4 citizens were killed in Israeli raids east of Gaza City Almasirah.net.ye ⓣ.me/almasirah2
⭕️عاجل⭕️ مصادر فلسطينية: استشهاد 4 مواطنين بغارات للعدو الإسرائيلي شرق مدينة غزة Almasirah.net.ye ⓣ.me/almasirah2
⭕️紧急⭕️ 巴勒斯坦消息人士:以色列袭击加沙城东部造成 4 名平民死亡 阿拉玛西拉网 ⓣ.me/almasirah2
⭕️Urgente⭕️ Fontes palestinas: 4 cidadãos mortos em ataques israelenses a leste da Cidade de Gaza Almasirah.net.ye ⓣ.me/almasirah2
⭕️Urgente⭕️ Fuentes palestinas: 4 ciudadanos muertos en ataques israelíes al este de la ciudad de Gaza Almasirah.net.ye ⓣ.me/almasirah2
⭕️Срочно⭕️ Палестинские источники: 4 мирных жителя погибли в результате израильских рейдов к востоку от города Газа Almasirah.net.ye ⓣ.me/almasirah2
⭕️अत्यावश्यक⭕️ फिलिस्तीनी सूत्रों के अनुसार गाजा शहर के पूर्व में इजरायली हमलों में 4 नागरिक मारे गए। Almasirah.net.ye ⓣ.me/almasirah2
⭕️Urgent⭕️ Sources palestiniennes : 4 citoyens tués dans des raids israéliens à l'est de la ville de Gaza Almasirah.net.ye ⓣ.me/almasirah2
⭕️عاجل⭕️ مصادر فلسطينية: استشهاد 4 مواطنين بغارات للعدو الإسرائيلي شرق مدينة غزة Almasirah.net.ye ⓣ.me/almasirah2
⭕️Dringend⭕️ Palästinensische Quellen: 4 Bürger bei israelischen Angriffen östlich von Gaza-Stadt getötet Almasirah.net.ye ⓣ.me/almasirah2
⭕️Urgente⭕️ Fonti palestinesi: 4 cittadini sono stati martirizzati nei raid nemici israeliani a est di Gaza City Almasirah.net.ye ⓣ.me/almasirah2
⭕️緊急⭕️ パレスチナ筋:ガザ市東部でのイスラエル軍の襲撃で市民4人が死亡 アルマシラ ⓣ.me/almasirah2
⭕️Dringend⭕️ Palestijnse bronnen: 4 burgers werden gemarteld tijdens Israëlische vijandelijke aanvallen ten oosten van Gaza-stad Almasirah.net.ye ⓣ.me/almasirah2
⭕️Επείγοντα⭕️ Παλαιστινιακές πηγές: 4 πολίτες σκοτώθηκαν σε ισραηλινές επιδρομές ανατολικά της πόλης της Γάζας Almasirah.net.ye ⓣ.me/almasirah2

2/15/2025, 5:33:34 PM
⭕️ I am Lebanese sources: The Israeli enemy is targeting a car on the Jarjoua road in Al -Tafah region in southern Lebanon Almasirah.net.ye Ⓣ.ME/almasirah2
2/15/2025, 5:37:34 PM
Introduction to the eight and a half main bulletin for Saturday 17-08-1446 AH 15-02-2025 AD The roof of the valiant Palestinian resistance controls the course of the implementation of the agreement, and the sixth batch has not passed without the imprint of the battalions and the companies. He succeeded in Imposing defeat on the aggressive collective mind and the Israeli narrative, based on the war criminals in the temporary entity and in America to the degree of with it the screaming of the Zionists from the negative bounces of the tramatic policy and the risks of its course. The scenes intended to make, This mutual compassion withdraws on the Lebanese scene, the war against the resistance and its people continues with other tools as a result of the insufficiency of aggression from achieving what was hoped for by an American and Zionist, this camp is panting towards changing the course of conflict and producing equations that establish a new reality in Beirut and God's party was famous for this, a first paper, With a popular political content, it is expected that the enemies and opponents will pick it up in the Lebanese arena, and these may blind about it under the feeling of the euphoria of the imbalance of the regional moment, but that does not in any way affect what the Lebanese resists, even if it opens the door to the possibilities of upcoming stations that dispel the American delusions On the size of the active presence of the resistance and the strengths it possesses .. God is mostly over his matter ..
2/15/2025, 5:48:35 PM
⭕️ I am Lebanese sources: Martyrs and wounded in the bombing of the Zionist manager of a car on the Jarjoua road in Al -Tafah region in southern Lebanon Almasirah.net.ye Ⓣ.ME/almasirah2
2/15/2025, 6:10:46 PM
⭕️ I am Lebanese sources: 3 martyrs and a number of wounded as a result of the bombing of the Zionist manager of a car on the Jarjoua road in Al -Tafah region in southern Lebanon Almasirah.net.ye Ⓣ.ME/almasirah2
2/15/2025, 6:14:32 PM
⭕️ I am Lebanese sources: The enemy forces exploded more than 10 houses in the town of Kafrkla, in southern Lebanon Almasirah.net.ye Ⓣ.ME/almasirah2