🔴 Urgent | Occupied Palestine: New demolition operations of residential homes carried out by the occupation army in northern Gaza
🔴 عاجل | فلسطين المحتلة: عمليات نسف جديدة لمنازل سكنية ينفذها جيش الاحتلال شمال غزة
🔴 紧急 |被占领的巴勒斯坦:占领军在加沙北部开展新的居民住宅拆除行动
🔴 Urgente | Palestina ocupada: Novas operações de demolição de casas residenciais realizadas pelo exército de ocupação no norte de Gaza
🔴 Urgente | Palestina ocupada: Nuevos bombardeos contra viviendas residenciales llevados a cabo por el ejército de ocupación en el norte de Gaza
🔴 Срочно | Оккупированная Палестина: новые взрывы жилых домов, совершенные оккупационной армией на севере сектора Газа
🔴 तत्काल | कब्जे वाले फिलिस्तीन: उत्तरी गाजा में कब्जे वाली सेना द्वारा आवासीय घरों के नए ध्वस्तीकरण अभियान चलाए गए
🔴 Urgent | Palestine occupée : Nouvelles opérations de démolition de maisons d'habitation menées par l'armée d'occupation dans le nord de Gaza
🔴 عاجل | فلسطين المحتلة: عمليات نسف جديدة لمنازل سكنية ينفذها جيش الاحتلال شمال غزة
🔴 Dringend | Besetztes Palästina: Neue Abrissaktionen der Besatzungsarmee an Wohnhäusern im Norden des Gazastreifens
🔴 Urgente | Palestina occupata: nuove operazioni di demolizione di abitazioni residenziali da parte dell'esercito di occupazione nel nord di Gaza
🔴 緊急 |占領下のパレスチナ:占領軍がガザ北部で新たな住宅破壊作戦を実施
🔴 Dringend | Bezet Palestina: Nieuwe sloopoperaties van woonhuizen uitgevoerd door het bezettingsleger in Noord-Gaza
🔴 Επείγον | Κατεχόμενη Παλαιστίνη: Νέες επιχειρήσεις κατεδάφισης κατοικιών πραγματοποιούνται από τον στρατό κατοχής στη βόρεια Γάζα
3/9/2025, 6:30:19 AM
Urgent The head of the Iranian Shura Council, Muhammad Baqir Qalibaf: We will not wait for any message from America and we will thwart the sanctions with our internal capabilities and our international relations
3/9/2025, 7:15:15 AM
Urgent The occupation forces arrest a number of young men from the town of Deir Quds, west of Ramallah, at dawn today
3/9/2025, 7:44:34 AM
Urgent Palestinian sources: a martyr and wounded by the enemy forces in the Al -Shujaiya neighborhood, east of Gaza
3/9/2025, 8:04:20 AM
Urgent Palestinian sources: two martyrs and three injuries in the shelling of the occupation artillery. A number of Palestinians in the Shujaiya neighborhood, east of Gaza City